Robert Thaddeus Jackson undergone Courses in Food Chemistry and Food Microbiology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (Taken in support of Registered Dietitian Registration),(RD ID # 721554, 1988).Worked on various rural development, self-help projects, including building a four-classroom primary school in Mackakos(Kenya (1970).Started his career as Rural Development Volunteer, OperationCrossroads Africa, Machakos District, Republic of Kenya in 1970. Recently received Hatch Award, Toward the Development of Smoothed Waist Circumference Percentiles for Kuwait. Amount $1500. Got Award from Center for Teaching Excellence Lily Fellowship, University of Maryland, College Park.
1) Nutritional anemias
2) International nutrition
3) Diet and evolution
4) Nutritional status during pregnancy
1) Jackson RT*, Kreuter B, and Moshi SH: Nutrition research and extension program in Kilosa District (Tanzania), Postgrad Medical Seminars, Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre, 1-13, Moshi, Tanzania, 1974.
2) Jackson RT* and Latham MC: Lactose and milk intolerance in Tanzania. East African Medical Journal; 55(7):298-302, 1978.
3) Jackson RT* and Latham MC: Lactose malabsorption among Masaai children in East Africa. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition; 32:779-782, 1979.
4) Roe DA*, Campbell C, Sheu CC, Hale-Wickham A, and Jackson RT: Nutritional status of women attending family planning clinics. Journal of the American Dietetic Association; 81:682-687, 1982.
5) Jackson RT* and Latham MC: Anemia of pregnancy in Liberia, West Africa: a therapeutic trial. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition; 35:710-714, 1982.
6) Jackson RT*, Sauberlich HE, Skala J, Kretch MB, and Nelson R: Comparison of hemoglobin values in black and white male U.S. military personnel. Journal of Nutrition; 113:165-171, 1983
7) Jackson FLC*, Bloch EF, Jackson RT, Chandler JP, Kim YL and Malveaux F: Influence of dietary cyanide on immunoglobin and thiocyanate levels in the serum of Liberian adults. Journal of the National Medical Association; 77(10):777-782, 1985.
8) Jackson FLC*, Chandler JP, and Jackson RT: Inhibition and adaptation of red cell glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) in vivo to chronic dietary cyanide in an animal model. Human Biology; 58(1):67-77, 1986.
9) Jackson RT* and Jackson FLC: Biological and behavioral contributors to anemia during pregnancy in Liberia, West Africa. Human Biology; 59(4): 585-597, 1987.
10) Jackson RT*. Black and white hemoglobin and hematocrit differences. Directions in Applied Nutrition, 1(11): 6-7, 1987. Jackson RT. Review of Nutrition and Dietetic Software: A Salty Dog! a Software Review, Directions in Applied Nutrition, 1(11):5-6, 1987.
11) Jackson RT. Review of Nutrition and Dietetic Software: Jumping Jack Flash a Software Review, Directions in Applied Nutrition, 1(11):8, 1987.
12) Jackson RT* and Haynes-Johnson V. Nutritional management of patients undergoing long-term antipsychotic and antidepressant therapies. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing; 2(3):146-152, 1988.
13) Jackson, RT: Nutrition and Helminthic Infection. News and Research Update Review. WHO Collaborating Center, International Centre for Health Sciences at Meharry Medical College, June 1988.
14) Jackson RT. Book Review. Improving Young Child Feeding in Eastern and Southern Africa: Household Level Food Technology, Proceedings of a Workshop held in Nairobi, Kenya 12-16 October 1987. Edited by Alnwick D, Moses S, and Schmidt OG, IDRC/UNICEF. 1988. Journal of the American Dietetic Association; 89 (8): 1184-85, 1989.
15) Jackson RT*. Separate hemoglobin standards for blacks and whites: a critical review of the case for separate and unequal hemoglobin standards. Medical Hypotheses 32(3):181-189, 1990.
16) Jackson RT* and Jackson FLC: Reassessing hereditary population differences in anemia status, Ethnicity and Disease 1(1):26-41, 1991.