Dr. Carmen C. Y. Poon graduated from the Engineering Science (Biomedical) Program at University of Toronto (U of T) and obtained her master degree from a collaborative program offered by the Institute of Biomaterials & Biomedical Engineering and Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, U of T. She completed her Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering (Biomedical) at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, where she is now a Research Assistant Professor at the Department of Surgery. Carmen is a Senior Member of IEEE, one of the three Asia-Pacific representatives of the Administrative Committee (AdCom) of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (2014-2016) and the Vice Chair of the Technical Committee of Wearable Sensors and Systems of the Society. Since 2009, she serves as the Managing Editor of IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN BIOMEDICINE, which has been retitled to IEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICS in 2013. She also served as Guest Editor for a number of prestigious international journals on biomedical technology, including the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING.
Wearable, ingestible and implantable sensors and systems, body sensor network, tele-medicine and mobile health technologies, surgical and medical robots, public health informatics and bioinformatics.