1) Contribute to the development of animal models for lymphoma. 2) Investigation and description of new or unusual hemopoietic malignancies.
1. Statistical method for the diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis. J. Fac. Med. Baghdad, 5:55-68, 1963. Al-Saddawi, N. and Al-Saleem T.
2. Al-Saleem T., Peale, A.R. and Norris, C. Multiple papillomatosis of the lower respiratory tract: clinical and pathological study of eleven cases. Cancer, 22:1173-1184, 1968.
3. Finestone, A.J., Shindler, R. and Al-Saleem T. Lobectomy in the diagnosis and treatment of severe hemoptysis of obscure etiology. Journal of the Albert Einstein Medical Center, 17:129-131, 1969.
4. Goldman, L.I., Lowe, S. and Al-Saleem T. Effect of fluorouracil on intestinal anastomosis in the rat. Arch. Surg. 98:303-304, 1969.
5. Maier, W., Rosemond, G., Harasym, E., Al-Saleem T., Tassoni, E.M. and Shor, S.S. Paget\'s Disease of the female breast. J. Surg. Obst. Gyn. 128:1253, 1969.
6. Al-Saleem T. and Peale, A.R. Lymphocytic tumors and pseudotumors of the lung: report of five cases with special emphasis on pathology. American Review of Respiratory Disease 99:767-772, 1969.
7. Al-Saleem T. The Hodgkin Maze. Lancet (letter), Nov. 15, 1969.
8. Al-Saleem T., Tucker, G., Jr., Peale, A.R. and Norris, C.M. Cartilaginous tumors of the larynx: clinical pathological study of ten cases. Annal Otol Laryng LXXIV:33-41, 1970.
9. Al-Saleem T., Harwick, R., Robbins, R. and Blady, J.V. Malignant lymphomas of the pharynx. Cancer 26:1383-1387, 1970.
10. Al-Saleem T., Peale, A.R., Robbins, R. and Norris, C.M. Lymphocytic pseudotumor (pseudolymphoma) of the larynx: report of a case and review of the literature. Laryngoscope LXXX:133-136, 1970.
11. Robbins, R., Al-Saleem T., and Peale, A.R. Pseudolymphomas. American J. Roentgenology, Radium Therapy and Nuclear Medicine, CVIII:149-153, 1970.
12. Al-Saleem T. Breast cancer: review of recent developments. Iraqi Medical Journal, 22:40-42, 1972
13. Al-Saleem T., and Mulla, Z. Childhood cancer in Iraq -. Iraqi Medical Journal, 22:135-137, 1972.8
14. Al-Saleem T., Al-Habooby, N. and Ferman, N. Review of cancer frequency in the Teaching Hospital, Baghdad, Iraq. J. Fac. Med. Baghdad, 15:23-32, 1973.
15. Al-Saleem T., Bedrosian, S. and Mulla, Z. Malignant lymphomas - analysis of 132 cases with special emphasis on Hodgkin\'s Disease. Iraqi Medical Journal, 21:67-70, 1973.
16. Al-Saleem T. and Al-Bahrani, Z. Malignant lymphoma of the small intestine in Iraq (Middle East Lymphoma). Cancer, 31:291-293, 1973.
17. Al-Saleem T., Bedrosian, S. and Mulla, Z. Malignant lymphomas - analysis of 132 cases with special emphasis on Hodgkin\'s Disease. Iraqi Medical Journal, 21:67-70, 1973.
18. Al-Saleem T. Cancer in Iraq (a study of the incidence in the Medical City Hospital) in 1972. Iraqi Medical Journal, 22:21-26, 1974.
19. Tikriti, F. and Al-Saleem T. Biharzial polyposis of the rectum and sigmoid colon. Br. J. Surg. 63:458-459, 1976.
20. Al-Saleem T. and Alash, N. Cancer in Iraq (analysis of 5838 cases). Iraqi - # Medical Journal, 24:14-18, 1976.
21. Al-Saleem T. Level of mercury and pathological changes in patients with organomercury poisoning. WHO Bulletin (Supplement) 11:99-104, 1976.
22. Al-Saleem, T. and Gailani, F. Childhood cancer in Iraq - 11. Iraqi Medical Journal 24:49-52, 1976.
23. Behnam, B. and Al-Saleem T. Skin manifestations of mercury poisoning. Contact Dermatitis 3:113-114, 1977.
24. Al-Saleem T. Butrous, G.S. and A1-Murrani, W. Smoking behavior among medical students in the University of Baghdad. J. Fac. Med. Baghdad 20:4¬8, 1978.
25. Al-Bahrani, Z., Al-Saleem T., Al-Mondhiry, H., Baker, F., Yahia H., Taha T, and King J. Alpha Heavy Chain Disease (Report of 18 cases from Iraq).Gut 19:627-631, 1978.