Dr. Haque is currently a Research Associate in School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Sydney. He received his B.Eng degree (2006) in Applied Chemistry & Chemical Engineering from University of Dhaka, Bangladesh; and M.Sc degree (2010) in Chemistry from Kyungpook National University, South Korea; and his PhD degree (2014) in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering from University of Sydney, Australia. His research focus on the synthesis of Graphene Quantum Dots, Porous Graphene, Porous Carbon, Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs), Graphene-Organic Frameworks (GOFs), Carbon Fibers, Nano Diamonds, magnetic resonance imaging contrast agent . Dr. Haque has focused on fabrication of Electronic Device (Supercapacitor, Fuel Cells, Solar Cells, Sensors, Battery, LED); Catalysis/Adsorption/Separation using porous materials. He is also doing collaboration work on Drug Delivery, Bio-sensors, Bio imaging, Cancer detection, hyperpolarized molecular magnetic resonance imaging with Macquarie University, Australia. He has collaboration research with University of Wollongong and University of Technology Sydney.
1) Synthesis of nano materials, Graphene Quantum Dots, Porous Graphene, Porous Carbon, Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs), Graphene-Organic Frameworks (GOFs), Carbon Fibers, Nano Diamonds, magnetic resonance imaging contrast agent
2) Application based works for example, Electronic Devices (Supercapacitor, Fuel Cells, Solar Cells, Sensors, Battery, LED); Catalysis/Adsorption/Separation
3) Drug Delivery, Bio-sensors, Bio imaging, Cancer detection, Hyperpolarized molecular magnetic resonance imaging.
EnamulHaque, Md. Monirul Islam, EhsanPourazadi, Mahbub Hassan, Shaikh Nayeem Faisal, Anup Kumar Roy, Konstantin Konstantinov, Andrew T. Harris, Andrew I. Minett, Vincent Gomes“Nitrogen Doped Graphene via Thermal Treatment of Composit Solid Precursors as High Performance Supercapacitor’’RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 30679-30686.(Impact factor: 3.70).
2. Md. Monirul Islam, Shaikh Nayeem Faisal, Anup Kumar Roy, Sonia Ansari, Dean Cardillo, Konstantin Konstantinov, EnamulHaque*” Synthesis of Nitrogen-Doped Graphene via Thermal Treatment of Graphene Oxide within Methylimidazole and its Capacitance Performance as Electric Double Layer Capacitor’’Journal of Nanotechnology and Materials Science, 2015, 2, 1-5. (Impact factor: New Journal).
3. EnamulHaque, Victor Lo, Andrew T. Harris, Andrew I. Minett, “Dichotomous adsorption behavior of dyes on an amino-functionalised metal-organic framework, amino-MIL-101(Al)’’ Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 1, 193-203 (Impact factor: 6.62).
4. Mahbub Hassan, EnamulHaque, Kakarla Raghava Reddy, Jun Chen,Andrew I. Minett, Vincent G. Gomes“Edge-Enriched Graphene Quantum Dots for Enhanced Photo-Luminescence and Supercapacitance’’ Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 11988-11994.(Impact factor: 6.73).
5. Mahbub Hassan, Kakarla Raghava Reddy, EnamulHaque, Shaikh Nayeem Faisal, Samira Ghasemi, Andrew I. Minett, Vincent G. Gomes“Hierarchical assembly of graphene/polyaniline nanostructures to synthesis free-standing supercapacitor electrode’’ Composit Science and Technology,2014, 98, 1-8.(Impact factor: 3.33).
6. EhsanPourazadi, EnamulHaque, Weimin Zhang, Andrew T. Harris, Andrew I. Minett “Synergistically enhanced electrochemical (ORR) activity of graphene oxide using boronic acid as an interlayer spacer.’’Chemical Communications 2013, 49, 11068-11070..(Impact factor: 6.37).
7. Mahbub Hassan, Kakarla Raghava Reddy, EnamulHaque, Andrew I. Minett, Vincent G. Gomes, “ High Yield aqueous phase exfoliation of graphene for facile nanocomposit synthesis via emulsion polymerization” J. Colloid Interf. Sci.2013, 410, 43-51.(Impact factor: 3.69).
8. EnamulHaque, Sung HwaJhung, “Synthesis of isostructural metal-organic frameworks, CPO-27s, with ultrasound, microwave and conventional heating: Effect of synthesis methods and metal ions. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2011, 173, 866-872(Impact factor: 3.69).
9. EnamulHaque, NazmulAbedin Khan, Chang Min Kim, and Sung HwaJhung, “ Synthesis of Metal-Organic frameworks and Aluminophosphates under Microwave Heating: Quantitative Analysis of Accelerations. Cryst. Growth Des. 2011, 11, 4413-4421.(Impact factor: 4.69).
10. In Joong Kang, NazmulAbedin Khan, EnamulHaque and Sung HwaJhung, “Chemical and Thermal Stability of Isotypic Metal-Organic Frameworks: Effect of Metal Ions”; Chem. Eur. J,2011, 17, 6437-6442(Impact factor: 5.83).
11. EnamulHaque, Chang Min Kim and Sung HwaJhung, “Facile synthesis of cuprous oxide using ultrasound, microwave and electric heating: effect of heating methods on synthesis kinetics, morphology and yield” Cryst. Eng. Comm.2011, 13, 4060-4068. (Impact factor: 3.88). Cited-11 12. EnamulHaque, NazmulAbedin Khan, JiHwa Park, Sung HwaJhung, “Synthesis of a metal organic frameworks, iron terephthalates under ultrasound, microwave and conventional electric heating: A kinetic study”; Chem. Eur. J,2010, 16, 1046-1052.(Impact factor: 5.83).
13. NazmulAbedin Khan,EnamulHaque, Sung HwaJhung, “Rapid Synthesis of Metal Organic Framework Material Cu3(BTC)2(H2O)3 under microwave: A Quantitative Analysis of Accelerated Synthesis.”; Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2010,12, 2625-2631.(Impact factor: 3.83).
14. EnamulHaque, JiEun Lee, In Tae Jang, Kyu Hwang, Jong-San Chang, Sung HwaJhung, “Adsorptive removal of methyl orange from aqueous solution with metal-organic frameworks, porous chromium-benzenedicarboxylates.” J. Hazardous. Materials, 2010, 181, 535-542.(Impact factor: 4.68).
15. EnamulHaque, NazmulAbedin Khan, Naidu TalapaneniSidduluAjayanVinu, Sung HwaJhung, “Adsorption of phenol on mesoporous carbon CMK-3: Effect of textural properties”; Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 2010, 31, 1638 – 1642.
. 16. EnamulHaque, Jong HwaJeong, Sung HwaJhung,” Synthesis of isostructural porous metal-benzenedicarboxylates: Effect of metal ions on the kinetics of synthesis” Cryst. Eng. Comm.2010, 12, 2749..(Impact factor: 3.88)
17. EnamulHaque, Jong Won Jun and Sung HwaJhung, “Adsorptive removal of methyl orange and methylene blue from aqueous solution with metal-organic frameworks, iron terephthalate (MOF-235).”J. Hazardous. Materials,2010. 185, 507-511. (Impact factor: 4.68).
18. EnamulHaque, Jong Won Jun, Naidu TalapaneniSidduluAjayanVinu, and Sung HwaJhung, “Superior Adsorption Capacity of Mesoporous Carbon Nitride with Basic CN Framework for Phenol”. J. Mater. Chem. 2010, 20, 10801-10803. (Impact factor: 6.63).
19. EnamulHaque, NazmulAbedin Khan, JiEun Lee, Sung HwaJhung, “Facile purification of Porous Metal Terephthalates with Ultrasonic Treatment in the Presence of Amides”; Chem. Eur. J,2009. 15, 11730-11736.(Impact factor: 5.83).
A Purification Method of Porous Metal-Organic Framework Materials
Inventors: Sung HwaJhung,EnamulHaque.
Patent No: KR20110004092(A), 2011-01-13;
Classification: International, C07B63/00,C07F5/06
1. Associate Member of IChemE, 2013.
2. IUPAC Award,12th ICFPAM Conference 2013, University of Auckland, New Zealand.
3. University of Sydney International Scholarship, 2011, Australia.
4. Best Student Award by BK21 (Brain of KOREA)2010, from the Kyungpook National University, South Korea.
5. Member of Korean Chemical Society, 2010.
6. Fulbright University Scholarship- 2008, Kyungpook National University, South Korea.
7. Merit Award-2007 by Alumni Association of Dhaka University, Bangladesh.
8. B.Sc University Scholarship-2002, University of Dhaka-Bangladesh.