Dr. Roberto Rico-MartÃnez got his Bachelor of Science, Major in Biology at the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes in Mexico in 1987; then he got a Master of Science in Oceanography & Limnology from University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1989; then in 1995 got a Ph. D. in Applied Biology from Georgia Institute of Technology. Since 1996 he has been a full time professor at the Chemistry Department of the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes in Mexico. Among the funds and merits he has earned are: a) Anna Grant Scholarship of the Center for Limnology of the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1989, b) ABOS scholarship from Belgian Government in 1991 for a six months stay at Ghent University, c) Fullbright/GarcÃa-Robles Scholarship in 2011 for a sabbatical stay at Georgia Institute of Technology. He is member of the editorial board of three international journals in the areas of biodiversity and environmental toxicology.
1. Aquatic toxicology with emphasis in the development of toxicity tests with freshwater invertebrates (rotifers and cladocerans).
2. Metal toxicity in freshwater ecosystems with emphasis in biomagnifications processes.Â
3. Pesticide toxicity on freshwater invertebrates with emphasis in effects on cholinergic system.
4. Biomarkers in freshwater invertebrates.Â
5. Ecotoxicology of freshwater invertebrates.
6. General ecology and taxonomy of rotifers.Â
1. Rico, M. R. 1987. “Obtención de gammaglobulina antihumana en suero de cabraâ€. Tesis profesional Biologo. Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes. Aguascalientes, Ags., México: 39 pp.
2. Delgadillo, S, F., R., Rico M., y C. R. Gazca. I988. \"Producción de Gamma-globulina anticonejo en suero de cabra\". Memorias del XV Congreso Nacional de FitopatologÃa. Xalapa, Veracruz. México: p. 90.
3. Rico-MartÃnez, R. 1989. Mass culture of the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus Pallas and its use as food for freshwater fish larvae. Master of Science Thesis. University of Wisconsin-Madison, U.S.A.: 26 pp.
4. Rico-MartÃnez, R., y S. I., Dodson. I992. \"Culture of the Rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus Pallas\". Aquaculture, 105: 191-199.
5. Rico-MartÃnez, R. 1992. Key to the zooplankton of Lake Chapala (Mexico). End-of-the-course report of the International Training Course: “Zooplankton a tool in lake management.†State University of Ghent, Belgium: 23 pp.
6. Rico-MartÃnez, R., E. Ceballos-Uzeta, E. Bárcena-Chávez. 1992. Estudio del zooplancton de la presa Ing. ElÃas González Chávez (Calderón). Reporte interno al S.I.A.P.A., Guadalajara, Jalisco, México: 75 pp.
7. Rico-MartÃnez, R., y M. Silva-Briano. 1993. \"Contribution to the knowledge of the Rotifera of Mexico\". Hydrobiologia, 255/256: 467-474.
8. Rico-MartÃnez, R. 1995. Contribution to the knowledge of speciation in Rotifera. Ph. D. Thesis. Georgia Institute of Technology. Atlanta, Georgia, USA: 140 pp.
9. Rico-MartÃnez, R., y T. W. Snell. 1995. Mating behavior and mate recognition pheromone blocking of male receptors in Brachionus plicatilis Müller (Rotifera) strains. Hydrobiologia 313/314: 105-110.
10. Rico-MartÃnez, R., y T. W. Snell. 1995. Male discrimination of female Brachionus plicatilis Müller and Brachionus rotundiformis Tschugunoff (Rotifera) strains. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 190: 39-49.
11. Snell, T. W., R. Rico-MartÃnez, L. S. Kelly, y T. E. Battle. 1995. Identification of a sex pheromone from a rotifer. Marine Biology 123: 347-353.
12. Rico-MartÃnez, R., B. Dingmann, & T. W. Snell. 1996. Surface glycoproteins potentially involved in mate recognition in nine freshwater rotifer species. Arch. Hydrobiol. 138: 1-10.
13. Snell, T. W., y R. Rico-MartÃnez, 1996. Characteristics of the mate recognition pheromone in Brachionus plicatilis (Rotifera). Mar. Fresh. Behav. Physiol., 27(2-3): 143-151.
14. Rico-MartÃnez, R., y T. W. Snell. 1997. Comparative binding of antibody to a mate recognition pheromone on female Brachionus plicatilis and Brachionus rotundiformis (Rotifera). Hydrobiologia, 358: 71-76.
15. Rico-MartÃnez, R., y T. W. Snell. 1997. Mating behavior in eight rotifer species: Using cross-mating tests to study species boundaries. Hydrobiologia, 356: 165-173.
16. Rico-MartÃnez, R. 1998. Cross-mating tests re-discovered: A tool to assess species boundaries in rotifers. Hydrobiologia 387/388: 109-115.
17. Rico-MartÃnez, R., I. A. Pérez-Legaspi, G. E. Quintero-DÃaz, M. A. Hernández-RodrÃguez, M. G. RodrÃguez-MartÃnez, y J. Zaragoza-Almaráz. 1998. Effect of copper addition to a laboratory maintained microcosm of Presidente Calles Reservoir, Aguascalientes, Mexico. Aquatic Ecosystems Health and Management, 1: 323-332
18. Pérez-Legaspi, I. A., y R. Rico-MartÃnez. 1998. Effect of temperature and food concentration in two species of littoral rotifers. Hydrobiologia 387/388: 341-348.
19. Hernández-RodrÃguez M. A., G. E. Santos-Medrano, G. E. Quintero-DÃaz, y R. Rico-MartÃnez. 1999. Correlación entre la precipitación pluvial y la densidad y composición del zooplancton de ocho presas del estado de Aguascalientes, México. Revista de BiologÃa Tropical 47 (Supl. 1): 121-127.
20. Rico-MartÃnez R., G. E. Santos-Medrano, y C. A. Velázquez-Rojas, I. 1999. Mating behavior of the rotifer Epiphanes senta (Rotifera: Monogononta). Scientiae Naturae, 2(1): 29-36.
21. Segers, H., y R. Rico-MartÃnez. 2000. The male of Lecane bulla (Gosse, 1851): new support for the synonymy of Lecane Nitzsch, Monostyla Ehrenberg and Hemimonostyla Bartos. Journal of Natural History 34(5): 679-684.
22. Hernández-RodrÃguez M. A., R. Rico-MartÃnez, G. E. Santos-Medrano, C. A. Velázquez-Rojas, y V. G. Sánchez-MartÃnez. 2000. Life Table of the rotifer Lecane furcata (Murray, 1913). Scientiae Naturae 3(1): 18-26.
23. Pérez-Legaspi, I. A., y R. Rico-MartÃnez. 2001. Acute toxicity tests on three species of the genus Lecane (Rotifera: Monogononta). Hydrobiologia 446/447: 375-381.
24. Santos-Medrano, G. E., R. Rico-MartÃnez, y C. A. Velázquez-Rojas. 2001. Swimming speed and Reynolds numbers of eleven freshwater rotifer species. Hydrobiologia 446/447: 35-38.
25. Velázquez-Rojas, C. A., G. E. Santos-Medrano, y R. Rico-MartÃnez. 2002. Sexual reproductive biology of Platyias quadricornis (Rotifera: Monogononta). International Review of Hydrobiology 87(1): 97-105.