Geir Bjørklund is a Norwegian independent researcher, medical/health science writer, freelance journalist and editor.In 1995, he founded Tenner & Helse, which is the membership magazine of the Norwegian Dental Patient Association (Forbundet Tenner og Helse). He was editor of this magazine until the summer of 1999. Bjørklund was in the 1990s also freelance journalist for Sunnhetsbladet – the oldest popular medical journal in Norway. In 2001, he founded the Nordic Journal of Biological Medicine (Nordisk Tidsskrift for Biologisk Medisin). He was editor of this journal until its last issue was distributed in 2003.Bjørklund is best known for his work in dental toxicology.His first article in the field of autism was published in 1998. It was a review article about children with Asperger syndrome.Bjørklund is a member of various scientific organizations, including the Association of Social Scientists, and the World Association of Medical Editors. He is an associate member of the Norwegian Medical Association, and the Swedish Society of Toxicology. Bjørklund represents CONEM in the International Zinc Association (IZA).In 2003 the Albert Lindsay von Julin Foundation in Helsinki awarded Geir Bjørklund a scholarship of 10,000 Euros for his work to promote the understanding of biological medicine. He has also received support from, among others, OSO Eco Foundation and Rana Utviklingsselskap AS (the development company of the municipality of Rana, Norway.
Nutritional and environmental medicine