As a Director of Research Forum at the Department of Dermatology, I organize Research Forum meetings on monthly basis on each first Tuesday of the month. This forum provides an opportunity to each faculty member, postdoctoral fellow and graduate students in the Department of Dermatology and the postdoctoral fellows and graduate students UAB campus-wise to attend, present and discuss their scientific achievements and discussion on the future prospects.
Dr. Santosh Katiyar has more than 20 years of research experience in cutaneous research, which includes the studies on the causes, mechanisms and chemopreventive strategies of skin cancers. This includes chemical carcinogenesis and photocarcinogenesis (melanoma and non-melanoma). His work involves the development of new and more effective chemopreventive agents, particularly dietary botanicals/phytochemicals that can prevent or delay non-melanoma skin cancer and ultraviolet radiation (UVR)-induced photoaging. In addition to skin cancer chemoprevention, Dr. Katiyar also has interest in working with chemoprevention of other cancers, such as lung, head & neck, prostate and breast, and published papers in these areas frequently. Molecular targets involved in these studies include, oxidative stress, inflammation and inflammatory mediators, cell cycle regulation, DNA damage and DNA repair, immunology/photoimmunology, epigenetic modulations and tumor cell migration and invasion. Dr. Katiyar has published approximately 200 original articles in highly peer-reviewed journals
1. Niranjan GS and Katiyar SK: Chemical analysis of some leguminous seeds, J. Indian Chem. Soc., 56: 722, 1979.
2. Niranjan GS and Katiyar SK: Chemical composition of some legumes, J. Indian Chem. Soc., 56: 822, 1979.
3. Niranjan GS and Katiyar SK: Chemical examination and biological evaluation of proteins isolated from some wild legumes, J. Indian Chem. Soc., 58: 76, 1981.
4. Katiyar SK and Niranjan GS: Studies of carbohydrates and amino acid composition of proteins in some non-cultivated leguminous seeds, J. Indian Chem. Soc., 58: 98, 1981.
5. Katiyar SK Niranjan GS and Sikroria BC: A comparative study of the amino acids composition and nutritional evaluation of some uncultivated wild leguminous seed protein isolates, J. Indian Chem. Soc., 58: 996, 1981.
6. Pant R, Katiyar SK and Jaiswal G: Effect of feeding hexachlorobenzene and acetylcholine to Philosamia ricini larvae during development, Curr. Sci., 51: 733, 1982.
7. Pant R and Katiyar SK: Effect of malathion and acetylcholine of the developing larvae of Philosamia ricini (Lepidoptera-saturniidae), J. Biosci., 5: 89, 1983.
8. Katiyar SK and Pant R: Effect of feeding acetylcholine and chlorinated insecticide DDT on Sarcophaga ruficornis - A Dipteran, Arogya - J. Health Sci., IX: 166, 1983.
9. Katiyar SK, Bhatia AK, Kumar N and Atal CK: Composition of Cicer soongaricum seeds, J. Sci. Food Agric., 36: 442, 1985.
10. Katiyar SK Jaiswal G and Pant R: Cellulase activity in the larvae of Eri-silk worm, Philosamia ricini and toxic effect of malathion on it. Arogya - J. Health Sci., XI: 171, 1985.
11. Katiyar SK, Kumar N, Bhatia AK and Atal CK: Nutritional quality of edible leaves of some wild plants of Himalayas and culinary practices adopted for their processing. J. Fd. Sci. Technol., 22: 438, 1985.
12 Katiyar SK and Pant R: Inhibitory effect of acetylcholine on the toxicity of hexachlorobenzene, a fungicide on Sarcophaga ruficornis - A dipteran, Arogya - J. Health Sci., XII: 18, 1986.
13. Katiyar SK and Bhatia AK: Fatty acid composition of Cicer soongaricum Steph. seeds oil, J. Indian Chem. Soc., 63: 447, 1986.
14. Raina BL, Bhatia AK, Katiyar SK and Gupta AK: Quality characteristics of promising Himachal olive varieties (Olea europaea), J. Fd. Sci. Technol., 23(4): 237, 1986.
15. Katiyar SK: Cellobiase activity in the larvae of Eri-silk worm, Philosamia ricini - A lepidopteran, Entomol. Exp. Appl., 42: 301, 1986.
16. Katiyar SK, Bhatia AK, Kumar N and Hasan W: Nutrition survey of lesser known wild edible tubers and roots of Padar area in Jammu and Kashmir State, Arogya -J. Health Sci., XIII: 23, 1987.
17. Katiyar SK and Pant R: Source of cellulase in various gut segments of Eri-silk worm larvae (Philosamia ricini), during development, Indian J. Sericulture, XXVI(2): 90, 1987.
18. Katiyar SK, Bhatia AK and Atal CK: Proximal analyses and phospholipid composition of \'Gabe muth\' - an indigenous black variety of Glycine max L. Trop. Sci., 28: 13, 1988.
19. Katiyar SK and Bhatia AK: Lipid characteristics and phospholipid composition in some beans of Kashmir Valley, J. Fd. Sci. Technol., 25(3): 165, 1988.
20. Katiyar SK and Bhatia AK: Evaluation of olive fruits (Olea europaea) oil recently grown in Jammu and Kashmir State, J. Indian Chem. Soc., 65: 302, 1988.
21. Katiyar SK, Kumari K and Bhatia AK: Nutrient composition of \'Nikku muth\', a traditional soybean cultivar of Kashmir Valley with particular reference to content of lipids and proteins, Food Chemistry, 32(2): 117, 1989.
22. Sharma PK, Katiyar SK, Kaul MK and Bhatia AK: Some novel and lesser known vegetable substitutes of Himalayan tribes in Jammu and Kashmir State, Arogya -J. Health Sci.,15:10, 1989.
23. Katiyar SK, Kumar N and Bhatia AK: A chemical study of Pandanus lerum fruit grown in Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Trop. Sci., 29:137, 1989.
24. Katiyar SK, Kumar N and Bhatia AK: Traditional milk products of Ladakh tribes, Arogya - J. Health Sci., 15:49, 1989.
25. Katiyar SK, Kumar N and Bhatia AK: Chemical evaluation of olive fruits of nine cultivars of Himachal Pradesh, J. Fd. Sci. Technol.. 26:225, 1989.