2010-: Teaching medical biochemistry to post and undergraduate students of Midwifery and Nursing students and Medical Laboratory Sciences and biochemistry, as well as teaching of RT-PCR, HPLC, Elisa and Western blotting to undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Technical skills
DNA and RNA extraction, semi-quantitative RT-PCR, PCR-RFLP, ELISA, Cell culture, HPLC, SDS-page, Western blotting, dot blotting, Electrophoresis and Spectrophotometer analysis, Handling of laboratory animals(mice ,hamster), Plant and tissue extraction, Basic statistical analysis of genetic data and SPSS.
Computer skills:
I am proficient in the following programmes: Access and Excel databases, SPSS, Word processing, Power point, Autocad, 3D MAX, graphic and presentation soft ware’s.
diabetes, obesity, metabolic disorder, herbal plants
1. Abbasi Oshaghi E, Noori Sorkhani A, Rezaei A. Effects of Walnut on Lipid Profile as Well as the Expression of Sterol-Regulatory Element Binding Protein-1c (SREBP-1c) and Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptors α (PPARα) in Diabetic Rat. Food and Nutrition Sciences 2012; 3(2): 255-259.
2. Mohammadi A, Abbasi Oshaghi E, Noori Sorkhani A, Oubari F, Kia R, Rezaei A. Effect of Opium on Lipid Profile and Expression of Liver X Receptor Alpha (LXRα) in Normolipidemic Mouse. Food and Nutrition Sciences 2012; 3(2): 249-254.
3. Hosseini Javad, Hosseini Seyed-Mostafa, Oubari Farhad, Mahmoodi Mehdi, Abbasi Oshaghi Ebrahim, Rajabi Gilan Nader, Ghasemi Seyed Ramin, Hashemi Behrooz. Hepatoprotective effects of hydroalcoholic extract of Allium hirtifolium (Persian shallot) in diabetic rats. J Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol. 2012 ; 23 (2):83-87.
4. Abbas Mohammadi, Fateme Mirzaei, Mohammad Jamshidi, Reza Yari, Solmaz Pak, Arash Noori Sorkhani, Parham Norouzian, Vahideh Abdolkarimi, Ebrahim Abbasi Oshaghi. The In vivo Biochemical and Oxidative Changes by Ethanol and Opium Consumption in Syrian Hamsters. International Journal of Biology 2013; 5: 14-22.
5. Mohammadi A, Abbasi Oshaghi E. Effect of garlic on lipid profile and expression of LXR alpha in intestine and liver of hypercholesterolemic mice. Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders. 2014; 13: 30.
6. Abbas Mohammadi, Fateme Mirzaei, Mohammad Jamshidi, Reza Yari, Solmaz Pak, Arash Noori Sorkhani, Parham Norouzian, Vahideh Abdolkarimi, Ebrahim Abbasi Oshaghi. Influence of Flaxseed on Lipid Profiles and Expression of LXRa, in Intestine of Diabetic Rat. International Journal of Biology 2013; 5:23-28.
7. Mohammadi A, Mirzaei F, Jamshidi M, Ghyasvand T, Yari R, Rezaii A, Abbasi Oshaghi E. Effect of flaxseed on Serum Lipid Profile and expression of NPC1L1, ABCG5 and ABCG8 genes in the intestine of diabetic rat. Avi J Med Biochem 2013;1(1): 1-7.
8. Shahryari J, Poormorteza M, Noori Sorkhani A, Divsalar K, Abbasi Oshaghi E. The Effect of Concomitant Ethanol and Opium Consumption on Lipid Profiles and Atherosclerosis in Golden Syrian Hamster’s Aorta. Addict Health 2013; 5: 1-7
9. Mohammadi A, Norouzian P, Jamshidi M, Najafi N, Abbasi Oshaghi E. Effect of garlic (Allium sativum) on lipid profiles, antioxidant activity and expression of scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) in liver and intestine of hypercholesterolemic mice. Journal of Advances in Chemistry. 2013; 5:783-791.
10. Abbas Mohammadi, Nader Najafi, Kazem Hasanpoor, Gholamreza Farnoosh, Ramezan Ali Taheri, Ali rezaii, Ebrahim Abbasi Oshaghi. Influence of flaxseed on some biochemical factors, antioxidant activity and expression of ABCG5 and ABCG8 genes in the liver of diabetic rat. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research. 2014; 4:3571-3580.
11. Abbas Mohammadi, Gholamreza Farnoosh, Roghaye Hosseini Kia, Farhad oubari, Kazem Hassanpour, Hemen Moradi-Sardareh, , Nejad Mohammadi, Ebrahim Abbasi Oshaghi, Reza Yari. The In Vivo Biochemical and Oxidative Change by Garlic and Ezetimibe Combination in Hypercholesterolemic Mice. International Research Journal of Biological Sciences. 2014; 3; 47-51.
12. Abbas Mohammadi, Reza Yari, Gholamreza Farnoosh, Ebrahim Abbasi Oshaghi. Effect of ezetimibe on some biochemical factors and expression of intestinal Scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) in obsess mouse. International Research Journal of Biological Sciences. 2014; 3(3): 10-13.