Li-Te Chin got his Ph.D. in Engineering at Lund University, Sweden in 1994 and was honored a certificate of merit, 1995 Prize for Young Scientists (by Science magazine and Pharmacia) for seminal contributions to the design and performing of an in vitro system to induce human naïve lymphocytes to produce IgG monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Dr. Chin has thus experience in the field of biopharmaceuticals in various positions including academic faculty, business administrative, and professional staff at institutions of University education as well as biotech operations. He has been a full-time Associate Professor at the department of Microbiology, Immunology and Biopharmaceuticals since 2009. Dr. Chin has pioneered complete human mAb work as one of the first developers and researchers in site-directed in vitro immunization to achieve mAb with an original heavy-light chain pairing inherent in a single human B cell. By complex integration and innovation in molecular modeling, immunohematology, molecular biology and in vitro cell activation, he may deliver a variety of high affinity human mAbs of therapeutic value, i.e., the effects of human anti-mouse antibody (HAMA) or human anti-human antibody (HAHA) may be potentially minimized. Current products include a monoclonal IgG4 against human Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte Antigen 4 (CTLA-4, CD152), a molecule on T lymphocytes that is believed to be responsible for suppressing the immune response; future products are under development.
2)Immunological diagnostics
3)Molecular Immunology
4)Construction of immunogens for vaccination and immunization.
1. Wang, K.-C., Lin, K.-H., Lee T.-C., Lee, C.-L., Chen, S.-Y., Chin, L.-T., Tsai, C.-P. (2014) Poor responses to interferon-beta treatment in patients with neuromyelitis optica and multiple sclerosis with long spinal cord lesions. PLoS One (IF=4.092) 9(6):e98192. (Co-corresponding author)
2. Chiu, C.-D., Chen, C.-C., Shen, C.-C., Chin, L.-T., Ma, H.-I., Chuang, H.-Y., Cho, D.-Y., Chu, C.-H. and Chang, C. (2013) Hyperglycemia exacerbates intracerebral hemorrhage via the downregulation of aquaporin-4: temporal assessment with magnetic resonance imaging. Stroke (IF=7.041) 44: 1682-9. (Co-corresponding author)
3. Lo, C., Chin, L.-T., Chu, C.-S., Wang, Y.-T, Chan, K.-W and Yang, W.-C. (2013) Rapid immune colloidal gold strip for cetacean meat restraining illegal trade and consumption: implications for conservation and public health. PLoS One (IF=4.092) 8(3):e60704.
4. Wang, K.-C., Tsai, C.-P., Lee, C.-L., Chen, S.-Y., Chin, L.-T., Chen, S.-J. (2012) Elevated plasma high-mobility group box 1 protein is a potential marker for neuromyelitis optica. Neuroscience (IF=3.380) 226:510-6. (Co-corresponding author)
5. Chiu, C.-D., Chen, T.-Y., Chin, L.-T., Shen, C.-C. Huo, J., Ma, S.-Y., Chen H.-M., and Chu, C.-H. (2012) Investigation of the effect of hyperglycemia on intracerebral hemorrhage by proteomic approaches. Proteomics (IF=4.815) (doi: 10.1002/ pmic.201100256; Epub ahead of print) 12: 113–123. (Co-2nd author)
6. Tsai, Y.-Y., Huang, Y.-H.,Chao, Y.-L., Hu, K.-Y. Chin, L.-T., Chou, S.-H., Hour, A.-L., Yao, Y.-D., Tu, C.-S., Liang, Y.-J., Tsai, C.-Y., Wu, H.-Y., Tan, S.-W. and Chen H.-M. (2011) Identification of the Nanogold Particle-Induced Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress by Omic Techniques and Systems Biology Analysis. ACS Nano (IF= 9.865) 5(12): 9354–9369.
7. Lee, R.-J., Wu, J.-S., Juang, R.-H., Wu, Y.-J., Lin, C.-Y., Wu, S.-Y., Huang, P.-R., Chu, C.-H., Chin, L.-T., and Chen, H.-M. (2010) Increasing safety and hybridoma viability after the cell fusion by the use of human plasma as an alternative supplement. J Immunol Methods (IF= 2.347) 361: 89-97. (Co-corresponding author)
8. Chin, L.-T., Huang, P.-R., Hu, K.-Y., Huang, N.-K., Chiu, C.-D., Hour, A.-L., Shui, H.-A., Chu, C.-H. and Chen, H.-M. (2010) A proteomics-based translational approach reveals an antifolate resistance inherent in human plasma derived from blood donation. J Proteomic Res (IF= 5.132) 9 (6): 3091–3102.
9. Wu, S.-Y., Chin, L.-T., Chen, L.-M. and Chen, H.-M. (2008) Direct visualization of fluorescent signals in protein gels using a backlit blue light plate. Proteomics (IF= 4.815) 8:3382-3388. (doi: 10.1002/pmic.200701013)
10. Chin, L.-T., Chu, C., Chen, H.-M., Wang, D.-W. and Liao, S.-K. (2008) Immune intervention with monoclonal antibody targeting to CD152 (CTLA-4) for autoimmune and malignant diseases. Chang Gung Med J 31(1):1-15.
11. Meng, C.-L., Chin, L.-T., Chen, J.-H. Chu, C.-H. and Cheng, J.-Y. (2007) Preventing and Ameliorating 7,12-Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA)-induced DNA adducts formation by garlic in cultured human endometrial cells. J Biomed Lab Sci 19:131-139.
12. Chin, L.-T., Chu, C., Chen, H.-M., Hsu, S.-C. Weng, B.-C. and Chu, C.-H. (2007) Site-directed in vitro immunization leads to a complete human monoclonal IgG4λ that binds specifically to the CDR2 region of CTLA-4 (CD152) without interfering the engagement of natural ligands. BMC Biotechnology (IF= 2.723) 7:51 (doi:10.1186/1472-6750-7-51; Epub ahead of print)
13. Leu, I., Huang, C.-T., Chen H.-M., Chin, L.-T., He, C.-C. and Chu, C. (2004) Evaluation of a Device for Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose. J Biomed Lab Sci 16:57-66.
14. Chin, L.-T., Cheng, J.-Y., Lu, S-C., Chang, A. C.-H., Chu, C.-H. and Meng, C.-L. (2001) Establishment and evaluation of mouse-human heteromyeloma cell lines obtained by electrofusion for immortalizing human immunoglobulins. J Biomed Lab Sci 13:117-123.
15. Lu, S.-C., Kao, C.-L., Chin, L.-T., Chen, J.-W., Yang, C.-M., Chang J.-H., Hsu S.-C,, Chang, A.-C., Chen, B.-H. (2001) Seroprevalence and demographic characteristics of HTLV-I among blood donors in Taiwan: 1996-1999. Int J Hematol (IF= 1.268) 74:333-7.
16. Lu, S.-C., Kao, C.-L., Chin, L.-T., Chen, J.-W., Yang, C.-M., Chang. A.-C., Chen, B.-H. (2001) Intrafamilial transmission and risk assessment of HTLV-I among blood donors in southern Taiwan. Kaohsiung J Med Sci 17:126-32.
17. Lu, S-C., Chin, L.-T., Wu, F.-M., Hsieh, G-J., Haung, S.-P., Chen, J-C., Chang, A. C.-H. and Chen, B.-H. (1999) Seroprevalence of CMV antibodies in a blood donor population and premature neonates in the South-central Taiwan. Kaohsiung J Med Sci 15:603-610.
18. Chen, J.-W., Chin, L.-T., Yang, C.-M., Lin, G.-C., Lin, W.-S, Lu, S.-C., Yang, B.-S. and Lin, K.-S. (1998) Evaluation of screening kits for the detection of antibodies to human T-lymphotropic virus type I and type II. J Biomed Lab Sci 10:29-38.
19. Dueñas, M., Casalvilla, R., Malmborg, A.-C., Chin L.-T., Ohlin, M. and Borrebaeck CAK (1997) The SAP as a homogenous and kinetic based selection system for active proteins in combinatorial libraries. Biotec. Aplicada 14, 51-52.
20. Dueñas, M., Chin, L.-T., Malmborg, A.-C., Casalvilla, R. & Borrebaeck, C. A. K. (1996) In vitro immunization of naive human B cells yields high affinity immunoglobulin G as illustrated by phage display. Immunology (IF= 2.951) 89: 1-7.
21. Chin, L.-T., Yang, B.-S., Chen, J.-W., Yang, C.-M., Chou, C.-C., Li, L., Hung, C.-M., Lin Tsai, S.-J. and Lin, K.-S. (1995) Evalution of screening kits for the detection of anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and 2 (HIV-1/2) antibodies. Chinese J Microl Immunol 28:179-192.
22. Chin, L.-T., Malmborg, A.-C., Kristensson, K., Hinkula, J. & Borrebaeck, C. A. K. (1995) Mimicking the humoral immune response in vitro results in antigen-specific isotype switching by autologous T helper cells. Eur. J. Immunol. 25:657-663.
23. Chin, L.-T., Dueñas, M., Levi, M., Hinkula, J., Wahren, B. & Borrebaeck, C. A. K (1995) Molecular characterization of an anti-HIV 1 human monoclonal antibody reveals a CD26 motif. Immunol. Letters 44:25-30.
24. Chin, L.-T. (1994) Site-directed in vitro immunization - A model of sequential antigen-specific activation of human B cells. University Press, ISBN 91-628-1237-8
25. Chin, L.-T., Ifversen, P., Kristensson, K., Carlsson, R., Wahren, B. & Borrebaeck, C. A. K. (1994) Human Th0-type T helper cell clone supports antigen-specific immunoglobulin production in scid/beige-hu mice. Scand. J. Immunol. 40:529-534.
26. Chin, L.-T., Hinkula, J., Levi, M., Ohlin, M., Wahren, B. & Borrebaeck, C. A. K. (1994) Site-directed primary in vitro immunization: Production of HIV-1 neutralizing human monoclonal antibodies from sero-negative donors. Immunology 81: 428-434.
27. Cheng, J.-Y., Meng, C.-L., Lin, J.-C., Tzeng, C.-C., Chin, L.-T. & Shen, K.-L. (1990) Characterization of four newly established human colorectal adenocarcinoma cell lines from chinese patients. J. Sur. Onco. 44:260-267.
28. Chin, L.-T. & Meng, C.-L. (1989) The potential efficacy of adjuvants. Bull. Sch. Den. NDMC 19:111-5.
29. Chin, L.-T., Meng, C.-L., Han, S.-H., Din, M.-C., Chang, T.-M., Chen, V. T.-K., & Shen, K.-L. (1987) A study on production of monoclonal antibodies using SC-M1 cell as immunogen. Med. Research 8:15-24.
30. Chin, L.-T., Meng, C.-L., Chang, T.-M., Chen, V. T.-K., & Shen, K.-L. (1987) Establishment and characterization of human gastric cancer cell line. J. Sur. Asso. R.O.C. 19:27.
2008:Award for contribution for conducting clinical researches, Departmant of Health
2007:Project director, Evaluation of complete human monoclonal antibody. Ministry of Economy
2005-2006:Project director, Production of complete human monoclonal antibody. Ministry of Economy
1997-1998:Project director, Production of anti-fibrin human monoclonal antibody. National Science Council 87-2316-B006-005 M42
1996-1999:Project director, Entrusted Programs for Human Monoclonals Production by Takara Shuzo (Japan) and General Biologicals Corp (Taiwan)
1995-1996:Project director, Production of anti-HIV V3 human antibody fragments via primary stite-directed in vitro immunization and phage display technology. National Science Council 85-2331-B210-001 BC
1995:Certificate of merit, 1995 Prize for Young Scientists (by Science and Pharmacia) 1990-1994:1989 ROC National Scholarship for European Studies in Molecular Immunology