Investigating the influence of UV-B LEDs and solar radiation on leaf temperature and
water leaf potential of different species under different PAR backgrounds in controlled
environment as well as under spectral modifying filters in the field.The aim of this
project is to investigate the underlying mechanism responsible for leaf temperature
change in relation to UV exposure and the impact of exploiting this phenomenon for
more sustainable horticulture systems.
1. Plant responses to UV radiation during different growing stages under field and controlled conditions. Eslam Elfadly, Wagdy Sobeih, Jason Moore and Nigel Paul. Under review, Plant, Cell and Environment.
2. UV radiation as an exploitable and diverse tool in the regulation of crop quality and yield. Eslam Elfadly, Wagdy Sobeih, Jason Wargent, Jason Moore and Nigel Paul. Acta Horticulture (ISHS) (2012) 956: 67-74 (
3. Early Exposure to UV Radiation during Propagation leads to a Yield Increase in Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Eslam Elfadly, Wagdy Sobeih, Jason Wargent and Nigel Paul. Poster Abstract- 7th International Symposium on Light in Horticulture, International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS), Wageningen UR, The Netherlands, 15-18 October 2012.
4. Increased exposure to UV-B radiation during early development leads to enhanced photoprotection and improved long-term performance in Lactuca sativa. Jason J. Wargent, Eslam M. Elfadly, Jason P. Moore and Nigel D. Paul. Plant, Cell and Environment (2011) 34, 1401–1413.
5. Exploiting plant responses to solar UV radiation in improved protecting cropping systems. Eslam Elfadly, Jason Wargent, Jason Moore, Wagdy Sobeih and Nigel Paul.14th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology (ESP), Geneva Switzerland, 1-6 September 2011.
6. Effects of organic manures, mineral NPK and bio-fertilizer application on vegetative growth, yield and its components, and chemical composition of Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera). E. M. Elfadly, T.H.I Solieman, A.G. Moussa, A.H. Abdel-Razik. Alexandria Journal of Agricultural Research (2006) 51: (3), 85-103.