Amedeo Amedei was born on 01.04.1971. On 1996 July he graduated with fullmarks and honours in Biology at Florence University. He has started his scientific career with scholarship (1997-1999) studying the role of Th1/Th2 lymphocytes in several diseases (graft versus host disease, atopic dermatitis, kidney rejection crisis). From 2000 to 2002 he has examined the cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate the gastric chronic inflammatory process; particularly he studied the role of specific immune response versus Helicobacter pylori in gastric diseases (gastritis-ulcer, Malt-lymphoma, gastric cancer, autoimmune gastritis). On January 2003 began his doctors degree in \"Clinical and Sperimental Medicine\". From February to December 2003 he has collaborated on the \"Stem cells and immune-therapy of cancer\" financed project by Tuscany Region. Since March 2005 he has been working as a scientific researcher at Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine (University of Florence). In the last years, he has focused his scientific interests on the cancer and in detail, the immune response versus the cancer and the role of cancer microenvironment. Recently, Dr. Amedei became a member of the team of researchers involved in the project world \"Halifax Project\" (
Immune response versus Helicobacter pylori in gastric diseases
1) Gastritis-Ulcer
2) Malt-Lymphoma
3) Gastric Cancer
4) Autoimmune GastritisImmunology
5) Cancer
6) Autoimmunity
7) Disease Infection
8) Examined the cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate the gastric chronic inflammatory process
9) Stem cells and immune-therapy of cancer
10) Scientific interests on the cancer and in detail
11) The immune response versus the cancer and the role of cancer microenvironment.
The project involves about 300 international researchers, divided into two working groups. A task force is focused on advanced cancer treatments. The second task force is focused on the carcinogenic potential of exposure to low doses of mixtures of chemicals in the environment.
The expertise areas of Dr. Amedeo Amedei are the immunology and oncology. His scientific production is composed of 88 peer reviewed articles, 6 book chapters and one international patent (WO/2007/039451). At present, he is serving as an editorial board member of 22 reputed journals and reviewer of 33 international journals.