Dr. Seifi received his medical degree from Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS), where he graduated with honors in 1996. He did his first residency in Anesthesiology and Critical Care at SUMS and then did his second residency in Internal Medicine at New Jersey’s AtlantiCare Medical Center. Finally, he did two years of an extensive Neurocritical Care fellowship at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, a well-known center for Neurosciences. He is triple board certified in Anesthesiology, Internal Medicine and Neurocritical Care.
1) Anesthesiology
2) Neurosurgery
3) Critical Care
4) Internal Medicine
5)medical device designing
1. Seifi, M.D., F.A.C.P. Brent T. Xia, MD Robert F. Felte, MD. Thinking Outside the Box About Young Female Patients With Sudden-Onset Bizarre Behavior: A Case of Anti–N-Methyl-d-Aspartate Receptor Encephalitis The Primary Care Companion in CNS Disorders 2013 Jul;15(4)
2. Seifi A, Dib H. Atomoxetine Letter to the Editor Southern Medical Journal 2011 Jun;104(6):464-464.
3. Seifi A, Griffith H, Avestimehr S. Atomoxetine-Induced Myocardial Infarction Southern Medical Journal 2011 Feb;104(2):153-154.
4. Seifi A, Axelrod H, Nascimento T, Salam Z, Karimi S, Avestimehr S, Ohebsion J. Migration of guidewire after surgical breast biopsy: an unusual case report. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2009 Sep;32(5):1087-1090.
5. Sidhu GS, Seifi A, Zangiabadi AH, Reinig M. Follow your leads: a case of twiddler‘s syndrome. South Med J 2009 Aug;102(8):871-872.
6.Moustafa Hussein WH, Barzaga R, Seifi A, Shinde A, Rodriguez W. Punch biopsy in Wells syndrome. South Med J 2009 Jul;102(7):775-775.
7.Njeru M, Seifi A, Salam Z, Ognibene L. Dieulafoy lesion: a rare cause of gastrointestinal bleeding. South Med J 2009 Mar;102(3):336-337.
8. Seifi A, Paparone WP, Salam Z. Beyond Strep Throat: Virulence of Strep Group A Journal of American Medical Directors Assiciation 2009 Mar
9. Shinde A, Seifi A, DelRe S, Moustafa Hussein WH, Ohebsion J. Daptomycininduced pulmonary infiltrates with eosinophilia. J Infect 2009 Feb;58(2):173-174.
10. Seifi A, Salam Z, Mourad MY, Avestimehr S, Lankaranian D, Sidhu G. Simple disease, complex work-up in critical care. South Med J 2009 Feb;102(2):224-224.
11. Seifi A, Avestimehr S, Mowla A. A Comparative Study of the Effect of Tramadol and Pethidine on Postoperative Pain and Shivering in Intensive Care Unit Internet Journal of Anesthesiology 2008 Jun;16(2)
12.Mowla A, Nabavizadeh SA, Bajestan MN, Tavakoli A, Seifi A, Tavakoli A. Payment as motivator in Iranian medical students‘ attitudes toward research. South Med J 2006 Dec;99(12):1403-1403.
13. Seifi A. Physics of MRI Student & Research Journal 2006 Sep
14. Seifi A, Mowla A, Vaziri MM, Talei AR, Namazy MR. Insulin adsorbance to polyvinylchloride (PVC) surfaces of fluid container and infusion-set. Middle East J Anesthesiol 2004 Jun;17(5):975-981.
15. Seifi A. History of Medicine in Iran Student & Research 1998 Sep
16. Seifi A. Non Scalpel Vasectomy Student & Research Journal 1997 Sep