Did his PhD studies in Agricultural Economics, at the Dept. of Agricultural Economics, School of Agricultural Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and his postgraduate studies in Agricultural Economics, at the Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Imperial College (formerly Wye College – University of London), United Kingdom. He is Associate Professor at the Dept. of Ichthyology and Aquatic Environment, School of Agricultural Sciences, University of Thessaly, Greece and president of the Greek Association of Agricultural Economists. Over the last 15 years his academic interests focus on Fisheries and Aquaculture industry, mainly dealing with economic and marketing issues regarding the fisheries products. He has published (as main author or co-author) more than 50 articles in international scientific journals and conferences proceedings. He is member of the Editorial Board of the British Food Journal, and of the Journal of Aquaculture & Marine Biology and he has been, as blind reviewer, in more than 10 international scientific journals. His recent scientific interests regard the world trade of fisheries products, trade patterns and competitiveness issues, market and consumer behaviour towards agricultural and fisheries products, agricultural and fisheries policy mainly focusing on the Common Fisheries Policy of the European Union
1)International Trade of Agricultural and Fisheries Products
2)Trade Patterns and Competitiveness
3)Agricultural, Fisheries and Food Marketing
4)Consumer behavior in Agricultural and Fisheries Products
5)Agricultural and Fisheries Policy
6)Common Agricultural and Fisheries Policy of the E.U
7)Rural Development
1. Polymeros, K., Kaimakoudi, M., Schinaraki, A., and Ch., Batzios, (2015). Analysing consumers perceived differences in wild and farmed fish. British Food Journal, 117:3, 1007-1016.
2. Tsikliras, A. and Polymeros K., (2014). Fish market prices drive overfishing of the ‘big ones. PeerJ 2, e638.
3. Polymeros, K., Kaimakoudi, E., Mitsoura, A., Nikouli E. and Mente E., (2014). The determinants of consumption for organic aquaculture products. Aquaculture Economics and Management, 18:1, 45-49.
4.Kaimakoudi, E., Polymeros K. and Batzios Ch., (2014). Investigating export performance of Balkan and Eastern European fisheries sectorElsevier, Procedia Economics and Finance. Reference: FINE576. DOI:10.1016/S2212-5671(14)00023-9. (2014), pp. 219-230. . The Economies of Balkan and Eastern Europe Countries in the Changed World (EBEEC 2013).
5.Kaimakoudi, E., Polymeros K., Schinaraki M-G. and Batzios Ch., (2013). Consumers attitudes towards fisheries products. Elsevier, Procedia Technology: 8 (2013) 90 – 96. DOI: 10.1016/2013.11.013. ISSN: 2212-0173. 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture, Food and Environment (HAICTA 2013).
6. Karelakis, Ch., Abas Z., Galanopoulos K. and Polymeros K., (2013). Positive effects of the Greek economic crisis on livestock farmer behaviour. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, Vol.33:(3), pp. 445-456.
7. Kaimakoudi E., Polymeros K. and Batzios Ch. (2012). The impacts of Common Fisheries Policy of the EU on the Greek fishery sector. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference The Economies of Balkan and Eastern Europe Countries in the changed World, pp.379-388.
8. Tsikliras, A. and Polymeros K., (2012). Do market forces influence fishing activities?. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the Hellenic Society for Biological Sciences, pp. 303.
9. Karelakis, Ch., Kaimakoudi, E., and Polymeros, K., (2011). Analyzing managerial perceptions towards the performance determinants in the fishery sector. Fisheries Research, 110:244-251.
10. Kaimakoudi, E., A. Mitsoura, K. Polymeros, E. Nikouli and E. Mente, (2011). Analysing consumers perceptions towards organic aquaculture products. Proceedings of the annual meeting of European Aquaculture Society, Aquaculture Europe 2011 - October 18-21, Rhodes, Greece, pp 521-522.
11. Polymeros, K., Karelakis Ch. and Kaimakoudi E., (2010). A path analysis approach in investigating the performance of the Greek fisheries market. Food Economics - Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section C (02-04), pp.128-138.
12. Kaimakoudi, E., Polymeros, K. and Karelakis Ch. (2010). Investigating market performance: the case of Greek fisheries industry. International Review of Applied Economic Research, Vol. 5, (1-2), pp. 73-81.
13. Polymeros, K. and Katrakilidis C., (2008). The Dynamic Characteristics of Competitiveness in the E.U Fish Market. The International Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. 1, (1), pp. 25-42.
14. Botonaki, Α., Polymeros K., Tsakiridou Ε. and Mattas K., (2006). The role of food quality certification on consumers food choices. British Food Journal, Vol. 108, (2), pp. 77 - 90.
15. Michailidis, A., Polymeros K. and Loizou E., (2006). Biologic Olive Oil Quality:An Illustration of Consumers Perception. International Review of Applied Economic Research, Vol. 1, (1), pp. 35-43.
16. Katrakilidis, C., Mattas K., and Polymeros K., (2005). Structural Changes and Trend Behaviour of the European Cotton Market. International Journal of Economic Research, Vol. 2 (2):207-215.
17. Mattas, K., Fotopoulos C., Tzouvelekas E., Loizou E. and K. Polymeros, (1999). The Dynamics of Crop Sectors in Regional Development: The Case of Tobacco. International Advances in Economic Research, Vol. 5 (2):255-268.
18. Polymeros, K., Mattas K., and Michaelidis A., (1998). Cotton: Perspectives and Prospects of a Challenging European Crop. MEDIT Vol. 1:14-17.