David Mankuta: He worked as a Member of the Hadassah internship committee and also as a Member of students-teachers committee. In 2013 he worked as a Chairman of the internship committee of the Hebrew University. He is a reviewer to many national and international journals. He is a member in the national and international committees. In 1999 he received Board certification of Canadian Maternal Fetal Medicine Society. His academic activity is focused on Maternal/ Fetal Medicine and the two main topics of my research are: 1.Pregnancy and delivery complication. 2.Normal and abnormal mental health during pregnancy and delivery. In both of these investigative fields, I serve as PI. A third field of interest is mast cell and eosinophil function in cord blood.
1.Pregnancy and delivery complications.
2.Normal and abnormal mental health during pregnancy and delivery.
3.Mast cell and eosinophil function in cord blood.
1. Hermoni, D.PI, Mankuta, D.C, Sivan, E.C, Collander, Y.C, Porter , B.C(1986). The health activists program: a new method of involving the community in improving its health. Harefuah.12, 614-616.x; x; 0. (In Hebrew)
2. Hermoni, D.PI, Mankuta, D.C,Sivan, E.C, Kolander, Y.C, Porter, B.C (1987). Community health activists program: A new model of health involvement. Isr .J. Med. Sci .23:1084-7. 0.898; 81/133; 5.
3. Hermoni, D.PI, Friedman, M.C, Morel, D.C, Mankuta, D. C, Sivan, E.C, Porter, B.C, Raz, R.C (1989). Effects of “Health Activists” course on knowledge and awareness of antibiotic usage. Fam. Prac . 6:27-32. 1.515; 50/133; 1.
4. Hermoni, D.PI, Mankuta, D.C, Reis, SC. (1990) Failure to keep appointments in a community health center-analysis of causes. Scand J Prim Health Care. 1990;8(2):107-11.. x; x; 0.
5. Hermoni D PI, Mankuta D C, Reis S PI.(1990) .Failure to keep appointments at a community health centere . Scand J Prim Health Care.8(3):151-5. . x; x; 0.
5. Gordon, CR.PI, Mankuta, D.C, Shupak, A.C, Spitzer, O.C, Doweck, I PI. (1991). Recurrent classic migraine attacks following transdermal scopolamine intoxication. Headache.31(3):172-74. 2.786; 56/167; 9.
6. Mankuta, D.C et al.(co investigator, center representative , multicenter study ,) (1994). multi center-study, CLASP: a randomized trial of low-dose aspirin for the prevention and treatment of pre-eclampsia among 9364 pregnant women. Lancet. 343:619-29. 28.638;2/100.324.
7. Mankuta, D.PI,Hermoni, D.C, Spencer, T.C (1994). The preliminary investigation of the infertile couple in family practice. The .Fam .Phy. 22: 56-61. x; x;./2 . (In Hebrew)
8. Vinker, S.PI, Mankuta, D.C, Yischak, B.C,Ber, Y.C, Nachtigal, D.C, Biran, Y.C (1996). Medical records audit in primary care clinics of the Israeli Navy. Harefuah.131, 477-480. (In Hebrew) x; x; 5.
9. Mankuta, D.PI, Vinker, S.C,Itzhak, B.C,Kaiserman, I.C,Beiran, I. PI (1999). A Quality management project in the Israeli navy primary care clinics. Am. J .of. Med. Qual .14:211-215. 1.500; 37/69; 1.
10. Pribush , A.PI, Mankuta, D.C, Meyerstein, N.PI (2000).The effect of low molecular dextran on erythrocyte aggregation in normal and preeclamptic pregnancy. Clin Hem and Microcir. 22, 143-152. 0.977;57/63;94/54.8.
11. Bar-Dayan ,Y.PI, Beard, P. C, Mankuta, D. C, Finestone , A. C, Wolf, Y. C, Gruzman, C. C, Levy ,Y. C, Benedek, P. C, VanRooyen, M. C, Martonovits, G. C (2000). An earthquake disaster in Turkey: an overview of the experience of the Israeli Defence Forces Field Hospital in Adapazari. Disasters. 24:262-700. 0.679;21/38.5.
12. Finestone, AS.PI,Bar-Dayan, Y.C,Wolf, Y.C,Stein, M.C,Tearosh, J.C,Zaide, YC, Mankuta, D.C Eldad , A.C,Benedek, P.C (2001). Diagnostic medical auxiliary equipment in a field hospital: experience from the Israeli delegation to the site of The Turkish earthquake at Adapazari. Mil .Med. 166:637-40. 0.61;74/100.2.
13. Wolf, Y. PI,Bar-Dayan, Y.C,Mankuta, D.C, Finestone, A.C, Onn, E.C, Morgenstern, D.C,Rand N,Halpern, P.C,Gruzman, C.C, Benedek, P.C,Martinovitz, G.C, Eldad, A PI. ( 2001) An Earthquake Disaster in Turkey: Assessment of the need for plastic surgery services in a srisis intervention field hospital.Plast Reconstr Surg. 107(1):169-70. 2/074;34/139.3;3
14. Saphier , O. PI, Silberstein, T.C, Shames, A.C, Likhtenshtein , G.C, Mankuta, D.C Mazor, M.C, Katz, M.C, Meyerstein , D.C, Meyerstein , N. PI (2003). The reduction of a nitroxide spin label as a probe of human blood antioxidant properties. Free .radical. research .37:301-8. 2.215; 176/283; 10.
15. Mankuta, D. PI, Goldberg, A.C, Benedek, P.C, Wolf, Y.C, Rachstein, A.C, Finestone, A.C, Levy, Y.C, Bar-Dayan, Y.C (2003). Is obstetrics and gynecology sonography essential at a field hospital Set up? Thoughts after the earthquake in Turkey. Australian .Mil .Med. 12 : 122, x; x; 0.
16. Mankuta, D.PI,Leshno, M.C,Menashe, M.C.Brezi , M.PI(2003). Vaginal birth after cesarean section: trial of labor or repeat cesarean section? A decision analysis. Am .J .Obstet .Gyn. 189:714-9. 2.917;7/60;13.
17. Hershkovitz, R.PI, Erez, O.C, Sheiner, E.C, Landau, D.C,Mankuta, D.C, Mazor, M.C (2003). Elevated maternal mid-trimester chorionic gonadotropin > or =4 MoM is associated with fetal cerebral blood flow redistribution .Acta .Obstet. Gynecol .Scand. 82:22-7. 1.274;36/60;8.
18. Mankuta, D.PI, Levy, Y.C Benedek, P.C, Bar Dayan, YPI. (2004). Anxiety and fears of pregnant women – earthquake, Turkey. Int .J. Dis .Med 2:1-4.0 x; x; 0.
19. Segal, S.PI, Shemesh, YI.C,Blumental, R.C ,Yoffe, B.C, Laufer, N.C ,Mankuta, D.C, Mazor, M.C ,Zohar, S.C ,Schiff, E.C,Martinovitz, U.PI (2004). The use of recombinant factor VIIa in severe postpartum hemorrhage. Acta .Obstet Gynecol .Scand. 83:771-2. 1.618; 36/70; 23.
20. Gielchinsky, Y.PI, Mankuta, D.C, Rojansky, N.C, Laufer, N.C Gielchinsky, I.C, Ezra, Y. PI ( 2004). Perinatal outcome of pregnancies complicated by placenta accrete. Obstet .Gynecol.104:527-30. 4.357; 2/70; 6.
21. Bar-Dayan, Y.PI, Leiba ,A. C, Beard, P.C, Mankuta, D.C, Engelhart, D.C, Beer,Y.C, Lynn,M.C, Weiss, Y.C, Martonovits, G.CBenedek, P.C, Goldberg, A.C.( 2005). A multidisciplinary field hospital as a substitute for medical hospital are in the aftermath of an earthquake: the experience of the Israeli Defense Forces Field hospital in Duzce, Turkey, 1999. Prehospital disaster Med. 20(2):103-6,3;3
22. Weiniger, CF. PIElram, T.CGinosar ,Y.C, Mankuta, D.C, Weissman, C. CEzra Y PI. (2005). Anaesthetic management of placenta accreta: use of a pre-operative high and low suspicion classification. Anaesthesia.60:1079-84. 2.855; 8/25; 6.
23. Bachelet, I.PI ,Munitz, A.C ,Mankuta, D.C ,Levi- Schaffer, F. PI (2006). Mast cell costimulation by CD226/CD112( DAM-1/ NECTIN-2) A novel interface in the allergic process. J. Biol .Chem. 281:27190-6. 5.328; 48/283; 16.
24. Weiniger, CF.PI ,Wand, S.C ,Nadjari, M.C, Elchalal, U.C, Mankuta, D.C ,Ginosar, Y.C ,Matot, I.C(2006). Post-void residual volume in labor: a prospective study comparing parturients with and without epidural analgesia. Acta. Anaest. Scand. 50:1297-1303 .2.260; 11/25; 6.
25. Mankuta, D.PI, Vinker, S.C, Shapira, S.C, Sveiki, D. PI (2007). The use of a perinatal Internet consultation forum in Israel. Br.J.Obs.Gyn.114:108–110. 3.437; 6/70; 3.