Dr. Joyce Chan obtained her Bachelor of Medicine fromThe University of Southampton in 2002 and underwent surgical training in UK to obtainher MRCS (Edinburgh). She further obtained a Master in Surgical Science in 2008 and a PhD at Imperial College London in 2013. Her PhD work is in translational stroke prevention research using functional molecular magnetic resonance imaging technique. This work led to awards including the Best Scientific Paper in The Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland and in The Asian Society of Vascular Surgery in Taiwan; and grants from The European Society of Vascular Surgery, The Royal College of Surgeons of England.She is currently a Clinical Assistant Professor at Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include development of theranostics and nanoparticles to target vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques, molecular imaging of vascular inflammation in atherosclerosis using MRI and iron oxide particles.
Atherosclerosis, carotid artery disease, theranostics, nanoparticles, vulnerable plaques, molecular imaging, vascular inflammation, MRI, iron oxide particles, endothelial adhesion molecules, macrophages, stroke.
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2014; 47: 462-9. Chan JMS, Monaco C, Wylezinska-Arridge M, TremoledA JL, Gibbs RGJ. ‘Imaging of the Vulnerable Carotid Plaque: Biological Targeting of Inflammation in Atherosclerosis using Iron Oxide Particles and MRI’ (1st author out of 4)
Journal of Vascular Surgery 2013; 57: 35S-43S. Cheng Z, Riga CV, Chan J, Hamady MS, Wood NB, Cheshire NJW, Xu XY, Gibbs RGJ.“Computational Simulation of the Aorta in Acute Type B Dissection: Initial Findings and Potential Applicability” (3rd author out of 8)
Book Chapter for The 34th Charing Cross International Symposium Chan J, Gibbs RGJ. ‘Inflammation imaging in carotid assessment’. In: Roger M Greenhalgh ed. VASCULAR AND ENDOVASCULAR CONTROVERSIES UPDATE. BIBA Publishing, 2012. (1st author out of 2)
Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England 2011; 93(2): 111–3. L Corfield, J Chan, T Chance, N Wilson. “Early pyrexia after endovascular aneurysm repair: are cultures needed?” (2nd author out of 4)
Heart 2010; 96: e17-e18 J Chan, C Monaco, K Bhakoo, RGJ Gibbs “Visualising inflamed atherosclerotic plaques: Molecular imaging using MRI and targeted USPIOs”. (1st author of 4)
International Journal of Stroke (2010), 5 (Suppl. 2). J Chan, C Monaco, K Bhakoo, RGJ Gibbs “Visualising inflamed atherosclerotic plaques: Molecular imaging using MRI and targeted USPIOs”. (1st author of 4)
Annals of Vascular Diseases Supplements 2010; 3: S86 J Chan, C Monaco, K Bhakoo, RGJ Gibbs “Visualising inflamed atherosclerotic plaques: Molecular imaging using MRI and targeted USPIOs”. (1st author of 4)