Ygal Rotenstreich, MD is the Director of the Electrophysiology Unit at Tel Hashomer Medical Center, Israel and the Director of the Retinal Research Laboratory at the Goldschleger Eye Research Institute, Tel Aviv University, Israel. He received his M.D. from Tel Aviv University on 1992, and completed his Ophthalmologist licensing in 1999. He completed a fellowship in hereditary retinal diseases in the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science at University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. His research focuses on development of novel treatments and diagnostic tools for incurable retinal and macular degeneration. He is leading clinical trials, basic science and translational medicine studies aimed at development of novel treatments and diagnostic tools for these blinding diseases. Last year he received the Stein Award for Excellent Researcher in Ophthalmology. This year he received the SPIE 2015, USA - Translational Research Paper Award.
1) Development of novel treatments
2) Ophthalmology
3) Diagnostic tools for Incurable retinal and macular degeneration
1. Rotenstreich Y, Assia EI, Kesler A. Late treatment of methanol blindness. Br. J Ophthalmol. 1997 May;81(5):416-7. (OPHTHALMOLOGY 9/59, IF 2.725, Q1) Times Cited: 12 (from Google Scholar)
2. Assia EI, Raskin T, Kaiserman I, Rotenstreich Y, Segev F. Effect of aspirin intake on bleeding during cataract surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg. 1998 Sep;24(9):1243-6. (OPHTHALMOLOGY 12/59, IF 2.527, Q1; SURGERY 38/199, Q1) Times Cited: 32 (from Google Scholar)
3. Assia EI, Pras E, Yehezkel M, Rotenstreich Y, Jager-Roshu S. Topical anesthesia using lidocaine gel for cataract surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg. 1999 May;25(5):635-9. (OPHTHALMOLOGY 12/59, IF 2.527, Q1; SURGERY 38/199, Q1) Times Cited: 83 (from Google Scholar)
4. Moisseiev J, Segev F, Harizman N, Arazi T, Rotenstreich Y, Assia EI. Primary cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation in penetrating ocular trauma. Ophthalmology. 2001 Jun;108(6):1099-103. (OPHTHALMOLOGY 2/59, IF 5.563, Q1) Times Cited: 40 (from Google Scholar)
5. Jonescu-Cuypers CP, Harris A, Ishii Y, Kagemann L, Gazozi HJ, Rotenstreich Y, Chung HS, Martin B. Effect of brimonidine tartrate on ocular hemodynamics in healthy volunteers. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther. 2001 Jun;17(3):199-205. (OPHTHALMOLOGY 37/59, IF 1.293, Q3; PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY 190/261, Q3) Times Cited: 17 (from Google Scholar)
6. Rotenstreich Y, Rubowitz A, Segev F, Jaeger-Roshu S, Assia EI. Effect of warfarin therapy on bleeding during cataract surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2001 Sep;27(9):1344-6. (OPHTHALMOLOGY 12/59, IF 2.527, Q1; SURGERY 38/199, Q1) Times Cited: 18 (from Google Scholar)
7. Rotenstreich Y, Fishman GA, Anderson RJ. Visual acuity loss and clinical observations in a large series of patients with Stargardt disease. Ophthalmology. 2003 Jun;110(6):1151-8. (OPHTHALMOLOGY 2/59, IF 5.563, Q1) Times Cited: 68 (from Google Scholar)
8. Rotenstreich Y, Fishman GA, Anderson RJ, Birch DG. Interocular amplitude differences of the full field electroretinogram in normal subjects. Br J Ophthalmol. 2003 Oct;87(10):1268-71. (OPHTHALMOLOGY 9/59, IF 2.725, Q1) Times Cited: 10 (from Google Scholar)
9. Rotenstreich Y, Fishman GA, Lindeman M, Alexander KR. The application of chromatic dark-adapted kinetic perimetry to retinal diseases. Ophthalmology. 2004 Jun;111(6):1222-7. (OPHTHALMOLOGY 2/59, IF 5.563, Q1) Times Cited: 6 (from Google Scholar)
10. Fishman GA, Chappelow AV, Anderson RJ, Rotenstreich Y, Derlacki DJ. Short-term inter-visit variability of erg amplitudes in normal subjects and patients with retinitis pigmentosa. Retina. 2005 Dec;25(8):1014-21. (OPHTHALMOLOGY 8/59, IF 2.825, Q1) Times Cited: 8 (from Web of Science)
11. Assia EI, Rotenstreich Y, Barequet IS, Apple DJ, Rosner M, Belkin M. Experimental studies on nonpenetrating filtration surgery using the CO2 laser. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2007 Jun;245(6):847-54. (OPHTHALMOLOGY 20/59, IF 1.932, Q2) Times Cited: 15 (from Google Scholar)
12. Baranes K, Raz-Prag D, Nitzan A, Galron R, Ashery-Padan R, Rotenstreich Y, Assaf Y, Shiloh Y, Wang ZQ, Barzilai A, Solomon AS. Conditional inactivation of the NBS1 gene in the mouse central nervous system leads to neurodegeneration and disorganization of the visual system. Exp Neurol. 2009 Jul;218(1):24-32. (NEURO SIENCE 48/252, IF 4.645, Q1)
Times Cited: 11 (from Google Scholar) 13. Pras E, Abu A, Rotenstreich Y, Avni I, Reish O, Morad Y, Reznik-Wolf H, Pras E. Cone-rod dystrophy and a frameshift mutation in the PROM1 gene. Mol Vis. 2009 Aug 28;15:1709-16. (OPHTHALMOLOGY 18/59, IF 1.987, Q2; BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 208/290, Q3) Times Cited: 15 (from Google Scholar)
14. Rotenstreich Y, Harats D, Shaish A, Pras E, Belkin M. Treatment of a retinal dystrophy, fundus albipunctatus, with oral 9-cis-{beta}-carotene. Br J Ophthalmol. 2010 May;94(5):616-21. (OPHTHALMOLOGY 9/59, IF 2.725, Q1) Times Cited: 13 (from Google Scholar)