Irina Conboy is working as Assistant Professor in Department of Bioengineering in the University of California Berkeley Conboy received her PhD in Cellular & Molecular Immunology from Stanford University in 1998
Bioengineering, Stem cell, Tissue repair, Tissue regeneration
1. Conboy, IM and Rando, TA. The regulation of Notch signaling controls satellite cell activation and cell fate determination in postnatal myogenesis. 2002 Dev. Cell Sep;3(3):397-409. PMID 12361602
2. Conboy, M.J. Conboy, G.M. Smythe, T. Rando. Notch-mediated restoration of regenerative potential to aged muscle. 2003. Science, 302, 1575-1577. PMID: 14645852
3. A.S. Brack, I.M. Conboy (equal first author), M.J. Conboy, J. Shen, T. A. Rando A temporal switch from Notch to Wnt signaling in muscle stem cells is necessary for normal adult myogenesis. 2008. Cell Stem Cell.2:50-59. PMID: 18371421
4. Carlson ME, Hsu M, Conboy I.M. Imbalance between pSmad3 and active Notch induces CDK inhibitors in old muscle stem cells. 2008. Nature, 454:528-532. PMID:18552838