Cheng, I-Jiunn, a senior professor at Institute of Marine Biology, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan, ROC. He got his PhD degree at School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Stony Brook University, US in 1998. After graduated, he conducted two and half year post-doctoral research at Department of Ecology and Evolution of the same university before landed the permanent job at the National Taiwan Ocean University. Professor Cheng acted as the visiting professor for three months at CNRS, Banyulus Marine Laboratory, France in 1992, and sabbatical research at Department of Bioscience, Swansea University, UK for 4 months in 2010. Professor Cheng has won the “Best Achievement in Natural Conservation Award” by Council of Agriculture, Taiwan, ROC in 2009.
1)Benthic ecology
2)physiological ecology
4)marine conservation
5)marine turtle biology