José Magalhães working as assistant professor in University of Porto since 2005. He is also a Principal Researcher in Research Centre in Physical Activity Health and Leisure.
He is a visiting professor in Biochemistry Laboratory of the Department of Kinesiology, Nutritional Science, and Institute on Aging.
In 2014, 48th annual scientific meeting of the European Society for Clinical Investigation Poster Award.
My research interests center around mitochondrial function in both health and disease. Also, the cross tolerance effect of exercise against stress stimuli-induced mitochondrionopathies and hypoxia induced mitochondrial (dys)function are of special interest. Specific interests are: 1) Impact of exercise on redox balance, activity and inactivity on endogenous antioxidants and apoptosis in skeletal, cardiac, hepatic, brain and renal tissues and isolated mitochondria.
2) Exercise-induced cardioprotection against toxic agents such as diabetic condition, doxorubicin and ischemia-reperfusion.
3) Hypoxia-induced oxidative stress, damage and apoptosis – evidence on tissue and isolated mitochondria.
4) Biochemical, functional and structural alterations induced by exercise on skeletal muscle, heart, liver and brain mitochondria submitted (in vivo and/or in vitro) to deleterious mitochondrial stimuli (diabetes, doxorubicin, ischemia-reperfusion, obesity, acute severe exercise, anoxia-reoxygenation, drug-induced injury, pro-oxidant treatments, permeability transition pore inducers).
5) Impact of exercise-induced fatigue on performance of humans.
1 Gonçalves IO, Oliveira PJ, Ascensão A, Magalhães J (2013). Exercise as a therapeutic tool to prevent mitochondrial degeneration in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, Eur J Clin Invest 43 (11): 1184-1194.
2. Ascensão A, Martins MJ, Santos-Alves E, Gonçalves IO, Portincasa P, Oliveira PJ, Magalhães J(2013). Modulation of hepatic redox status and mitochondrial metabolism by exercise: therapeutic strategy for liver diseases, Mitochondrion 13 (6): 862-870.
3. Marques-Aleixo I, Oliveira PJ, Moreira PI, Magalhães J, Ascensão A (2012). Physical exercise as a possible strategy for brain protection: Evidence from mitochondrial-mediated mechanisms, Prog Neurobiol 99 (2): 149-162.
4. Ascensão A, Oliveira PJ, Magalhães J (2012). Exercise as a beneficial adjunct therapy during Doxorubicin treatment - Role of mitochondria in cardioprotection, Int J Cardiol 156(1): 4-10.5.
5. Ascensão A, Lumini-Oliveira J, Oliveira PJ, Magalhães J (2011). Mitochondria as targets for exercise-induced cardioprotection, Curr Drug Targets 12: 860-871.
6. Magalhães, J, Ascensão, A (2009). High-altitude Hypoxia. A challenge strain targeting cellular redox homeostasis Portuguese Journal Sport Sciences 4 (3): 98-111.
7. Lumini-Oliveira J, Magalhães J, Oliveira PJ, Ascensão A (2008). Beneficial effects of exercise on muscle mitochondrial function in diabetes. Sports Med 38 (9): 735-750.
8. Ascensão A, Ferreira R, Magalhães J (2007). Exercise-induced cardioprotection – Biochemical,morphological and functional evidence in whole tissue and isolated mitochondria, Int J Cardiol 117 (1): 16-30.
9. Ascensão A, Magalhães J, Soares J, Ferreira R, Neuparth M, Appell H, Duarte J (2005). Cardiac mitochondrial respiratory function and oxidative stress: the role of exercise, Int J Sports Med 26 (4): 258-267.
10. Ascensão A, Magalhães J, Soares JMC, Oliveira J, Duarte J (2003): Exercício e stress oxidativo cardíaco. Rev Port Cardiol 22 (5): 651-678.
11. Magalhães J, Venditti P, Adhihetty PJ, Ramsey JJ, Ascensão A (2014). Mitochondria in Health and Disease – Special Issue Editorial, Oxid Med Cell Longev (in press). Gonçalves IO, Passos E, Rocha-Rodrigues S, Diogo CV, Torrella J, Roca-Rizo D, Viscor G, Santos- Alves E, Marques-Aleixo I, Paulo J. Oliveira PJ, Ascensão A, Magalhães J. (2014). Physical exercise prevents and mitigates non-alcoholic steatohepatitis-induced liver mitochondrial structural and bioenergetics impairments, Mitochondrion (in press).
12. Gonçalves IO, Passos E, Rocha-Rodrigues S, Martins MJ, Santos-Alves E, Portincasa P, Ascensao A, Magalhães J (2014). Physical exercise antagonizes clinical and anatomical features characterizing Lieber-DeCarli diet-induced obesity and related metabolic disorders, Clin Nutr (in press).
13. Póvoas S, Ascensão A, Magalhães J, Seabra A, Krustrup P, Soares J, Rebelo A (2014). Analysis of fatigue development during elite male handball matches, J Strength Cond Res (in press).
14. Magalhães J, Gonçalves IO, Lumini-Oliveira J, Marques-Aleixo I, dos Passos E, Rocha-Rodrigues S, Machado NG, Moreira AC, Rizo-Roca D, Viscor G, Oliveira PJ, Torrella JR, Ascensão A (2014).Modulation of cardiac mitochondrial permeability transition and apoptotic signaling by endurance training and intermittent hypobaric hypoxia, Int J Cardiol 173: 40-45. Pereira CD, Severo M, Araújo JR, Guimarães JT, Santos A, Ascensão A, Magalhães J, Ferreira R,Azevedo I, Monteiro R, Martins MJ (2013). Relevance of a hypersaline sodium-rich naturally sparkling mineral water to the protection against Metabolic Syndrome induction in fructose-fed Sprague-Dawley rats: a biochemical, metabolic and redox approach, Int J Endocrinol (in press). (IF - 2.518).
15. Silva J, Rebelo A, Marques F, Pereira L, Seabra A, Ascensão A, Magalhães J (2013). Biochemical impact of soccer - analysis of hormonal, muscle damage and redox markers throughout the season, Appl Physiol Nutr Metab 39 (4): 432-438.
16. Póvoas S, Ascensão A, Magalhães J, Seabra A, Krustrup P, Soares J, Rebelo A (2014). Physiological demands of elite team handball with special reference to playing position, J Strength Cond Res 28 (2): 430-442 (IF – 1.795).
17. Magalhães J, Falcão-Pires I, Gonçalves IO, Lumini-Oliveira J, Marques-Aleixo I, dos Passos E, Rocha-Rodrigues S, Machado NG, Moreira AC, Miranda-Silva D, Moura C, Leite-Moreira AF, Oliveira PJ, Torrella JR, Ascensão A (2013). Synergistic impact of endurance training and intermittent hypobaric hypoxia on cardiac function and mitochondrial energetic and signaling, Int J Cardiol 168 (6): 5363-5371.
18. Rocha-Rodrigues S, Santos-Alves E, Coxito PM, Marques-Aleixo I, Passos E, Guimarães JT, Martins MJ, Oliveira PJ, Magalhães J, Ascensão A (2013). Combined Effects of Aging and in vitro Nonsteroid Anti-inflammatory Drugs on Kidney and Liver Mitochondrial Physiology, Life Sci 93 (8): 329-337.
19. Silva J, Ascensão A, Marques F, Seabra A, Rebelo A, Magalhães J (2013). Neuromuscular function, hormonal and redox status and muscle damage of professional soccer players after a high-level competitive match, Eur J Appl Physiol 113 (9): 2193-2201.
20. Magalhães J, Fraga M, Lumini-Oliveira J, Oliveira-Gonçalves I, Costa M, Ferreira R, Oliveira PJ,Ascensão A, Eccentric exercise transiently impacts mice skeletal muscle mitochondrial function, Appl Physiol Nutr Metab 38(4): 401-409.
21. Silva J, Magalhães J, Ascensão A, Seabra A, Rebelo A (2013). Training status and match activity of professional soccer players throughout a season, J Strength Cond Res 27 (1): 20-30.
22. Ascensão A, Gonçalves IO, Lumini-Oliveira J, Marques-Aleixo I, dos Passos E, Rocha-Rodrigues S, Machado NG, Moreira AC, Oliveira PJ, Torrella JR, Magalhães J (2012). Endurance training and chronic intermittent hypoxia modulate in vitro salicylate-induced hepatic mitochondrial dysfunction, Mitochondrion 12 (6): 607-616.
23. Marques-Aleixo I, Rocha-Rodrigues S, Santos-Alves E, Coxito PM, Passos E, Oliveira PJ,Magalhães J, Ascensão A (2012). In Vitro Salicylate Does Not Further Impair Aging-Induced Brain Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Toxicol 302: 51-59.
24. Pereira GC, Pereira SP, Pereira CV, Lumini JA, Magalhães J, Ascensão A, Santos MS, Moreno AJ, Oliveira PJ, Mitochondrionopathy Phenotype in Doxorubicin-Treated Wistar Rats Depends on Treatment Protocol and is Cardiac- specific, PLOSone 7 (6): e38867.
25. Póvoas S, Seabra A, Ascensão A, Magalhães J, Soares J, Rebelo A. (2012). Physical and physiological demands of elite team handball, J Strength Cond Res 6 (12): 3365-3375.