Hanson NA, Lee PH, Yuan SC, Choi DS, Allen CJ, Auyong DB. Continuous ambulatory adductor canal catheters for patients undergoing knee arthroplasty surgery. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia. Volume 35, December 2016, Pages 190–194.
LaFaro RJ, Pothula S, Kubal KP, Inchiosa ME, Pothula VM, Yuan SC, Maerz DA, Montes L, Oleszkiewicz SM, Yusupov A, Perline R, Inchiosa MA Jr3. Neural Network Prediction of ICU Length of Stay Following Cardiac Surgery Based on Pre-Incision Variables. PLoS One. 2015 Dec 28;10(12):e0145395.
Auyong DB, Yuan SC. Virtual Cadaver Laboratory-Anatomy Pearls in Regional Anesthesia to Improve Clinical Success, ASA Refresher Courses in Anesthesiology. Issue 2015, Volume 43(1), p27-33.
Auyong DB, Yuan SC, Rymer AN, Green CL, Hanson NA. A Randomized Crossover Study Comparing a Novel Needle Guidance Technology for Simulated Internal Jugular Vein Cannulation. Anesthesiology. 2015 Sep;123(3):535-41.
Yuan SC, Hanson NA, Auyong DB, Choi DS, Coy D, Strodtbeck WM. Fluoroscopic evaluation of contrast distribution within the adductor canal. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2015 Mar-Apr;40(2):154-7.
Yuan S, Bairamian M: Survey of Anesthesiology 56(5): 244-245, 2012. (Commentary on Januel JM, Chen G, Ruffieus C, et al. Symptomatic in-hospital deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism following hip and knee arthroplasty among patients receiving recommended prophylaxis: a systematic review. JAMA, 307:294-303, 2012).
Yuan S, Bairamian M: Survey of Anesthesiology 56(3): 107-108, 2012. (Commentary on Vaughn SB, Lemaire SA, Collard CD. Case scenario: anesthetic considerations for thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Anesthesiology, 115:1093-1102, 2011).
Yuan S, Bairamian M: Survey of Anesthesiology 56(3): 152-153, 2012. (Commentary on Karvellas CJ, Mcphail M, Pink F, et al. Bloodstream infection after elective liver transplantation is associated with increased mortality in patients with cirrhosis. J of Crit Care, 26:468-474, 2011).
Yuan S, Bairamian M: Survey of Anesthesiology 56(1): 43, 2012. (Commentary on Juang SE, Chen CL, Liao WT, et al. Two cases of massive plural effusion noted only after induction of anesthesia in living donor liver transplantation. J Anesth, 25:418-421, 2011).
Yuan S, Bairamian M: Survey of Anesthesiology 55(6): 308-309, 2011. (Commentary on Gottschalk A, Durieux ME, Nemergut EC. Intraoperative methadone improves postoperative pain control in patients undergoing complex spine surgery. Anesth Analg, 112:2018-223, 2011).
BOOK CHAPTERS Yuan S, Cooley J. Pheochromocytoma. In: Rapid Review Anesthesiology Oral Boards, 1st ed. Gupta R and Tran M. Cambridge University Press, 2013: 45-50.
Yuan S, Marino J. Mediastinal Mass. In: Rapid Review Anesthesiology Oral Boards, 1st ed. Gupta R and Tran M. Cambridge University Press, 2013: 143-148.
Yuan S, Rymer A, Hanson NA, Auyong DB. “A Randomized Study Comparing a Novel Needle Guidance Technology for Cannulation of a Simulated Internal Jugular Vein”, Poster Discussion. American Society of Anesthesiologists, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 2014.
Yuan S, Auyong D, Hanson N: Poster Presentation: “Fluoroscopic observation of contrast distribution with the adductor Canal: Another case of weakness”. 39th American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, Chicago, Illinois, April 2014.
Lee P, Auyong D, Hanson N, Choi D, Yuan S: Poster Presentation: “Accelerated Discharge of Knee Arthroplasty Patients using Ambulatory Adductor Canal Catheters”. 39th American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, Chicago, Illinois, April 2014.
LaFaro RJ, Pothula S, Yuan S, Pothula VM, Bazaz E, Perline R, Inchiosa MA. Predictive analytics in the estimation of ICU length of stay after cardiac surgery. Anesth Analg 2013; 116, S-76.
Furer J, Yuan S, Koike H: Poster Presentation: “A new device and method for endotracheal intubation: A simple attachment on fiber-optic bronchoscope”. 66th Annual Post Graduate Assembly of the New York State Society of Anesthesiologists, New York, New York, December 2012.