Pamplona, Spain
Clínica Puerta de Hierro.
Specialty training: Residency and Fellowship. Madrid (1976-1980).
AssistantProfessor. Surgicalresearchlaboratory. July 1, 1987.
TransplantCoordinator. July 1987.
Schoolf of Medicine. Universidad de Navarra.
AssociateProfessor of Surgery. September 1988– 1992.
AssistantProfessor of Surgery. June 1992 – 2002
AgregateProfessor of Surgery. December 2002 –2010
Full Professor of Surgery. SinceSeptember 2010.
Clínica Universidad de Navarra.
Consultant, Department of General SurgeryfromSeptember 1, 1998 to June 1992.
Director Department General Surgery. 1992 – 2011.
Medical Director. 1999 – 2008.
ResearchUnit. Since 2011.
1) Liver transplantation from living and cadaveric donors
2) Surgical complications of liver transplantation
3) Pancreatic cancer
4) Liver regeneration. Cell based therapy.
5) Colorrectal cancer
6) Oesophageal and gastric cancer
7) Bariatric and metabolic surgery
Research projects
Participation in 43 research projects including scholarships sponsored by public or private entities.
Communications in Congresses
Over 615 oral, poster and video communications in national and international congress related with the speciality.
Scientific contributions
Over 260 scientific publications, of which >60 in international journals.
Book contributions
More than 45 books and bookchapters.
1) Premio Brawn-Dexon al mejor trabajo publicado en 2008 en revistas extranjeras. “Totally laparoscopic Roux-en-Y duct-to-mucosa pancreaticojejunostomy after middle pancreatectomy. F. Rotellar, F. Pardo, C. Montiel, A. Benito, F.M. Regueira, I. Poveda, P. Martí Cruchaga, J.A.-Cienfuegos. Ann Surg 2008; 247: 938-944.
2) Premio Iberoamericano de Cirugía ‘Pedro Virgili’ Cortes de Cádiz 2014.