Semra Paydas is a Professor from Cukurova University Faculty of Medicine.There are 162 publications in international refereed journals (144 of them in ISI) and until March 2015 these publications received 1374 citations. She was awarded with Turkey Cancer Foundation Science Prize from Turkey Cancer Foundation in October,2014.She was awarded with Dr. Nejat F. Eczacıbaşı Medical Science Prize in October,2013.
2) Internal Medicine
1) Clinical importance of EBV, PD-1 and PD-L1in Hodgkin lymphoma - Turkish Society of Hematology Clinical laboratory award. October, 2014
2) PRAME gene expression in Hodgkin lymphoma and clinical importance. Turkey Cancer Foundation Doç Dr Metin Aran Prize. April, 2013 (2. Researcher)
3) Ipilimumab expreience in Turkish cases with metastatic malignant melanoma-MÄ°PÄ°-TÜRK, Turkish Society of Medical Oncology, March. 2012 (Researcher in multicenter study)
4) Bayindir Hospital Medical Science Prize. November, 2009.
5) Hamzalı village primary school class computing due to the creation of the Ministry of Education certificate of appreciation, Ministry of Education. March, 2008
6) Novartis Oncology 2007 Science Prize, Novartis. April, 2007
7) XIX. Gevher Nesibe Hematology-Oncology Medical Days in the current approach and tumor formation methods Workshop third prize in the oral presentation. Erciyes University Faculty of Medicine. March, 1998.
8) p53 protein expression in leukemias. Cukurova University Faculty of Medicine, 25th Anniversary Science Award. May, 1997.
9) The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey Encouragement Award due to due to the international scientific contributions in leukemia and lymphomas. October, 1994