Dr. Qing-Shan Xue received his Ph. D. in Histology and Embryology from West China University of Medical Sciences in Chengdu, China in 1993. After postdoctoral training in Sun Yat-Sen University of Medical Sciences in Guangzhou, China, he was promoted to Associate Professor in Histology and Embryology in 1995. He had been Postdoctoral Associateat the Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology in the University of Tennessee (2000-2002) and Department of Pediatrics/Neurology (2002-2006) and the Department of Neuroscience (2006-2011), University of Florida. He holds an Assistant Scientist position at the Department of Neuroscience, University of Florida since 2011.
Dr. Xue’s research interests are in the areas of neural development and nerve regeneration, especially focusing on the biology of Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) and other Extracellular Matrix and Cell Adhesion Molecules in axonal growth and regeneration, and on the roles of microglial cells in the normal brain and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease, Down syndrome, and Dementia with Lewy bodies. His expertise is Histology and Pathology.
1. Wang X, Liu Z, Xue QS, et al. 1990. Studies on the morphology in Chinese foetus. Part II. Interlobar fissures and lobulation of the fetal lungs. J Lanzhou Med College, 16(1): 8-9 (In Chinese)
2. Wang X, Cui Y, Kang X, Chang Y, Xue QS, Mao S, Yang S, Hao I, Yang S. 1991. The measurement and mathematical model of the growth of fetal brain weight. Journal of Beijing Teachers College (Natural Sciences Edition), 12(2): 45-48 (In Chinese)
3. Xue QS, Hou J. 1992. Changes in nuclear volume and neuron numbers of the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nuclei of rats with ageing. J Lanzhou Medical College, 18 (1): 6-9 (In Chinese)
4. Xue QS, Hou J. 1992. Age-related change of synaptic number in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of rat hypothalamus. J West China University of Medical Sciences, 23 (2): 160-163 (In Chinese)
5. Xue QS, Hou J, Li Y. 1992. Age-related morphological changes in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the rat hypothalamus. J West China University of Medical Sciences, 23 (3): 314-317 (In Chinese)
6. Wang X, Sun H, Xue QS, Liu Z. 1992. The anatomy position and the morphology of fetal sigmoid colon. Chinese J Anat, 15 (1): 59-61 (In Chinese)
7. Wang X, Cui Y, Xue QS, Liu Z. 1992. Measurement of foetal visceral weight. Chinese J Anat, 15(2): 135-137 (In Chinese)
8. Xue QS, Wu L, Bao T. 1993. The neurite-outgrowth promoting effect of tissue extract from Clarke\'s nucleus of cat spinal cord with spared dorsal root preparation on cultured dorsal root ganglion of chicken embryo. Chinese J Neuroanat, 9 (2): 193-198 (In Chinese)
9. Xue QS, Wu L, Bao T, et al. 1993. Modification of the hanging-drop culture technique and its application to the dorsal root ganglion of chicken embryo in vitro. Sichuan J Anat, 1 (1): 50-54 (In Chinese)
10. Xue QS, Wu L, Bao T. 1994. Electro-acupuncture stimulation enhances the neurite-outgrowth promoting effect of tissue extract from Clarke\'s nucleus of spared root cat. Chinese J Neurosci, 1 (1): 13-18 (In Chinese)
11. Xue QS, Wu L. 1994. Modulators for nerve growth and regeneration (review article). Chinese J Neuroanat, 10 (2): 181-188 (In Chinese)
12. Xue QS, Wu L, Bao T. 1995. Effect of Clarke\'s nucleus of spared dorsal root cat on the neurite-outgrowth of dorsal root ganglion from chicken embryo in vitro. Acta Anatomica Sinica, 26 (1): 29-34 (In Chinese)