GUSZTAV J BELTEKI working as a Honorary Senior Visiting Fellow in University of Cambridge since 2012. He worked as a Research Associate in Mount Sinai Hospital. In 2009 he is a Specialist in Neonatal Medicine in Postgraduate University of Medicine.He is a member in Hungarian Paediatric Society. Expert Member of the Essex Research Ethics Committee. Since 2010 he have been the named educational supervisor of 13 Paediatric Trainees.
1) Fetal preparation of the lung for birth I am interested in the transcriptional programs that take place in the lung during the last third of fetal development and prepare these organs for normal postnatal function. Using genomic technologies, previously microarrays and currently RNA sequencing I am studying gene expression changes in the rodent lung during this period. My aim is to identify novel molecular mechanisms that can provide us with novel tools for intervention. Particular focus is placed on non-coding RNAs (microRNAs and long noncoding RNAs) that have not been previously annotated or appreciated as gene regulatory elements of the genome.
2) The molecular biology of necrotizing enterocolitis I am studying the interaction between intestinal bacteria and host factors, in particular the intestinal pattern recognition receptors (PRRs). We have described the developmental regulation and role of a novel PRR, NALP-6 in the intestine. In collaboration I am also studying the effects of probiotics on the preterm intestinal microbiome.
1) Kempster SL, Belteki G, Licence D, Charnock-Jones DS, Smith GC. Disruption of paraoxonase 3 impairs proliferation and antioxidant defenses in human A549 cells and causes embryonic lethality in mice. Am J PhysiolEndocrinolMetab.2012Jan;302(1):E103-7. Joint first author with equal contribution.
2) Kempster SL, Belteki G, Forhead AJ, Fowden AL, Catalano RD, Lam BY, McFarlane I, Charnock-Jones DS, Smith GC. Developmental control of the Nlrp6 inflammasome and a substrate, IL-18, in mammalian intestine. Am J PhysiolGastrointest Liver Physiol. 2011 Feb;300(2):G253-63. Joint first author with equal contribution.
3) Belteki G, Kempster SL, Forhead AJ, Giussani DA, Fowden AL, Curley A,Charnock-Jones DS, Smith GC. Paraoxonase-3, a putative circulating antioxidant,is systemically up-regulated in late gestation in the fetal rat, sheep, and human. J ClinEndocrinolMetab. 2010 Aug;95(8):3798-805. Joint first author with equal contribution.
4) Belteki G., Haigh J., Kabacs N., Haigh K., Sison K., Costantini F., Whitsett J., Quaggin S., Nagy A.: Conditional and inducible transgene expression in mice through the combinatorial use of Cre-mediated recombination and tetracycline induction. Nucleic Acids Research 33(5), e51, 2005. IF: Joint first author with equal contributions.
5) Belteki G., Gertstenstein M., Ow D., Nagy A.: Site-specific cassette exchange and germline transmission with mouse ES cells expressing PhiC31 integrase. Nature Biotechnology, 21(3), 321– 324, 2003.