Sangeeta Singg, PhD, LP, ACN
About Journal
Journal of Clinical Trials, Pathology and Case Studies Journal of Clinical Trials, Pathology and Case Studies is a leading international journal covering all aspects. Journal of Clinical Trials, Pathology and Case Studies (CPCS) is a broad-based journal that aims to publish the most exciting Case studies in Clinical and Medical Sciences catering to the requirements of research, teaching and reference aspects. (CPCS) keeps updating day-to-day research & development to the scientific niche around the world. The journal publishes case studies or case report, commentary, editorials, letters to the editor, describing original contents in the fields of medical and life sciences Diagnostic and research areas covered include histopathology, virology, haematology, microbiology, cytopathology, chemical pathology, molecular pathology, forensic pathology ,symptoms, signs, diagnosis, therapeutic techniques and solutions of individuals, a small group of participants.
Aim & Scope
AIMS AND SCOPE: It is basically aimed at the Clinical Practitioners, medical/ health practitioners, students, professionals, researchers professional bodies and institutions. All works published by OMMEGA Group are under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. This permits anyone to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the work provided the original work and source is appropriately cited. (CPCS) strongly supports the Open Access initiative. All published articles will be assigned DOI provided by Cross Ref. (CPCS) keeps updated information on the latest advances in the field Clinical research and Case reports. Abstracts and full texts (HTML, PDF and XML format) of all articles published by (CPCS) are freely accessible to everyone immediately after publication. Many believe that informed consent makes Clinical Trials, Pathology and Case Studies ethical. However, informed consent is not sufficient. Drawing on the basic philosophies there are some requirements that systematically explain a logical framework for evaluating the ethics of clinical research studies. The requirements are universal and they must be adapted to the various fields in which research is conducted.
EDITORIAL MANAGING SYSTEM Ommega Publications supports scientist who sweats for the real innovation & discovery in the field of science, technology and medicine. Our online Editorial Managing System (EMS) provides quality and quick editorial process towards rapid publication, so that the author can support the scientific community with wide scientific information. Advanced automated Editorial Managing System simplifies the publication process and helps the author to get track of their articles. The IJCCS is Open Access publication to maintain a common relation among the common public and researcher by providing wide scientific information.
Clinical trials
Diabetic trials
Drug action
Drug delivery
Drug discovery Emerging drugs
Drug design Clinical research
Drug clinical trials
Vaccine trials
Prevention trials
Screening trials
Diagnostic trials
Treatment trials
Anatomical Pathology
Automated Tissue Image
Analysis Cellular Pathology
Chemical Pathology
Clinical Pathology
Cooperative Human Tissue Network
Experimental Pathology
Renal Pathology
Clinical trials, Diabetic trials, Drug action, Drug delivery, Drug discovery, Emerging drugs, Drug design, Clinical research, Drug clinical trials, Vaccine trials, Prevention trials, Screening trials, Diagnostic trials, Treatment trials