I am a general and upper gastrointestinal (UGI) surgeon currently working in the Glasgow Royal Infirmary regional UGI cancer resection unit. I have been trained in the West of Scotland and have completed a fellowship in laparoscopic upper gastrointestinal surgery and advanced endoscopy in the Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong. My current practice includes UGI resection surgery, laparoscopic bariatric surgery, emergency biliary surgery including laparoscopic bile duct exploration and benign UGI surgery such as laparoscopic anti-reflux surgery. I regularly perform colonoscopy, gastroscopy, ERCP and therapeutic endoscopy (including endoscopic laser therapy and stenting for UGI cancer palliation). During my fellowship, I have also learned advanced endoscopic techniques including endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) and peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM). I have visited Zhong Shan Hospital, Shanghai, one of the largest centres in the world performing ESD and POEM, to further my knowledge and exposure to these advanced endoscopic techniques.Throughout my training, I have regularly participated in research. I have published in various peer reviewed journals and presented in international conferences. During my PhD, I have developed a special interest in flexible robotic surgery and have developed a prototype of my own robotic endoscopic platform. I am an editorial board member of the Journal of Robotic Surgery. I am also a reviewer for other medical and engineering journals and a grant reviewer for the Central Commissioning Facility, National Institute of Health Research. My fellowship at the Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong, has also helped me appreciate the application of robotics in general surgery. As my career develops, I hope to take advantage of the engineering knowledge I have gained during my PhD to develop innovative surgical and medical technologies. I enjoy teaching medical students and help train junior medical staff
Resection surgery, Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery, Emergency Biliary Surgery, Laparoscopic bile duct exploration and benign UGI surgery such as laparoscopic anti-reflux surgery, Colonoscopy, Gastroscopy, ERCP and Therapeutic Endoscopy (including Endoscopic laser Therapy and Stenting for UGI cancer palliation).
1) Yeung BPM, Chiu PWY, Wong SKH, Yung MY, Ng EKW. A Novel Simplified Non CRP based Nutritional Inflammatory Score for Gastric Cancer Prognostication. Submitted to Annals of Surgical Oncology.
2) Yeung BPM, Chan S, Chiu PWY. Subacute food bolus obstruction secondary to a migrated Overstitch suture from previous oesophageal perforation repair. Endoscopy. 48(S 01):E177-E178.
3) Yeung BPM, Teoh AYB. Endoscopic management of gallbladder gallstones: can we eliminate cholecystectomy. Current Gastrointest Rep. 2016; 18(8): 42
4) Yeung BPM, Chiu PWY, Teoh AYB, Zheng LF, Chan S, Lam K, Tang R, Ng E. An innovative ex-vivo porcine upper gastrointestinal model for per oral endoscopic tumor resection (POET). Endoscopy International Open; in press.
5) Yeung BPM, Chiu PWY. Application of robotics in gastrointestinal endoscopy: a Review. World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2016; 22(5): 1811-1825.
6) Short life working group on robotic surgery. Current status of robotic surgery in the United Kingdom. RCSEd position statement 2013.
7) Yeung B, Gourlay T. A technical review of endoscopic multitasking platform. Int J Surg. 2012;10(7):345-54.
8) Yeung B, Broadis E, Maguire K, Bradnock TJ, Munro FD, Driver CP, Haddock G. Choledochal malformations: the Scottish experience. Eur J Pediatric Surg. 2012 Jun; 22(3):213-6.
9) Yeung B, Mcleod K. The use of implantable loop recorders in children. Heart 2008. 94: 888-891.
10) Yeung B, MacTier R, Orr D, Teenan P, Leiberman P, Gilmour D. Age and history of cardiovascular disease or diabetes are not contra-indications to arteriovenous fistula creation. British Journal of Renal Medicine. Volume 12 Number 4 2007.
11) Yeung B, Wong SK. Communicating with Colleagues. Student BMJ 2007 15:337-382.
12) Ng, JWT, Yeung B. An optimal instrument-tied extracorporeal slip knot: a further note of caution. Australia and New Zealand Journal of Surgery. Volume 75(10):922-3, 2005
13) Ng, JWT, Yeung B. Simple, instrument-assisted technique for tying a slip knot: a note of caution. Australia and New Zealand Journal of Surgery. Volume 74 (4):270-1, 2004.
Work Acknowledgements
1) Ng Jacob WT. Optimization of cosmesis in parathyroidectomy. Surgical Endoscopy. 16(9):1374-5, September 2002.
2) Ng, Jacob W.T. Mini-thyroidectomy: a critical appraisal. Journal of American College of Surgeons. Volume 194(1):99-100, January 2002