Ichan School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York USA
Ichan School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York USA
1. Ursell PC, Chevinsky AH, Weiss MB, Fenoglio JJ. Endomyocardial Biopsy Experience in 150 Patients. Progress in Surgical Pathology; Volume 5, Masson, New York, 1983.
2. Chevinsky AH, Berlowitz M, Hoover HH. Adenosquamous carcinoma of the colon presenting with hypercalcemia. Cancer 1987; 60:1111-1116.
3. Chevinsky AH, Minton JP. Present Status of Serum Markers. Seminars in Surgical Oncology 1990;5:426-35.
4. Minton JP, Chevinsky AH. Follow-up of patients with carcinomas of the colon and rectum. Revisions en Cancer (Madrid). 1989;3:248-252.
5. Minton JP, Chevinsky A. CEA directed second-look surgery for colon and rectal cancer. Annales Chirurgiae ET Gynaecologiae 1989;78:32-37.
6. Chevinsky AH, Minton JP. Ablation of recurrent and metastatic intraabdominal tumor with the C02 laser. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. 1990;10:5-11.
7. Chevinsky AH, Minton JP, Falko JM. Metastatic Pheochromocytoma Associated With Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (MEN) Type II. Archives of Surgery. 1990;125:935-938.
8. Minton JP, Chevinsky AH. Present Status of Serum Markers for the Detection and Monitoring Of Cancer. Resident and Staff Physician. 1990;36:53-59.
9. Chevinsky AH, Ferrara J, James AJ, Minton JP, Farrar WB. Clinical and pathological axillary involvement with carcinoma of the breast. Surgery, 1990;108:612-618.
10. Minton, J P, Chevinsky, AH, Hamilton, W B, Young, D C. Nonendocrine theories of the etiology of benign breast disease. Ohio-Med. 1990 Mar; 86(3): 192
11. Chevinsky AH, Kelly W, James AG, Minton JP, Martin EW Jr., Olsen J, Farrar WB. Effect of mammographic localization of nonpalpable lesions on the diagnosis of breast cancer surgery 1991
12. Chevinsky AH. Carcinoembryonic antigen in tumors other than of colorectal origin. Seminars in Surgical Oncology. 1991;7:162-167
13. Lavalle G, Chevinsky AH, Martin EW Jr. Radioimmunoguided surgery for recurrent colon and rectal cancer. Seminars in surgical oncology.1991;7;167-170.
14. Lidagoster MI, Widmann WD, Chevinsky AH. Superior Vena Cava Occlusion after Filter Insertion. J Vasc Surg;20:158-59
15. Willekes CL, Edoga JK, Castronuovo JJ, Widmann WD, McLean ER, Chevinsky, AH. Technical Elements of Successful Laparoscopic Cholangiography as Defined by Radiologic Criteria. Arch Surgery, 1995;130:398-400
16. Chevinsky, AH, Radio-Immunoguided Surgery for Colon and Rectal Oncology; 1996: 4(5) 94-95
17. Jacobs I.A, Kelly K, Valenziano C, Chevinsky AH, Pawar J, Jones C. Cost Savings Associated With Changes in Routine Laboratory Tests Ordered for Victims of Trauma. Am Surg, 2000; 66:580-584.
18. Jacobs I, Chevinsky A, Angiomatoid Fibroid Histiocytoma: Case Presentation and Literature Review. Dematol Surg. 2000; 26:491-2
19. Jacobs I, Chevinsky A. Non-invasive management of common liver injuries, case presentation and literature review, (J Trauma 2001)
20. Chevinsky A, Jacobs I, Smith T. Advanced Breast Biopsy Instrumentation(ABBI) and Management of Nonpalpable Breast Abnormalities: A Community Hospital Experience--The Breast Journal, 2001; 10:421-426.
21. Jacobs I, Chevinsky AH, Swayne LC, Magidson JG, Smith TJ. Gamma Probe-Directed Lymphatic Mapping and Sentinel Lymphadenectomy in Primary Melanoma: Reliability of the Procedure and Analysis of Failures after Long-term Follow-up. J Surgical Oncology, 2001; 77:1-8.
22. Jacobs I, Chevinsky AH. Carcinoma Arising in a Pilonidal Sinus. Surgical Rounds, 2001; 24:412-13
23. Kuxhaus L. Swayne LC. Chevinsky A. Samli B. Adult metastatic pancreaticoblastoma detected with Tc-99m MDP bone scan. Clinical Nuclear Medicine. 30(8):577-8, 2005 Aug.
24. Jarrahnejad, P, Miller, WJ, Chevinsky, AH. Laparoscopic Liver Resection for Focal Nodular Hyperplasia. J Soc Laparoendoscopic Surg – Accepted for Publication
25. Zurkovsky, E, Jarrahnejad, P, Ugras, S, and Chevinsky, AH. Polycystic Liver Disease Causing Gastric Outlet Obstruction: Case Report and Review of the Literature. Curr Surg Submitted