Dr. Hoge is the Director of the Columbia-Cornell Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship Program and Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Columbia University. He is currently the Chair of the American Psychiatric Association Council on Psychiatry and Law. Dr. Hoge has published numerous peer-reviewed articles related to forensic psychiatry and mental health policy issues
1) Forensic assessment
2) Mental health policy
3) Psychiatry forensic education
4) Correctional psychiatry.
1) Appelbaum PS and Hoge SK. The right to refuse treatment: what the research reveals. Behavioral Sciences and the Law 1986; Vol. 4, 3:279 - 292.
2) Hoge SK and Biederman J. A case of Tourette\\\'s Syndrome with symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder treated with desipramine. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 1986; Vol. 47, 9:478 - 479.
3) Biederman J, Munir K, Knee D, Habelow W, Armentano M, Autor S, Hoge S, and Waternaux C. A family prevalence study of probands with attention deficit disorder and normal controls. Journal of Psychiatric Research 1986; 20:263 - 274.
4) Hoge SK and Biederman J. The effects of desipramine on liver function tests in children and adolescents. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 1987; Vol. 7, 2:87 - 89.
5) Hoge SK and Gutheil TG. Prosecution of patients for assaults on staff: a preliminary empirical study. Hospital and Community Psychiatry 1987; 38:44 – 49.
6) Hoge SK, Gutheil TG, and Kaplan E. The right to refuse treatment under Rogers v. Commissioner: preliminary empirical findings and comparisons. Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 1987; 15(2):163 - 169.
7) Hoge SK, Sacks G, Appelbaum PS, Greer A, and Gordon C. Limitations on psychiatrists discretionary civil commitment authority by the Stone and dangerousness criteria. Archives of General Psychiatry 1988; 45:764 – 769.
8) Hoge SK, Appelbaum PS, and Greer A. An empirical comparison of the Stone and dangerousness criteria for civil commitment. American Journal of Psychiatry 1989; 142(2):170 – 175.
9) Rosenbaum A and Hoge SK. Head injury and marital aggression. American Journal of Psychiatry 1989; 146(8):1048 - 1051.
10) Hoge SK, Appelbaum PS, Lawlor T, Beck J, Littman RE, Greer A, Gutheil TG, and Kaplan E. A prospective, multi-center study of patients\\\' refusal of antipsychotic medication. Archives of General Psychiatry 1990; 47:949 - 956.
11)Hoge SK and Grisso T. Accuracy and expert testimony. Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 1992; 20:67 - 76.
12)Hoge SK, Bonnie RJ, Poythress N, and Monahan J. Attorney-client decision making in criminal cases: client competence and participation as perceived by their attorneys. Behavioral Sciences and the Law 1992; 10:385 - 394.
13)Halleck SL, Hoge SK, Miller RD, Sadoff RL, and Halleck NH. The use of psychiatric diagnoses in the legal process: task force report of the American Psychiatric Association. Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 1992; 20:481 - 500.
14)Hoge SK, Lidz C, Mulvey E, Roth LH, Bennett N, Siminoff L, Arnold R, and Monahan J. Patient, family, and staff perceptions of coercion in mental hospital admission: an exploratory study. Behavioral Sciences and the Law 1993; 11:281 - 294.
15) Bennett NS, Lidz CW, Monahan J, Mulvey EP, Hoge SK, Roth LR, and Gardner W. Inclusion, motivation, and good faith: the morality of coercion in mental hospital admission. Behavioral Sciences and the Law 1993; 11:295 - 306, 1993. (Also published in Developments in Mental Health Law, Vol. 13, No. 2, 1993
Awards and Honors
1) 1985-86 - Rappeport Fellow, American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
2) 1986 - Honorable Mention, 28th Annual Harry C. Solomon Essay Award, Massachusetts Mental Health Center