Bowling Green State University, Assistant Professor, Physics, 2013- now
Washington State University, Research Assistant Professor, 2009-2013
Washington State University, Postdoctoral Research Associate, 2006-2009
Idaho Accelerator Center, Post doctoral Research Associate, Physics, 2001-2005
Alexandria University, Research Faculty, Physics, 2000-2001
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Graduate Student Researcher,1996-1999
Harvard University, Graduate Student Researcher, 1996-1999.
1) Using positron annihilation spectroscopy, perturbed angular correlation and other advanced spectroscopy techniques to study condensed matter systems
2) Current research activities include study of diluted magnetic semiconductors for spintronics
3) Study of exciton dynamics in photonic materials
4) Study of wide band-gap semiconductors for optoelectronics
5) Physics of antimatter interactions and in flight positron-electron annihilation.