Andrew A. Webster, B.S. Pharm., Ph.D. is Professor of Pharmacy and Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical, Social & Administrative Sciences, Belmont University College of Pharmacy (BUCOP). He received his baccalaureate in pharmacy and doctoral degree in pharmaceutical chemistry from Temple University. Prior to his current appointment as a founding member of BUCOP, he was a tenured professor at the Samford University McWhorter School of Pharmacy. Dr. Webster remains licensed in pharmacy.
Along with a successfully diverse background in funding and scholarship, Dr. Webster has served on numerous review panels and editorial boards. External to the academy, Dr. Webster has an appointment as a member of the Tennessee Meth & Pharma Diversion Task Force, serves as an ACPE Professional Degree Program Evaluator and continues to serve as a Professional Pharmacy Curriculum Development Consultant for the Ministry of Higher Education of the Kurdistan Autonomous Region of Iraq.
Structure activity relationships, with the emphasis on the synthesis and evaluation of novel pharmacologic agents.
1. Ficzere,K., Webster,A.A., Design, Development, and Early Implementation of the Professional Pharmacy Curriculum in Iraqi Kurdistan,Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, in review.
2. Law,A.V., Bottenberg, M.M., Brozick, A., Currie, J.D., DiVall,M., Haines,S.T., Jolowsky,C., Koh-Knox,C.P., Leonard,G.A., Phelps,S.J., Rao,D., Webster,A.A., Yablonski, E., AACP Joint Councils Task Force on Mentoring 2012-2013; A Checklist for Faculty Mentorship Programs, American Journal of Pharmacy Education, in press.
3. Thompson, M., Ford, R., Webster, A.A., Effectiveness of Interactive, On-Line Games in Learning Neuroscience and Student’s Perception of the Games as Learning Tools: A Pre-experimental Study, Journal of Allied Health, Fall, pp. 150-155, 2011.
4. Knapp, K., Manolakis, M., Webster, A.A., Olsen, K., Projected Growth in Pharmacy Education and Research, 2010 to 2015, American Journal of Pharmacy Education, Vol 75, Issue 6, Article 108, 2011.
5. Desselle, S., Webster, A.A., Early, J., Kishi, D., Nobles-Knight, D., Peirce, G., Acosta, D, Crabtree, B.Special Report on Pharmacy Faculty Workplace Issues: Findings from the 2009-2010 COD/COFJoint Task Force on Faculty Workforce, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, available at:
6. Shane P. Desselle, PhD, Gretchen L. Peirce, PharmD, MS, Brian L. Crabtree, PharmD, Daniel Acosta, Jr., PhD, Johnnie L. Early, Jr., PhD, Donald T. Kishi, PharmD, Dolores Nobles-Knight, PharmD, MPH, Andrew A. Webster, PhD, Pharmacy Faculty Workplace Issues: Findings From the 2009-2010 COD-COF Joint Task Force on Faculty Workforce, American Journal of Pharmacy Education, 2011;75 (4) Article 63, 2011.
7. Webster, A.A., Patient Education and Complementary Therapy: Talking Points for Providers, Inquiry , volume 1, issue 4, Belmont University School of Pharmacy, Nashville TN, April 25, 2008.
8. Hudson, K., Asbill, C.S., Webster, A.A.,Isoniazid Release from Suppositories Compounded with Selected Bases, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding, Vol. 11, No. 5, September/October, 433 -437, 2007.
9. Webster, A.A., Riggs, R., A Quantitative Assessment of a Medicinal Chemistry PBL Sequence. American Journal of Pharmacy Education, 2006; 70 (4) Article 89.
10. Sorscher E. J, Harris J , Alexander M , Rottgers A, Hardy K, Ponnazhagan S, McClintock J, Webster A. A., Maddry J, Hong J S. Activators of Viral Gene Expression in Polarized Epithelial Monolayers Identified by Rapid-Throughput Drug Screening. Nature Gene Therapy,13 (9): 781-788; 2006.
11. Monk-Tutor, M.R., Webster, A.A., Denaburg, S.G., Woolley, T.W., Whealen, K.W., Impact of the Family and Medical Leave Act on Hospital Pharmacy Practice Management, Hospital Pharmacy, 2001, 36 (12).
12. Monk-Tutor, M.R., P.J. Sims, P.A. Thompson, C.D. Sands, IV, J.O. Dean, B.E. Beckett, H.A. McBride, R.H. Moore, III, R.M. Riggs, J.G. Sowell, A.A. Webster, C.F. Steil, E.S. Chan, K.W. Benner, M.A. Worthington. APlanned, Progressive Implementation of Problem-Based Learning at the McWhorter School of Pharmacy: Results of a Three Year Study. IN Samford PBL Monograph,Birmingham, AL: Samford University Press,2001.
13. Rose, D.J., Webster, A.A., English, B.A., McGuire J.M. The stability of Lisinopril syrup (2mg/mL) Extemporaneously Compounded from Tablets. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding: 2000; 4(5): 398-399.
14. Webster, A.A., English, B., McGuire, J., Riggs, R., Lander, V., Buckle, T., Stability of Dobutamine Hydrochloride 4mg/mL in 5% Dextrose Injection at 5 and 23o C, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding, 1999; 3:5:412-414.
15. Riggs, R., English, B., Webster, A.A., McGuire J., Riordan J., Worthington M., Fosphenytoin Y-Site Stability Studies with Lorazepam and Midazolam Hydrochloride, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding, 1999;3:3: 235-238.
16. English B., Riggs, R., Webster A.A., Benner K.,Y-Site Stability of Fosphenytoin and Sodium Phenobarbital, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding, 1999;3:1: 64-67.
17. Canney, D., Kemp L., Zhang M., Gabriel J., Buccafusco, J., Gattu, M., Webster A.A., Doukas P., Synthesis and Preliminary Biological Evaluation of 3-Substituted Quinuclidines as Nicotinic Ligands, Medicinal Chemistry Research, 1997; 7:5: 282-300.
18. Webster A. A., English B, Rose D. The Stability of Lisinopril as an Extemporaneous Syrup,International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding, 1997; 1:5:352-3.
19. Webster, A.A.,LEARN, A New Assessment Technique, The Chronicle of CQI, 1, 11, Feb. 1996, p3.
20. Rivers, T., Webster, A.A., Stability of Ceftriaxone Sodium, Ceftizoxime Sodium, and Ceftazidime Sodium with Metronidazole at 8oC for Use as an IV Admixture, American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 52,22, 2568-2570, Nov. 15, 1995.
21. Webster, A.A., Beasley, J., McBride H., Dean, J., Utilization of Total Quality Management Tools in a Medicinal Chemistry Course, Am. J. Pharm. Ed., 58, Winter 1994, pp 451-454.
Book Reviews
1. Webster, A.A., Book Review, Drug Delivery: Engineering Principles for Drug Therapy, W. M. Saltzman, in Journal of Pharmacy Technology, (17) December 2001.
2. Webster Andrew A., Book Review, Smoking Policy: Law, Politics, and Culture, Eds. Robert L. Rabin and Stephen Sugarman, Oxford Univ Press, American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, Volume 52, p344, Feb. 1, 1995.
Book Chapters
1. Andrew A. Webster and Brett A. English, Acetylcholinesterase and its Inhibitors. In: Primer on the Autonomic Nervous System. David Robertson, Italo Biaggioni, Geoffrey Burnstock, Phillip A. Low and Julian F.R. Paton, editors, Oxford: Academic Press, 2012, pp. 631-634.
2. Pharmaceutical Drug Stability,in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Handbook, Gad S. Edit, John Wiley and Sons Publisher, 2008.