Shu-Yi Liao, MD, MPH, MS, ScD, is a visiting scientist at Department of Environmental Health , Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and an Internal Medicine resident at University of California, Riverside. He earned his MD from the National Taiwan University, Taiwan before spending four years for Master of Public Health, Master of Science in Biostatistics and Doctor of Science in Environmental and Occupational Medicine at HSPH. His research focuses on gene-environmental interaction and occupational exposure on lung function. He would love to combine his interests in occupational medicine, preventive medicine and internal medicine to promote the importance of prevention of occupational exposure.
1. Occupational lung disease, COPD, lung function
2.Gene-environmental interactions on lung function/diseases
3. Occupational and other environmental exposure on lung function/diseases
1. Liao SY, Lin X, Christiani DC \"Genome-Wide Association and Network Analysis of Lung Function in the Framingham Heart Study, \" Genetic Epidemiology, 2014 Accepted
2. Liao SY, Lin X, Christiani DC \"Gene-environment interaction effects on lung function- a genome-wide association study within the Framingham heart study,\" Environmental Health. 2013 Dec 1;12:101
3. Liao SY, Chen WJ, et al. “Genetic Variants in COMT and Neurocognitive Impairment in Families of Patients with Schizophrenia,” Genes Brain Behavior. 2009 Mar; 8(2):228-37.DT