Dr.Renato Franco is a professor in pathology at Federico II University,Naples,Italy,defending the thesis follicular Profile of cutaneous B cell lymphoma Clinical,morphological,immunophenotipical and biomolecular the trans location and mutational status of IgH.He completed his degree in medicine at university Federico II of Napoli in 1994 He worked as a professor of pathology in SUN University , Naples (2012-2013) n worked as a supervisor of thesis for Master degree in Medical Biotechnology(2006-2011). He is also an invited speaker in National and International meetings.
1) Histopathology
2) cytopathology
3) b-cell lymphomas
4) uropathology
5) hematopathology
5) skin tumours
1) Chieffi P, Franco R, Fulgione D, Staibano S. PCNA in the testis of the frog, Rana esculenta: a molecular marker of the mitotic testicular epithelium proliferation. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2000 Jul;119(1):11-6..
2) Chieffi P, Colucci-D’Amato GL, Staibano S, Franco R, Tramontano D. Estradiol-induced mitogen-activated protein kinase (extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1 and 2) activity in the frog (Rana esculenta) testis. J Endocrinol. 2000 Oct;167(1):77-84..
3) Stanzione R, Picascia A, Chieffi P, Imbimbo C, Palmieri A, Mirone V, Staibano S, Franco R, De Rosa G, Schlessinger J, Tramontano D. Variation of Proline– Rich Pyk2 Expression correlate with prostate cancer progression. Lab Inv 2001; 81:1-9.
4) Franco R, Fernadez-Vazquez A, Mollejo M, Cruz MA, Camacho FI, Garcia JF, Navarrete M, Piris MA. Cutaneous presentation of follicular lymphomas. Mod Pathol 2001; 14(9):913-919.
5) Franco R, Fernandez-Vazquez A, Rodriguez-Peralto JL, Bellas C, Lopez-Rios F, Saez A, Villuendas R, Navarrete M, Fernandez I, Zarco C, Piris MA. Primary follicular lymphoma. A series of 18 cases. Am J Surg Pathol 2001; 25: 875-83..
6) Pasquali D, Staibano S, Prezioso D, Franco R, Esposito D, Notaro A, De Rosa G, Bellastella A, Sinisi AA. Estrogen Receptor beta in human prostate tissue. Mol Cell Endocrinol 2001; 178: 47-50.
7) Staibano S, Lo Muzio L, Pannone G, Mezza E, Argenziano G, Vetrani A, Lucariello A, Franco R, Errico ME, De Rosa G. DNA ploidy and Cyclin D1 Expression in Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck. Am J Clin Pathol 2001; 115:805-13..
8) Staibano S, Lo Muzio L, Pannone G, Somma P, Farronato G, Franco R, Bambini F, Serpico R, De Rosa G. p53 and hMSH2 expression in basal cell carcinoma and malignant melanomas from photoexpoed areas of head and neck region. Int J Oncol 2001; 19(3):551-559.
9) Chieffi P, Nasti M, Fulgione D and Franco R. Expression of PCNA in the testis of the lizard, Podarcis s. sicula : an endogenous molecular marker of mitotic germinal epithelium proliferation. Zygote 2001 Nov;9(4):317-22).
10) Cirillo LC, Mainetti PP, Imbriaco M, Franco R, Gatta G, De Rosa G, Salvatore M. Synchronous primary adenocarcinoma and adenosquamous carcinoma of the esophagus. Eur Radiol 2001; 11 (10): 1964-7..
11) Mazziotti G, Rotondi M, Manganella G, Franco R, Capone PFRS, Colantuoni V, Amato G, Carella C. Medullary thyroid cancer, papillary thyroid microcarcinoma and Graves\\\\\\\' disease: an unusual clinical coexistence. J Endocrinol Invest 2001 Dec;24(11):892-6..
12) Sáez AI, Artiga MJ, Sánchez-Beato M, Sánchez-Verde L, García JF, Camacho FI, Franco R and Piris MA. Analysis of octamer-binding transcription factors oct2 and oct1 and their coactivator BOB.1/OBF.1 in lymphomas. Mod Pathol 2002; 15: 211..
13) Chung-Che Chang, Margarita Kouzova, Mat Fleming, R. Franco, A. Fernandez-Vazquez, J. L. Rodriguez-Peralto, M. A. Piris, Nadine S.I. Aguilera, and Susan L. Abbondanzo LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Mod Pathol 2002; 15:584-586...
14) Lanni A, Mancini FP, Sabatino L, Silvestri E, Franco R, De Rosa G, Goglia F and Colantuoni V. De novo statement of uncoupling protein 3 is associated to enhanced mitochondrial thioesterase-1 statement and fatty acid metabolism in liver of fenofibrate-treated rats. FEBS Lett. 2002; 525(1-3):7-12..
15) Staibano S, Franco R, Mezza E, Chieffi P, Sinisi A, Pasquali D, Errico ME, Nappi C, Tremolaterra F, Somma P, Mansueto G, De Rosa G. Loss of oestrogen receptor beta, high PCNA and p53 expression and aneuploidy as markers of worse prognosis in ovarian granulosa cell tumours. : Histopathology. 2003 Sep;43(3):254-62.