Dr. Weifeng Zhao born in 1987 in China, he received his Bachelor Degree in Polymeric Materials & Engineering in Sichuan University (2005-2009), and then continued his Doctoral study in Biomedical Engineering in the same university (2009-2014). During the doctoral study, he was financially supported by Chinese Schlorship Council (CSC) for study in Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden. After completing three years studies in KTH, he got his another doctoral degree in Polymer Technology. He has more than 40 journal publications in the famous journals in both Polymer Science and Materials Engineering fields. Now he is anounced by Sichuan University as an Associate Professor.
1) Snythesis of biopolymers and hydrogels
2) Tissue Engineering
3) Stimuli-responsive materials
4) Drug controlled release
1- Zhao, W.; Nugroho, R.W.N.; Odelius, K.; Edlund, U.; Albertsson, A.-C., In Situ Cross-Linking of Stimuli-Responsive Hemicellulose Microgels during Spray Drying. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7(7), 4202-4215.
2- Zhao, W.; Odelius, K.; Edlund, U.; Zhao, C.S.; Albertsson, A.-C., In Situ Synthesis of Magnetic Field-Responsive Hemicellulose Hydrogels for Drug Delivery. Biomacromolecules 2015, 16, 2522-2528.
3- Zhao, W.; Glavas, L.; Odelius, K.; Edlund, U.; Albertsson, A.-C., Facile and Green Approach towards Electrically Conductive Hemicellulose Hydrogels with Tunable Conductivity and Swelling Behavior. Chemistry of Materials 2014, 26 (14), 4265-4273.
4- Zhao, W.; Glavas, L.; Odelius, K.; Edlund, U.; Albertsson, A.-C., A robust pathway to electrically conductive hemicellulose hydrogels with high and controllable swelling behavior. Polymer 2014, 55 (13), 2967-2976.
5- Zhao, W.; Mou, Q.; Zhang, X.; Shi, J.; Sun, S.; Zhao, C., Preparation and characterization of sulfonated polyethersulfone membranes by a facile approach. European Polymer Journal 2013, 49 (3), 738-751.
6- Zhao, W.; Huang, J.; Fang, B.; Nie, S.; Yi, N.; Su, B.; Li, H.; Zhao, C., Modification of polyethersulfone membrane by blending semi-interpenetrating network polymeric nanoparticles. Journal of Membrane Science 2011, 369 (1-2), 258-266.
7- Zhao, W.; He, C.; Wang, H.; Su, B.; Sun, S.; Zhao, C., Improved Antifouling Property of Polyethersulfone Hollow Fiber Membranes Using Additive of Poly(ethylene glycol) Methyl Ether-b-Poly(styrene) Copolymers. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2011, 50 (6), 3295-3303.
8- Zhao, W.; Fang, B. H.; Li, N.; Nie, S. Q.; Wei, Q.; Zhao, C. S., Fabrication of pH-Responsive Molecularly Imprinted Polyethersulfone Particles for Bisphenol-A Uptake. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2009, 113 (2), 916-921.
9- Shi, W.; Zhang, L.; Deng, J.; Wang, D.; Sun, S.; Zhao, W. (Corresponding Author); Zhao, C.; Redox-responsive polymeric membranes via supermolecular host-guest interactions. Journal of Membrane Science 2015, Accepted.
10- Xiang, T.; Wang, R.; Zhao, W.; Sun, S.-D.; Zhao, C.-S., Covalent Deposition of Zwitterionic Polymer and Citric Acid by Click Chemistry-Enabled Layer-by-Layer Assembly for Improving the Blood Compatibility of Polysulfone Membrane. Langmuir 2014, 30 (18), 5115-5125.
11- Nie, S.; Qin, H.; Cheng, C.; Zhao, W.; Sun, S.; Su, B.; Zhao, C.; Gu, Z., Blood activation and compatibility on single-molecular-layer biointerfaces. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2014, 2 (30), 4911-4921.
12- He, C.; Zhao, W.; Liu, Y.; Sun, S.; Zhao, C., Molecularly imprinted polyethersulfone membranes for the sieving, binding and recognition of bisphenol A. Desalination and Water Treatment 2014, 52 (31-33), 5781-5789.
13- Zhu, C.; Zhao, W.; He, C.; Ma, L.; Zhao, C., Molecular Imprinted Polysulfone Membranes for the Sieving, Binding, and Recognition of Bisphenol A. International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials 2013, 62 (1), 17-22.
14- Yue, W.-W.; Xiang, T.; Zhao, W.; Sun, S.-D.; Zhao, C.-S., Preparation and Characterization of pH-Sensitive Polyethersulfone Membranes Blended with Poly(methyl methacrylate-co-maleic anhydride) Copolymer. Separation Science and Technology 2013, 48 (13), 1941-1953.
15- Xue, J.; Zhao, W.; Nie, S.; Sun, S.; Zhao, C., Blood compatibility of polyethersulfone membrane by blending a sulfated derivative of chitosan. Carbohydrate Polymers 2013, 95 (1), 64-71.
16- Wang, D.; Li, B.; Zhao, W.; Lu, Y.; Sun, S.; Zhao, C., Protein-grafted carboxylic poly(ether sulfone) membranes: Preparation and characterization. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2012, 126 (4), 1277-1290.
17- Li, L.; Cheng, C.; Xiang, T.; Tang, M.; Zhao, W.; Sun, S.; Zhao, C., Modification of polyethersulfone hemodialysis membrane by blending citric acid grafted polyurethane and its anticoagulant activity. Journal of Membrane Science 2012, 405, 261-274.
18- Cheng, C.; Li, S.; Zhao, W.; Wei, Q.; Nie, S.; Sun, S.; Zhao, C., The hydrodynamic permeability and surface property of polyethersulfone ultrafiltration membranes with mussel-inspired polydopamine coatings. Journal of Membrane Science 2012, 417, 228-236.
19- Ren, J.; Zhao, W.; Cheng, C.; Zhou, M.; Zhao, C., Comparison of pH-sensitivity between two copolymer modified polyethersulfone hollow fiber membranes. Desalination 2011, 280 (1-3), 152-159.
20- Ran, F.; Nie, S.; Zhao, W.; Li, J.; Su, B.; Sun, S.; Zhao, C., Biocompatibility of modified polyethersulfone membranes by blending an amphiphilic triblock co-polymer of poly(vinyl pyrrolidone)-b-poly(methyl methacrylate)-b-poly(vinyl pyrrolidone). Acta Biomaterialia 2011, 7 (9), 3370-3381.
21- Cheng, C.; Ma, L.; Wu, D.; Ren, J.; Zhao, W.; Xue, J.; Sun, S.; Zhao, C., Remarkable pH-sensitivity and anti-fouling property of terpolymer blended polyethersulfone hollow fiber membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2011, 378 (1-2), 369-381.