Ahmar A. Shah he is currently working as a full time Consultant at Yeovil District Hospital Foundation Trust for nearly 6 years after completing training from Eastern Deanery and achieved CCT in November 2007. He is the clinical lead for early pregnancy unit and emergency Gynaecology Assessment Unit and lead for high risk pregnancy.
He received “Young Gynaecologist Award” from The XVIII Asian & Oceanic Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology in September 2002, “Clinical Excellence Award” from Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in recognition for service development and providing excellent patient care in 2011 and 2014. He has Membership in Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. He completed his Level 2 accreditation in laparoscopic surgery.
1)Emergency gynaecology and early pregnancy services.
2)Laparoscopic surgery.
1)Review of article for BMJ Case Report December 2014 Elinor Robin Carlisle, Tina Verghese, Ahmar Shah. Miscarriages following caesarean section-induced extra-uterine adhesions .BMJ Case Reports 2012; doi:10.1136/bcr-2012-006766.
2)Tina Verghese, Karim Wahba, Ahmar Shah. An interesting case of intramyometrial pregnancy. BMJ Case Reports March 2012; doi:10.1136/bcr.11.2011.5187.
3)Ahmar A. Shah, Mahmood I. Shafi. Cancer in pregnancy, Problem Based Learning in Obstetrics. Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine. Vol 18:10 October 2008.
4)Ashfaq F, Shah AA. Effect of amnioinfusion for meconium stained amniotic fluid on perinatal outcome. J Pak Med Assoc. 2004 Jun;54(6):322-5
5)A.A.Shah, F.Ashfaq. Role of amnioinfusion in meconium aspiration syndrome. Spectrum. Vol.24(3,4); Mar-Apr: 2003: 17-21.
6)Noorani KJ, Korejo R, Shah AA. Haemorrhage – a major killer in obstetrics. Annals of JPMC. Vol.8(1); Jan-Mar: 2002: 18-20.
7)Razia Korejo, Ahmar Ali Shah, Khurshid Noorani. Prevalence of Bacterial Vaginosis in asymptomatic pregnant women and its effect on the outcome of pregnancy. Journal of Surgery Pakistan.Vol.5 (1); Jan-March 2000: 3-5.
8)hanna, GA; Shah, AA. Surgical approach for Hepatic Hydatid Disease. Journal of Surgery Pakistan. Vol. 2 (1); January 1997: 13 - 14.