1) 1969-1976 Tel Aviv University, Medicine, MD, Magna Cum Laude Honor 1976-1977 Internship, Asaf-Harofe Hospital, Zrifin, Israel.
2) 1979-1980 Resident, Internal Medicine, Poryiah Hospital, Teberies.
3) 1980-1982 Resident, Internal Medicine, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, Israel.
4) 1982-1984 Felloship, Gastroenterology, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, Israel.
5) 1983 Advanced Course in Gastroenterology, British Post-Graduate Medical Federation (BPMF), University of London, UK
6) 1988-1989 Research Fellowship on colonic cancer and mucin synthesis, Gastrointestinal Research Laboratory VA Medical Center, University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), USA Prof. Young S. Kim
7) 1984-1985 Acetyl-Choline Receptors and vagotomy, Department of Pharmacology and Physiology, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, Prof. Sason Cohen Academic Positions
8) 1991-1993 Senior Lecturer/Assistant, Professor of Medicine Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University, Israel
9) 1993-1994 Associate Professor of Medicine/Gastroenterology Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University, Israel
10) 1994-2004 Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
11) 1998-2001 President, Israel Gastroenterological Association 2000-present Advisor to Chief Medical Officer, IDF
12) 2004-present Clinical Professor of Medicine, Tel Aviv University
13) 2004-presnt Chairman, Disease Management Team (DMT) colorectal cancer, Davidof cancer Center, RMC 2004 Visiting Scientist, Baylor University Medical Center, GI Cancer Research laboratory (Boland CR) 4 months
Key Words:
1) Mucin
2) Colorectal Cancer Screening
3) Gastric acid secretion
4) Helicobacter pylori
5) JC virus
Research Fields:
1) Cancer
2) Molecular & Amp
3) Cellular biology
4) Gastroenterology