Dr.Stella Nowicki born in slupsk,poland,she completed her post doctoral from helsinki university,finland scholarship in oral microbiology during 1984-1985. she started her carrier as Research associate from university of texas medical branch in 1991.she is having grant support from NIH/U54 RR-01,RCMI translational Research network(RTRN),NIH-MeTRC Big Science,T32 NIH NHLBI,5 U54 RR026140-01 and she was director for collaborations and partnerships with title The prevention of cardiovascular disease in women during 2006-2010.she published more than 120 scientific articles.
1)Immunology of preterm labor
2)Infection and immunology of uro-genital tract
3)Low birth weight, uterine infection and Nitric oxide,Endometriosis,Vaccine development for gonococcal PID
4)Hormonal influence on bacterial infection
5)Gonococcal transferrin binding proteins.
1. Nowicki B, Hart A, Coyne KE, Lublin DM, Nowicki S. Short Consensus Repeat-3 Domain of Recombinant Decay-Accelerating Factor is Recognized by Escherichia Coli Recombinant Dr Adhesin in A Model of A Cell-Cell Interaction. J Exper Med. (Dec) 1993;178: 2115-2121.
2. Kaul A, Nowicki BJ, Martens MG, Goluszko P, Hart A, Nagamani M, Kumar D, Pham T, Nowicki S. Decay-Accelerating Factor is Expressed in the Human Endometrium and May Serve as the Attachment Ligand for Dr Pili of Escherichia Coli. Am J Reprod Immunol. 1994;32:194-199.
3. Nowicki B, Martens M, Hart A, Nowicki S. Gestational Age-Dependent Distribution of Escherichia coli Fimbriae in Pregnant Patients with Pyelonephritis. Annals of the NY Acad of Sci. (Aug) 1994;730:290-291.
4. Nowicki S, Nowicki B, Martens M, Kaul A, Flores G, Kumar D. Host Factors in the Attachment of Gonococcal Cells to the Pelvic Tissue. Annals of the NY Acad of Sci. (Aug) 1994;730:292-294.
5. Pham T, Kaul A, Hart A, Goluszko P, Moulds J, Nowicki S, Lublin D, Nowicki BJ. Dra-Related X Adhesins of Gestational Pyelonephritis-Associated Escherichia Coli Recognize SCR-3 and SCR-4 Domains of Recombinant Decay-Accelerating Factor. Infect Immun. (May) 1995;63(5):1663–1668.
6. Goluszko P, Nowicki S, Kaul A, Pham T, Nowicki BJ. Dr Fimbriae Coding Region Associated Hemolytic Activity of Escherichia Coli. FEMS Microbiol Lett. (July) 1995;130:13-17.
7. Goluszko P, Nowicki B, Goluszko E, Nowicki S, Kaul A, Pham T. Association of Colony Variation in Serratia Marcescens with the Differential Expression of Protease and Type 1 Fimbriae. FEMS Microbiol Lett. (Oct) 1995; 133:41-45.
8. Nowicki S, Nowicki B, Martens M. Gonococcal Infection in Nonhuman Host is Determined by Human Recombinant C1q. Infect Immun. (Dec) 1995;63(12):4790-4794.
9. Kaul A, Goluszko P, Hart A, Martens M, Pham T, Nowicki S, Nowicki B. Rapid Cyclic Changes in Density and Accessibility of Endometrial Ligands for Escherichia Coli Dr Fimbriae. Infect Immun. (Feb) 1996;64:611-615.
10. Hart A, Pham T, Nowicki S, Whorton ED Jr., Martens MG, Anderson GD, Nowicki BJ. Gestational Pyelonephritis-Associated Escherichia Coli Isolates Represent a Nonrandom, Closely Related Population. Am J Obstet Gynecol (Mar) 1996;174:983-989.
11. Moulds JM, Nowicki S, Nowicki B, Moulds JJ. Human Blood Groups: Incidence Receptors for Viruses and Bacteria, Transfusion (April) 1996;36:362-374. Invited review.
12. Goluszko P, Moseley S, Truong L, Kaul A, Williford J, Selvarangan R, Nowicki S, Nowicki B. Development of Experimental Model of Chronic Pyelonephritis with Escherichia Coli 075:K5:H-Bearing Dr Fimbriae: Mutation in the Dra Region Prevented Tubulointerstitial Nephritis. J Clin Invest (April) 1997;99(7):1662-1672.
13. Nowicki S, Ram P, Pham T, Goluszko P, Morse S, Anderson GD, Nowicki B. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Isolates of Neisseria gonorrhoeae are Distinguished by C1q-dependent Virulence for Newborn Rats and by the sac-4 Region. Infect Immun (June) 1997; 65:(6):2094-2099.
14. Goluszko P, Popov V, Selvarangan R, Nowicki S, Pham T, Nowicki B. Dr Fimbriae Operon of Uropathogenic Escherichia Coli Mediate Microtubule-Dependent Invasion to the Hela Epithelial Cell Line. J Infect Dis (July) 1997;176:158-67.
15. Nowicki B, Fang L, Singhal J, Nowicki S, Yallampalli C. Lethal Outcome of Uterine Infection in Pregnant But Not in Nonpregnant Rats and Increased Death Rate with Inhibition of Nitric Oxide. Am J Reprod Immun (Oct) 1997;38:309-312.
16. Pham TQ, Goluszko P, Popov V, Nowicki S, Nowicki BJ. Molecular Cloning and Characterization of DR-II, a Non-Fimbrial Adhesin-I-Like Adhesin Isolated from Gestational Pyelonephritis-Associated Escherichia Coli that Binds to Decay-Accelerating Factor. Infect Immun (Oct) 1997; 65(10):4309-4318.
17. Goluszko P, Moseley SL, Truong LD, Kaul A, Williford JR, Selvarangan R, Nowicki S, Nowicki BJ. Development of Experimental Model of Chronic Pyelonephritis with Escherichia coli O75:K5:H-Bearing Dr Fimbriae: Mutation in the Dra Region Prevented Tubulointerstitial Nephritis. J Clin Invest (Apr) 1997;99(7):1662-1672.
18. Nowicki BJ, Singhal J, Fang L, Nowicki S, Yallampalli C. Inverse Relationship Between Severity of Experimental Pyelonephritis and Nitric Oxide Production in C3H/Hej Mice. Infect Immun 1999; 67(5):2421-2427.
19. Nowicki S, Selvarangan R, Anderson G. Experimental Transmission of Neisseria Gonorrhoeae from Pregnant Rat to Fetus. Infect Immun 1999;67(9):4974-4976.
20. Selvarangan R, Goluszko P, Popov V, Singhal J, Pham T, Lublin DM, Nowicki S, and Nowicki B. Role of Decay-Accelerating Factor Domains and Anchorage in Internalization of Dr Fimbriated Escherichia coli. Infect Immun (Mar) 2000;68(3).
21. Nowicki S, Hart A, Nowicki B. Susceptibility to Gonococcal Infection During the Menstrual Cycle JAMA (Mar) 2000;283(10):1291-1292.
22. Goluszko P, Selvarangan R, Nowicki BJ, Nowicki S, Hart A, Pawelczyk E, Nguyen K. Rapid Receptor-Clustering Assay to Detect Uropathogenic and Diarrheal Escherichia coli Bearing Adhesins of Dr Family. J Clin Micro (Jun) 2001;39(6):2317-20.
23. Hart A, Nowicki BJ, Reisner B, Pawelczyk E, Goluszko P, Urvil P, Anderson G, and Nowicki S. Ampicillin-resistant Escherichia coli in Gestational Pyelonephritis: Increased Occurrence and Association with the Colonization Factor Dr adhesin. J Infect Dis (May) 2001;183(10):1526-9.
24. Nowicki B, Selvarangan R, Nowicki S. Family of Escherichia coli Dr Adhesins: Decay-accelerating Factor Receptor Recognition and Invasiveness. J Infect Dis (Mar) 2001;183(Suppl 1):S24-7.
25. Goluszko P, Niesel D, Nowicki B, Selvarangan R, Nowicki S, Hart A, Pawelczyk E, Das M Urvil P and Hasan R. Dr Operon-associated Invasiveness of Escherichia coli from Pregnant Patients with Pyelonephritis. Infect Immun (Jul) 2001; 69(7):4678-4680.
26. Nowicki S, Nowicki B, Pham T, Hasan R, Nagamani M. Expression of Decay Accelerating Factor (DAF) in Endometrial Adenocarcinoma is Inversely Related to the Stage of Tumor. Am J Reprod Immunol (Aug) 2001; 46:144-48.
27. Hasan RJ, Pawelczyk E, Urvil P, Venkatarajan MS, Goluszko P, Kur J, Selvarangan R, Nowicki S, Braun WA, Nowicki BJ. Structure-Function Analysis of Decay Accelerating Factor. Identification of Residues Important for Binding of Escherichia coli Dr-adhesin and Complement Regulation. Infect Immun (Aug) 2002; 70(8):4485-4493.
28. Zalewska B, Piatek R, Konopa G, Nowicki B., Nowicki, S., Kur, J. Chimeric Dr. Fimbriae with a Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Epitope as a Model for a Recombinant Vaccine. Infect. Immun. (Oct) 2003;71:5505-5513
29. Fang, L., Nowicki, B.J., Urvil, P., Goluszko, P., Nowicki, S. Young, S.L. and Yallampalli, C. Epithelial Invasion by Escherichia coli Bearing Dr Fimbriae is Controlled by Nitric Oxide-Regulated Expression of CD55. Infect Immun (May) 2004;72:2907-2914
30. Selvarangan R, Goluszko P, Singhal J, Carnoy C, Moseley S, Hudson B, Nowicki S, Nowicki BJ. Interaction of Dr-Adhesin with Collagen Type-IV is a Critical Step in Escherichia Coli Renal Persistence. Infect Immun (Aug) 2004;72:4827-4835
1.Nowicki S. Possible Mechanisms of Serum Resistance of Neisseria Gonorrhoeae from Disseminating Infections. In: Achtman M, Kohn P, Marchal C, Morelli G, Seiler A, Thiesen B. Neisseria 1990. New York: Walter de Grutyer; 1991: 621-6.
2.Nowicki S, Martens MG. Host Response to Fungal Infection. In: Clinical Advances in the Treatment of Fungal Infection. New York: KSF Publication; 1991:1-12.
3.Nowicki S, Martens M, Kaul A, Nowicki B. Gonococcal Attachment to Human Ovarian Tissue. In: Broome C, Knapp J, Morse S, Rice P, del Rio C, Kohl P, Normark S, Sparling F, eds. Pathobiology and Immunobiology of Neisseria. Mexico: National Institute of Public Health, 1993, 730-734
. 4.Nowicki S, Locksmith G, Nowicki B. Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome and Pregnancy. Medicine, Ob/Gyn, Psychiatry, and Surgery in www.emedicine.com, 2001.
5.Nowicki S, Goldblum R, Amniotic Fluid and the Fetal Mucosal Immune System. In: Mestechy J, Bienenstock J, Lamm M, Mayer L, McGhee J, Strober W, eds. Muscosal Immunology. 3 rd ed. San Diego, CA: Elsivier Inc; 2004: Chapter 99.
6.Nowicki S, Locksmith G, Nowicki B. Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome and Pregnancy. Medicine, Ob/Gyn, Psychiatry, and Surgery in www.emedicine.com, 2005.
7.Nowicki S, Goldblum R, Amniotic Fluid and the Fetal Mucosal Immune System. In: Mestechy J, Bienenstock J, Lamm M, Mayer L, McGhee J, Strober W, eds. Muscosal Immunology. 4 rd ed. San Diego, CA: Elsivier Inc; 2013: Chapter 112 in preparation
1.Dean’s Scholarship – Medical Student; 1977 - 1978
2.Dean’s Scholarship – Medical Student; 1978 - 1979
3.Travel Award – 7th International Pathogenic Neisseria Conference, Berlin, Germany; 1990
4.ASM Press Award - Postdoctoral Fellow, Baylor College of Medicine; 1991
5.Moderator - Session 50-Beachey Memorial - ASM, Las Vegas, NV, May 1994.
6.Visiting Professor, Paris, June; 1997
7.3 different honorable mentions - Sol Magazine for Poetry; 1999
8.Poster Award McLaughlin Foundation, Co-investigator; 1998
9.President Elect - Faculty Women's Caucus, UTMB; 1998-1999
10.Best Poster Award - “11th International Neisseria Conference, Nice, France; 1998
11.Best Poster Award - 10th International Congress of Immunology, New Delhi, India (Co-investigator); 1998
12.Co-organizer of the 12th International Pathogenic Neisseria Conference (IPNC), 1998-2000
13.President - Faculty Women's Caucus, UTMB; 1999-2000
14.Member of Organizing Committee-12th International Pathogenic Neisseria Conference; 1999-2000
15.Best Poster Award-Sharon McConley-Undergraduate Student-Summer Research Program (Mentor for Underrepresented Student); 1999
16.Poster Award – 7th European Meeting on Complement in Human Disease, 1999, Helsinki, Finland (Co-investigator); 1999
17.ASM Press Award (Mentor); 2000
18.Two Poster Awards - 12th International Pathogenic Neisseria Conference (Principle Investigator); 2000
19.Moderator, Guest Lecture - Dr. Ferid Murad, MD, PhD, Nobel Laureate, 12th; 2000 20.Faculty Research Award, John Sealy Center on Aging; 2001.
21.Life Science Symposium, UTMB, Galveston, TX, Abstract Award; 5/2002
22.Co-mentor for Graduate Student Edyta Pawelczyk who received six distinguished awards for research 2003-2004
23.Endowment Professorship, Center for Women’s Health Research, MMC, 2005-207
24. First Scientific Director, Center for Woman’s Health Research at MMC, supported by NIH; 2005-2007
25.Director, Collaborations and Partnerships for Meharry Translational Research Center (MeTRC) at MMC, supported by NIH; 2010-2014
26.S. Nowicki- nominated as a honorable member for The International Women’s Leadership Association; May 25, 2012
27.S. Nowicki- invited Speaker "New Dimension in Immunotherapy" 3rd Annual World Congress of Immuno-diseases and Therapy, 10/12, 2013, Dalian
28.S. Nowicki nominated Editorial Board Member to the World Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases (WJCID); March 2012
29.Reviewer /RCMI Conference (Scientific Program); 09/2011-12/2012