Dr. Kumar obtained Ph.D. degree in Botany in 1980 from Banaras Hindu University and then proceeded for PDF at The Univ. of Texas at Austin, USA. While in USA, he was offered a post of Scientist B in 1983 at Indian Inst. of Chemical Biology, Calcutta and served there for one year. In 1984, he moved to BHU and joined as lecturer in Botany Dept. He was appointed Professor of Biotechnology in 1998 at School of Biotechnology. He served as Coordinator, School of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics center and presently occupying the post of Coordnator, UGC-SAP. Dr. Kumar has been actively involved in teaching of different courses at UG and PG level. He has more than 39 years of teaching and research experience. He has published more than 90 research papers in reputed journals. His works are widely acknowledged internationally. Dr. Kumar has successfully completed various research projects funded by DBT, DST, UGC, ONGC, GTZ Germany, DNES, CSIR, CST-UP and others. He has received National fellowship for study abroad, DAAD-Germany, Biotechnology overseas associateship and UGC-BRS grant. 20 students have obtained Ph.D. degree under his guidance and several MD/MS (Medical) students worked under his supervision. Dr. Kumar is member of several National committees and presently an active member of NAAC peer team. He has done research works in USA, UK, Germany, Manila and visited other countries (South Africa, Brazil and France).
His main area of research interest is molecular microbiology and made significant contributions in molecular diversity analysis of bacteria, genetic diversity of H. pylori and UV-B radiation effects on microbes.
His works on genotyping of H. pylori are innovative and well cited.
1) Singh,D.P.,Tyagi,M.B., Kumar Arvind , Thakur, J.K. and Kumar Ashok. 2001. Antialgal activity of a hepatotoxin-producing cyanobacterium, Microcystis aeruginosa. W.J.Microbiol. Biotechnol.17: 15-22. (IF-0.945)
2) Kumar Ashok, Tyagi, M.B., Jha, P.N., Srinivas, G. and Singh, A. 2003. Inactivation of cyanobacterial nitrogenase after exposure to ultraviolet-B radiation. Current Microbiol. 46:380-384. (IF-1.330)
3) Kumar Ashok, Tyagi,M.B. and Jha,P.N. 2004. Evidences showing ultraviolet-B radiation-induced damage of DNA in cyanobacteria and its detection by PCR assay. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 318:1025-1030. (IF-2.823)
4) Jha, P.N. and Kumar Ashok. 2007. Endophytic colonization of Typha australis by a plant growth-promoting bacterium Klebsiella oxytoca strain GR-3. J. Appl. Microbiol. 103:1311-1320. (IF -2.028)
5) Kumar S., Kumar A. and Dixit ,V.K. (2009) Evidences showing association of interleukin polymorphisms with increased risk of gastric cancer in an Indian population. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 387:456-460. (IF-2.823)
6) Tyagi, R., Kumar Ashok, Tyagi, M.B, Jha, P.N., Kumar, H.D., Sinha, R.P. and Hader D.P.2003. Protective role of certain chemicals against UV-B-induced damage in the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium, Nostoc muscorum . J. Basic Microbiol.43: 137-147.
7) Kumar Ashok, Tyagi,M.B., Singh,N., Tyagi,R., Jha,P.N., Sinha,R.P. and Hader D.P. (2003) Role of white light in reversing UV-B mediated effects in the N2- fixing cyanobacterium Anabaena BT2. J. Photochem.Photobiol. B:Biology 71:35- 42.
8) Kumar Ashok, Tyagi,M.B. and Jha,P.N. 2004. Evidences showing ultraviolet-B radiation-induced damage of DNA in cyanobacteria and its detection by PCR assay. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 318:1025-1030.
9) Sharma A, Mishra P.K. and Kumar Ashok. 2004. Localization of nitrogenase and nitrate reductase in the Cycas-Anabaena-cycadeae association. Acta Biologica Cracoviensla Series Botanica 46:213-216.
10) Sinha R.P., Kumar A., Tyagi M.B. and Hader D.P. 2005. Ultraviolet-B-induced destruction of phycobiliproteins in cyanobacteria. Physiol. Molecular Biol. Plants. 11: 313-319
11) Tyagi M.B., Singh D.P., Kumar Anila, Jha P.N., Sinha R.P. and Kumar Ashok. 2006. Hepatotoxicity of Microcystis aeruginosa strains growing as blooms in certain eutrophic ponds. EXCLI J. 5: 66-78.
12) Jha, P.N. and Kumar Ashok. 2007. Endophytic colonization of Typha australis by a plant growth-promoting bacterium Klebsiella oxytoca strain GR-3. J. Appl. Microbiol. 103:1311-1320.
13) Kumar S, Kumar A and Dixit V.K. (2008) Direct detection and analysis of vacA genotypes and cagA gene of Helicobacter pylori from gastric biopsies by a novel multiplex polymerase chain reaction assay. Diagnostic Microbiol. Infectious Dis. 62: 366?373
14) Jha P. N. and Kumar Ashok. 2009. Characterization of novel plant growth promoting endophytic bacterium Achromobacter xylosoxidans from wheat plant. Microbial Ecol. 58: 179-188.
15) Kumar S., Kumar A. and Dixit ,V.K. (2009) Evidences showing association of interleukin polymorphisms with increased risk of gastric cancer in an Indian population. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 387:456-460.
16) Mishra VK and Kumar A. (2009) Curcumin induced cell death and inhibition of telomerase activity in mouse lymphoma P388D1 cells EXCLI Journal; 8:20-29.
17) Singh S.K., Gupta K., Tiwari S., Shahi S.K., Kumar S., Kumar A. and Gupta S.K. (2009). Detecting aerobic bacterial diversity in patients with diabetic foot wounds using ERIC-PCR: A preliminary communication. The Intl. J. Lower Extremity Wounds. 8: 203-208.
18) Mishra V.K. and Kumar A. (2009) Impact of metal nanoparticles on the plant growth promoting rhizobacteria. Digest J Nanomaterials and Biostructures. 4:587- 592.
19)Kumar S., Kumar A. And Dixit, V.K. (2010). Diversity in cag pathogenicity island (cag PAI) of Helicobacter pylori isolates from North and South Indian populations. J Medical Microbiol. 59: 32-40.
List of Papers published in Books
1) Kumar Ashok, Sinha R.P., Tyagi M.B., Jha P.N., Pattanaik B., Mishra V.K. and Kumar Anil. 2006. Cyanotoxins: Biotechnological potentials. In: Biotechnological Applications of cyanobacteria. Ed. Singh K. Academic World, New Delhi, pp 81-104.
2) Sinha R. P. Tyagi M. B. and Kumar, Ashok (2008) Impacts of ultraviolet-B radiation on microbes and human health: The biotechnological perspectives. In Microbial Biotechnology. Eds. Saikia, S, Bezbaruah, R.L. and Bora, T.C. New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi, pp 319-347.
3) Sinha R. P., Tyagi M. B., Kumar S. and Kumar, A.(2010) UV-B radiation- induced stress and protection strategies in cyanobacteria. In: Algal Biotechnology- New Vistas (Ed. Das MK), Daya Publishing House, Delhi, pp- 93-110.
1988 Biotechnology Overseas Associateship (USA)
1995 DAAD (German Academic Exchange Programme) Fellowship.
1998 Resource scientist, BNF group, IRRI, Manila