A published article reflects the minds of reader and as well as authors. Paper standards and quality depends upon the peer review process which is judged by expert reviewers and editorial board members. Reviewer play vital role in Ommega Open Access Publishing group by identifying the paper quality, validation and its publication. Peer review system focuses performance of paper with a view to improving quality and maintenance standards.
Scientists, researchers, academicians and scholars are eligible for reviewing process. One must be expert in the particular topic before accepting for review. Our editorial board members or editorial managers will assign paper related to your research interest.
Guidelines to be followed while revieweing the article are:
- Reviewers are assigned articles depending on their research interests.
- Reviewing of the manuscript should be completed in the timeframe provided to the reviewers.
- Acknowledgement of acceptance letter is sought from the reviewer after accepting the manuscript.
- At any given point if the reviewer feel that the manuscript assigned to him is out of his/her scope, one can approach the editorial office.
- There should be no prejudice by the Reviewer in the event of reviewing the manuscript.
- It is mandatory for the reviewer to inform to the editorial office if the manuscripts does not comply the standards and the high quality of the Ommega journals.
- Identity of the reviewers should not be revealed to the author in any circumstances on or before the publication.
- Editorial office should be contacted in cases where the manuscript encounters problem related to the content, figures, etc.
- The decision of acceptance or rejection will solely depend on the comments from the editor.