Frances Joy KAY-LAMBKIN PhD is an Associate Professor and NHMRC CRE Research Fellow of Mental Health & Substance Use at NATIONAL DRUG AND ALCOHOL RESEARCH CENTRE, University of New South Wales, Sydney NSW, AUSTRALIA. Over the past 15 years, I have worked in a clinical research capacity with people experiencing psychotic disorders, depression, personality disorders, and alcohol/other drug use problems, with specific experience in the use of cognitive behaviour therapy, motivational interviewing and mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques among people with co-occurring mental health and alcohol/other drug problems. She is a Program Director (Translational) for Substance Use. She received Fred Yates Award for Significant Contribution to Addiction Research from Society for the Study of Addiction (UK), Ian Webster Research Achievement Award from National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW. She also holds Career Development Fellowship from National Health and Medical Research Council, Rising Star Award from Newcastle Innovation, University of Newcastle. Dr. Frances Joy received her tertiary training in Psychology(Honors) from University of Newcastle followed by PhD (Psychiatry) from the same University.
1) Clinical trial of computer- and internet-delivered treatments for people with co-occurring mental
2) Health and alcohol/other drug use problems.computerized psychological treatments
3) Psychological treatments incorporating a multiple behaviour change focus, and in clinical
4) treatment trials evaluating the efficacy of such treatments among people with mental health