Kwei-Shan, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Professional History: 2013-present Director Division of Natural Products Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences Chang Gung University, Taiwan 2010-present Deputy Director School of Traditional Chinese Medicine Chang Gung University, Taiwan 2009-present Professor Graduate Institute of Natural Products Chang Gung University, Taiwan 2005-2009 Associate Professor Graduate Institute of Natural Products Chang Gung University, Taiwan 2000-2005 Assistant Professor Graduate Institute of Natural Products Chang Gung University, Taiwan Education: 1996- 2000 Ph.D. Pharmacology Graduate Institute of Pharmacology NationalTaiwanUniversity 1991-1993 M.S. Pharmacology Graduate Institute of Medicine KaohsiungMedicalCollege 1987-1991 B.S. Pharmacy School of Pharmacy KaohsiungMedicalCollege
1) Inflammopharmacology
2) Innate immunity
3) Signal transduction
4) Protein kinase
5) Phytopharmacology
6) Drug research and development.
1. Hwang TL*, Li GL, Lan YH, Chia YC, Hsieh PW, Wu YH, Wu YC. Potent inhibition of superoxide anion production in activated human neutrophils by isopedicin, a bioactive component of the Chinese medicinal herb Fissistigmaoldhamii. Free RadicBiol Med. 2009 Feb 15; 46(4):520-8.
2. Hwang TL*, Su YC, Chang HL, LeuYL, Chung PJ, Kuo LM, Chang YJ. Suppression of superoxide anion and elastase release by C18 unsaturated fatty acids in human neutrophils. J Lipid Res. 2009 Jul;50(7):1395-408.
3. Chen JJ, Chung CY, Hwang TL, Chen JF. Amides and benzenoids from Zanthoxylumailanthoides with inhibitory activity on superoxide generation and elastase release by neutrophils. J Nat Prod. 2009 Jan;72(1):107-11.
4. Chen JJ, Ting CW, Hwang TL, Chen IS. Benzophenone derivatives from the fruits of Garcinia multiflora and their anti-inflammatory activity. J Nat Prod. 2009 Feb 27;72(2):253-8.
5. Lin AS, Lin CR, Du YC, Lübken T, Chiang MY, Chen IH, Wu CC, Hwang TL, Chen SL, Yen MH, Chang FR, Wu YC. Acasiane A and B and farnesirane A and B, diterpene derivatives from the roots of Acacia farnesiana. Planta Med. 2009 Feb;75(3):256-61.
6. Yen CT, Hsieh PW, Hwang TL, Lan YH, Chang FR, Wu YC. Flavonol glycosides from muehlenbeckiaplatyclada and their anti-inflammatory activity. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). 2009 Mar;57(3):280-2.
7. Yen CT, Hwang TL, Wu YC, Hsieh PW. Design and synthesis of new N-(fluorenyl-9-methoxycarbonyl) (Fmoc)-dipeptides as anti-inflammatory agents. Eur J Med Chem. 2009 May; 44(5):1933-40.
8. Hwang TL, Su YD, Hu WP, Chuang LF, Sung PJ. Rumphellolide H, a new natural caryophyllane from the Gorgonian Rumphella antipathies. Heterocycles. 2009; 78(6):1563-7.
9. Fang JY, Hung CF, Hua SC, Hwang TL*. Acoustically active perfluorocarbon nanoemulsions as drug delivery carriers for camptothecin: drug release and cytotoxicity against cancer cells. Ultrasonics. 2009 Jan; 49(1):39-46.
10. Hsieh PW, Hsu LC, Lai CH, Wu CC, Hwang TL, Lin YK, Wu YC. Evaluation of the bioactivities of extracts of endophytes isolated from Taiwanese herbal plants. World J MicrobiolBiotechnol. 2009; 25(8):1461-9.
11. Sung PJ, Su YD, Hwang TL, Chuang LF, Chung HM, Chen JJ, Li JJ, Fang LS, Wang WH. Rumphellolide I, a novel caryophyllane-related tetrahydropyrannorsesquiterpenoid from gorgonian coral Rumphella antipathies. Chem Lett. 2009; 38(3):282-3.
12. Huang YC, Hwang TL (equal first author), Chang CS, Yang YL, Shen CN, Liao WY, Chen SC, Liaw CC. Anti-inflammatory Flavonoids from the Rhizomes of Helminthostachyszeylanica. J Nat Prod. 2009 Jul; 72(7):1273-8.
13. Lin YK, Leu YL, Huang TH, Wu YH, Chung PJ, Su Pang JH, Hwang TL*. Anti-inflammatory effects of the extract of indigo naturalis in human neutrophils. J Ethnopharmacol. 2009 Aug 17; 125(1):51-8.
14. Sung PJ, Lin MR, Chiang MY, Hwang TL. Briaexcavatins V-Z, discovery of new briaranes from a cultured octocoralbriareumexcavatum. Bull ChemSocJpn. 2009; 82(8):987-96.
15. Sung PJ, Chen BY, Lin MR, Hwang TL, Wang WH, Sheu JH, Wu YC. Excavatoids E and F: Discovery of two new briaranes from the cultured octocoralBriareumexcavatum. Mar Drugs. 2009 Sep 23; 7(3):472-82.
16. Hwang TL, Fang CL, Chen CH, Fang JY. Permeation enhancer-containing water-in-oil nanoemulsions as carriers for intravesical cisplatin delivery. Pharm Res. 2009 Oct; 26(10):2314-23.
17. Chung HM, Hwang TL, Wang WH, Fang LS, Sung PJ. Curcuphenol derivatives from the gorgonian Echinomuricea sp. Heterocycles. 2009; 78(10):2595-600.
18. Wang SS, Chen YH, Chang JY, Hwang TL, Chen CH, Khalil AT, Shen YC. Juncenolides H-K, new briaranediterpenoids from Junceellajuncea. HelvChimActa. 2009; 92(10):2092-100.
19. Hwang TL, Lin YK, Chi CH, Huang TH, Fang JY. Development and evaluation of perfluorocarbon nanobubbles for apomorphine delivery. J Pharm Sci. 2009 Oct; 98(10):3735-47.
20. Chung YC, Hu YW, Hwang TL, Chen PW, Sie FJ. Acting force comparison of microbeads and hemocytes in microchannel using optical tweezers system. 4th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, NEMS 2009 , art. no. 5068750 , pp. 1036-1039.