1. A. Majlesi., R. Kamali Kakhki., Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad., R. Yousefi Mashouf., A. Roointan., M. Abazari and M.Y. Alikhani. Detection of plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance in clinical isolates of Enterobacteriaceae strains in Hamadan, West of Iran. Article in Press for publishing in the Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 9 December 2016: 1-5.
2. N. Shariatifar., Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad and A. Ebadi Fathabad. Assessment of heavy metal content in refined and unrefined salts obtained from Urmia, Iran. Article in Press for publishing in the Toxin Reviews, 5 December 2016: 1-5.
3. M Haghighatpanah., Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad., A. Mojtahedi., N.A. Mozafari and H. Zeighami. Detection of ESBL and plasmid borne blaCTX-M and blaTEM genes among clinical strains of E. coli isolated from patients in the north of Iran. Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance, 2016, 7 (4): 110-113.
4. I. Sedighi., Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad., A. Amanati., S. Nakhaei, and M.Y. Alikhani. Virulence Factors and Antibiotic Resistance in Uropathogenic and Commensal Escherichia Coli Isolates. Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University, 2016, 5 (4): 50-57.
5. M. Bahmani., M. Rafieian-Kopaei., N. Naghdi., Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad and O. Afsordeh. Physalis alkekengi: A review of Its Therapeutic Effects. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2016, 9 (3): 1472-1475.
6. M.Y. Alikhani., F. Shahcheraghi., S. Khodaparas., Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad., M.K. Moghadam and S.F. Mousavi. Molecular characterisation of Klebsiella oxytoca strains isolated from patients with antibiotic-associated diarrhoea. Arab Journal of Gastroenterology, 2016, 17 (2): 95-101.
7. Z. Naseri., M. Sabouri Ghannad., Ghodratollah Roshanaei., S.M. Hosseini., Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad and Afshin Mohammadi. Evaluation of Accompaniment of ABO Blood Groups System and Rhesus blood group types with Infection to Hepatitis B Virus and Hepatitis C Virus in Hamadan, Iran. International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences, 2016, 5 (4): 1-5.
8. Z. Mashak., H. Jafari Sohi., A. Heshmati and Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad. Assessment of aflatoxinM1 contamination in UHT flavored milk samples in Karaj, Iran. Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2016, 15 (3): 407-411.
9. M. Eslami., M. Bayat., Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad., A. Sabokbar and A.A. Anvar. Effect of polymer/nanosilver composite packaging on long-term microbiological status of Iranian saffron (Crocus sativus L.). Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 2016, 23 (3): 341-347.
10. M. Eslami., Z. Mashak., A. Heshmati., M. Shokrzadeh and Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad. Determination of aflatoxin B1 levels in Iranian rice by ELISA method. Toxin Reviews, 2015, 34 (3): 125-128.
11. A. Heshmati and Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad. Survey of ochratoxin A in dried grapes products in Iran. Food Additives and Contaminants: Part B, 2015, 8 (4): 255-259.
12. R. Azizian., A. Nasser., H. Askari., M. Taheri Kalani., N. Sadeghifard., I. Pakzad., R. Amini., Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad and F. Azizi Jalilian. Sewage as a rich source of Phage study against Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO. Biologicals, 2015, 43 (4): 238-241.
13. I. Sedighi., M.Y. Alikhani., S. Ramezani., M. Nazari and Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad. Bacterial contamination of mobile phones of health care providers in a teaching hospital in Hamadan province, Iran. Archives of Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2015, 10 (2): 1-4.
14. M. Safari., Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad., A. Bahador., R. Jafari and M.Y. Alikhani. Prevalence of ESBLs and MBLs encoding genes in Acinetobacter baumannii strains isolated from patients of intensive care units. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 2015, 22 (4): 424-429.
15. Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad, M. Sabouri Ghannad and A. Kamkar. Determination of aflatoxin B1 levels in Iranian and Indian spices by ELISA method. Toxin Reviews, 2014, 33 (4): 160-168.
16. M. Rezaei Moshaei., G.A. Nematzadeh., H. Askari., Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad., Pakdin, A. Quantitative gene expression analysis of some sodium ion transporters under salinity stress in Aeluropus littoralis. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 2014, 21 (5): 394-399.
17. Abolfazl Kamkar, Aziz A. Fallah and Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad. The review of aflatoxin M1 contamination in milk and dairy products produced in Iran. Toxin Reviews, 2014, 33 (4): 151-154.
18. Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad, S. Shabani, M. Bayat, and S. E. Hosseini. Antibacterial Effect of Garlic Aqueous Extract on Staphylococcus aureuses in Hamburger. Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology, 2014, 7 (11): 1-5.
19. A. Kamkar, S. Yazdankhah, A. Mohammadi Nafchi and Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad. Aflatoxin M1 in raw cow and buffalo milk in Shush city of Iran. Food Additives and Contaminants: Part B, 2014, 7 (1): 21-24.
20. A. Najjari., M. Asouri., L. Hosseini Gouhari., H. Akhavan Niaki., Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad., A.A. Ahmadi., S.M. Eslami., H. Abolghasemi., A.A. Ebrahimi and M. Rezaei Moshaei. α:Non-α and Gγ:Aγ globin chain ratios in thalassemia intermedia patients treated with hydroxyurea. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 2014, 4 PP. S177-185.
21. M. Rezaei Moshaei., G.A. Nematzadeh., H. Askari., L. Haghighi., Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad and A.A. Ahmadi. Assessment of some physiological parameters and HAK1-type transporter transcriptional changes in Aeluropus littoralis under NaCl stress. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 2014, 8 (2): 1051-1057.
22. Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad, M. Bayat and A. A. Ahmadi. Investigation of aflatoxin B1 in spices marketed in Hyderabad, India using ELISA method. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 2013, 7 (4): 3219-3223.
23. H. Rostami, A. Giri, Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad and A. Moslem. Optimization of multiple shoot induction and plant regeneration in Indian barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars using mature embryos. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 2013, 20 (3): 251-255.
24. Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad, A. Kamkar, A. Giri and Aziz A. Pourmahmoudi. Ethnobotany and folk medicinal uses of Major Trees and Shrubs in Northern Iran. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 2013, 7 (7): 284-289.
25. A. Kamkar, M.R. Shamse Ardekani, N. Shariatifar, A. Misagi, Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad and A. H Jamshidi. Antioxidative effect of Iranian Pulicaria gnaphalodes extracts in Soybean oil. South African Journal of Botany, 2013, 85: 39-43.
26. H. R. Tavakoli, A. Kamkar, M. Riazipour, Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad and H. Rafati. Assessment of aflatoxin M1 levels by ELISA in yoghurt consumed in Tehran, Iran. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013, 25 (5): 2836-2838.
27. H. R. Tavakoli, M. Riazipour, A. Kamkar, H. Rafati and Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad. Occurrence of aflatoxin M1 in cheese samples from Tehran, Iran. Food Control, 2012, 23 (1): 293-295.
28. M. Azizkhani, A. Kamkar and Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad. Effects of Tocopherols on Oxidative Stability of Margarine. Journal of Chemical Society of Pakistan, 2011, 33 (1): 134-137.
29. A. Kamkar, B. Noudoost, G. Nabi Bidhendi, M. Esmaeili bidhendi and Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad. Monitoring of Heavy Metals in Raw Milk of Vet Husbandries in Industrial Regions of Isfahan Province of Iran. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2010, 22 (10): 7927-7931.
30. H. Jalali, Amir Sasan Mozaffari Nejad, A.G. Ebadi and G. Laey. Ethnobotany and Folk Pharmaceutical Properties of Major Trees or Shrubs in Northeast of Iran. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2009, 21 (7): 5632-5638.
13) Member of Canadian Society of Microbiologists, Canada, 2012-
14) Member of Indian Dairy Association, India, 2012 -
15) Member of Iranian Microbiology Society, 2013 –
15. 5th Workshop and Summer School (Sample preparation and RNA extraction, PCR and Electrophoresis, Primer Design, Probe Design, Real-Time PCR and Sequencing and Analysis, Institute Pasteur D’Iran, Tehran, Iran, 2014.
16. Workshop on Methods for animal Working, Institute Pasteur D’Iran, Tehran, Iran, 2014.
17. Certificate ISO 15189:2012, Medical Laboratories- Requirements for Quality and Competence, Testing User & Verification (TUV UK & i), Institute Pasteur D’Iran, Tehran, Iran, 2014.