Dr. S. S. Ahmed did BDS in 1983 and MDS ( Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery) in 1986 from King Georges Medical College, Faculty of Dental Sciences, Lucknow, India. After doing MDS he joined U.P Provincial Medical Services and worked as Dental Surgeon till April 1997. Later, in the same year he joined as lecturer in Dental College, Aligarh Muslim University,r and at present he is working as Professor Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery since 2009. He is recipient of various prestigious international Scholarships and Fellowship. In 2004-2005 he was awarded TC White Visiting Scholarship of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, UK. During this period he got clinical attachment at Southern General Hospital, Glasgow. In 2007 he was awarded Commonwealth Fellowship by Association of Commonwealth Universities, United Kingdom. During this visited many prestgious institutes of UK and noteworthy of them are Guys Hospital, London, Morristan Hospital, Swansea, Wales, UK, Poole Hospital, Dorset, England. In 2008 and felicitated by the Vice Chancellor for bringing laurels to Aligarh Muslim University. In the year 2013 he was nominated by Aligarh Muslim University to Visit Sammelweis University, Budapest, Hungary under Indo-Hungarian Educational Exchange programme where he actively participated in various academic activities. He visited Department of Oral and Maxillofacial and Reconstructive Surgery,Aachen University Hospital,RWTH, Aachen, Germany and interacted with surgeons on skills practiced in India and Germnay and participated in critical operations of maxillofacial reconstruction.
His main areas of research are Maxillofacial trauma, Neurological diseases of maxillofacial region and Microbiology of odontogenic infections and areas of interest are Orthognathic surgery,TMJ Surgery, Pre-malignant lesions, jaw tumours and dentoalveolar surgery, Bone tissue regeneration congenital facial anomalies and diseases of TMJ. He has published 45 research papers in various national and international journal.
1. Â\"Withania sominifera and Asparagus racemosus as bone fracture healer in man\".: In the proceeding of the International Seminar on Clinical pharmacology in Developing Countries, Lucknow (India) Jan, 1986 Vol. II, published by clinical Pharmacology. Deptt. of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, King GeorgeÂes Medical College, Lucknow.
2. S. S. Ahmed and S. H. Hashmi. Â\"Hypertension and oral surgery: General aspectsÂ\", U.P. State Dental Journal Vol. 17 No. 2, 1999.
3. S. S. Ahmed. Stomatopyrosis (oral burning): Diagnosis and Treatment objectives.: U.P. State Dental Journal, Vol.17, No. 3, 1999.
4. S. S. Ahmed, Afshan Bey and S. E. Hussain. Â\"Early detection and chemoprevention of oral malignancies\".U.P. State Dental Journal Vol. 18, No. 2, 2000.
5. S. S. Ahmed, Afshan Bey and S. H. Hashmi.\"Facial pain: Causes, diagnosis and management\". U.P. State Dental Journal 2001:19(4): 101-113
6. S. H. Hashmi, S. S. Ahmed and Afshan Bey.Â\\Osteopetrosis- a case report.. UP State Dental Journal 2002:20 (4):105-110.
7. S. H. Hashmi and P. N. Tandan . Â\\Facial Fractures-An analysis of 750 cases.. S.S. Ahmed, Journal of Indian Dental Association Vol.74 No. 1, Jan 2003.
8. S. H. Hashmi, S. S. Ahmed, Afshan Bey, G. S. Hashmi . Â\\Osteopetrosis complicated by Osteomyelitis . A case report.. Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery vol.2 no.4.2003.
9. G. S Hashmi, S. H. Hashmi, S. S. Ahmed Â\\New Treatment Approach in Neuralgia U.P. State Journal of 2004: 22(3): 51 . 55.
10. G. S. Hashmi, S. H. Hashmi, S. S. Ahmed Â\\Autogenous Calvarial Bone granted A Daunting change.. The Cusp 2004: 1(1):19-20.
11. S. S. Ahmed, S. H. Hashmi. Â\\Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy.. Coastal Andhra Dental Journal 2004:3 (8) 38-41.
12. S. S. Ahmed, Afshan Bey, S. H. Hashmi, G. S. Hashmi . Â\\Fatal Gingival bleeding.. Paper published in The Cusp 2004;1:1;7-9.
13. G. S. Hashmi, S. H. Hashmi, S. S. Ahmad. \"Sicca Complex-An unusual Presentation \". Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery Vol.4, No.1, 2005.
14. G. S. Hashmi, S.H.Hashmi, S.S.Ahmed Â\\ Oral Histoplasmosis . A clinical Variable. U.P. State Journal of I.D.A 2005 Vol. 23 : No.4 PP 70-73.
15. S. S. Ahmed, Afshan Bey, S.H.Hashmi, G.S.Hashmi Â\\Progeria- a case report of rare syndrome.. The Cusp 2005; Vol.2, No. 1.
16. G. S. Hashmi, S. H. Hashmi, S. S. Ahmad, Â\\Oral Histoplasmosis . A Clinical variable. U.P. State Journal of I.D.A. 2005; Vol. 23: No. 4, pp. 70-73.
17. S. S. Ahmed, N Afroz. \"Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour (Pindborg Tumour)-A report of two cases. Indian Medical Gazette, Vol. C XXXIX, No. 3, 2005.
18. G. S. Hashmi, S. H. Hashmi, S. S. Ahmad Â\\Primary Sjogren Syndrome . A Case Report. U.P. State Journal of I.D.A. 2005; Vol. 25: No. 2, pp. 62-64.
19. S. S. Ahmed, Afshan Bey, S. H. Hashmi Â\\Actinic Cheilitis- a case report.. Paper published in The Cusp 2005, Vol 2, No.3,
20. G S Hashmi, S Mohammad, S. S. Ahmad, Â\\Calvarial bone grafts and iliac crest in craniomaxillofacial region.. Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery vol.5 no.2.2006.
21. Â\\Adenomatoid odontogenic tumour- a case report.. Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery vol.5no.2.2006.
22. Afshan Bey, SS Ahmed and A. Abrari.Â\\Peripheral Ameloblastoma . A case report Â\\. The Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology 2005; 9 (3) : 165-167.
23. G S Hashmi, S S Ahmad, Shahla Khan, Â\\Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor . A Case Report. Journal of I.D.A. Aligarh Branch 2006; Vol.3, No.1, pp.25-27.
24. S S Ahmed, S H Hashmi, Afhsan Bey and GS Hashmi. Â\\Complex odontogenic infections.. The Cusp 2006;Vol. 3, No. 1.
25. Adil NF, S S Ahmed , MK Jindal and SH Arshad. Â\\Delayed replantation of avulsed teeth.. Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive dentistry. Suppl. issue 2007.