2001 Doctor in Public health, Kaunas University of Medicine, Lithuania (PhD) Thesis: Environmental factors and myocardial infarction risk in the male population of Kaunas 1982 Medical doctor, Kaunas University of Medicine, Lithuania
1. Tamosiunas A, Grazuleviciene R, Luksiene D, Dedele A, Reklaitiene R, Baceviciene M, Vencloviene J, Bernotiene G, Radisauskas R, Malinauskiene V, Milinaviciene E, Bobak M, Peasey A, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ. Accessibility and use of urban green spaces, and cardiovascular health: findings from a Kaunas cohort study. Environ Health. 2014 Mar 19;13(1):20.
2. Malinauskiene V, Malinauskas R. Unhealthy food in relation to posttraumatic stress symptoms among adolescents. Appetite. 2014 Mar;74:86-91.
3. Tamosiunas A, Baceviciene M, Reklaitiene R, Radisauskas R, Jureniene K, Azaraviciene A, Luksiene D, Malinauskiene V, Daugeliene E, Sapranaviciute-Zabazlajeva L. Cardiovascular risk factors and cognitive function in middle aged and elderly Lithuanian urban population: results from the HAPIEE study. BMC Neurol. 2012 Nov 30;12:149. doi: 10.1186/1471-2377-12-149.
4. Malinauskiene V., Leisyte P., Malinauskas R., Bagdonas G., et al. Outdoor and indoor air pollution and myocardial infarction risk among women in Kaunas, Lithuania: a case-control study. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. 2011;20(4):969-976.
5. Malinauskiene V, Leisyte P, Malinauskas R, Kirtiklyte K. Associations between self-rated health and psychosocial conditions, lifestyle factors and health resources among hospital nurses in Lithuania. J Adv Nurs. 2011;67(11): 2383-2393.
6. Valius L, RastenytÄ—, D; MalinauskienÄ— V, KranÄiukaitÄ—-ButylkinienÄ— D. Evaluation of the Quality of Services in Primary Health Care Institutions. Medicina. 2011;47(1):57-62.
7. Malinauskienė V, Tamošiūnas A. Menopause and myocardial infarction risk among employed women in relation to work and family psychosocial factors in Lithuania. Maturitas. 2010;66(1): 94-98.
8. Malinauskas R, MalinauskienÄ— V, DumÄienÄ— A. Burnout and perceived stress among university coaches in Lithuania. Journal of occupational health. 2010;52(5):302-307.
9. Malinauskiene V, Leisyte P, Malinauskas R. Psychosocial job characteristics, social support and sense of coherence as determinants of mental health among nurses. Medicina 2009:45(11).
10. Dulskiene V, Malinauskiene V, Azaraviciene A, Kuciene R. The incidence and diagnostics of congenital heart defects in Kaunas infant population during 1999-2005. Medicina (Kaunas). 2008;44(2):139-46.
11. MalinauskienÄ— V, GražuleviÄienÄ— R, Theorell T, et al. Psychosocial factors at work and myocardial infarction among men in Kaunas, Lithuania. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health. 2005;31(3):218-223.
12. Grazuleviciene R, Maroziene L, Malinauskiene V, et al. Exposure to urban nitrogen dioxide pollution and the risk of myocardial infarction. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health 2004;30(4):293-298.
13. Malinauskiene V, Theorell T, Grazuleviciene R, et al. Low job control and myocardial infarction risk in the occupational categories of Kaunas men, Lithuania. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 2004;58:131-135.
14. MalinauskienÄ— V, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ; GražuleviÄienÄ— R, AzaraviÄienÄ— A. Myocardial infarction risk and occupational categories in Kaunas 25-64 year old men. Occupational and environmental medicine. ISSN 1351-0711. 2002, vol. 59, no. 11, p. 745-750.