Journal of Medicinal Chemistry & Toxicology serves as a common platform to expedite scientific communication among medicinal chemists, biochemists, toxicologists, and pharmacologists and pharmaceutical technologists. JMCT covers an unusually broad range of scientific interests, including on drugs, prodrugs, drug delivery, drug metabolism, drug regulation and transport of drug metabolizing enzymes, computer-aided drug design, drug metabolism and toxicology and its relation to biological problems. Pioneering research related to mechanistic studies on small organic and inorganic compounds, proteins, lipids, peptides, nucleic acids and other biological and synthetic polymers, as well as cell biology methods, can also be considered for publications. JMCT publishes original contributions in Docking, molecular modeling, Characterization of active ingredients of medicinal plants and bioactivity in plant extracts, Chemistry and biochemistry of bioactive natural products of plant origin and critical reviews of the historical, clinical and legal status of medicinal plants and accounts on topical issues. All manuscripts must be based on original data and have neither been published nor submitted to other journal concurrently. JMCT is an international journal, publishes high quality articles on all aspects of medicinal chemistry & toxicology. JMCT subjects to rigorous peer review, Journal welcomes submissions of Original Research, Editorial, Review, Mini-reviews, Perspective, Short Communication, opinion papers and Protocols.
Editor Note
Dear Readers,
I am very delighted to inform you that we are entering in the world of medicinal chemistry and drug discovery through the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry & Toxicology (JMCT), a multidisciplinary, peer reviewed, open access, online journal which invites submission of high quality manuscripts from the disciplines of medicinal chemistry and biomedical research. Our goal is to create a new forum for exchange of information on all aspects of toxicology and medicinal chemistry research. As the standard of a journal depends on its contributors, the JMCT expects submission of scholarly manuscripts from the researchers across the globe. The JMCT will follow the publication ethics guidelines developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics and International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. The JMCT will not consider any manuscript which is found to be based on violation of ethical principles of research. Medicine is a rapidly changing science and advancement in the clinical as well as experimental research broadens the knowledge of current diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic options for human diseases. The aim of the JMCT is to provide a platform for timely dissemination of information on development and evaluation of new treatment strategies to improve human health care. Eventually, increase in the volume of basic medicinal chemistry as well as clinical research and consequently their communications through the scientific journals would be expected in the coming years. It is normal for researchers to face a negative decision on their manuscripts from the journals. Factors such as journal’s priority, number of pending manuscripts, similar manuscripts in review or accepted for publication, page constraints, readership of the journal, etc. could be considered for such a negative decision. At this juncture, introduction of one more journal in the scientific community seems justified and hence the JMCT is here. I would like to encourage you to submit your valuable research work as well as opinions, technical reports, and short communications in the general area of medicinal chemistry and toxicological reseach. I wish to see JMCT develop into a scientific journal with high impact factor with the balance changing toward research communication. The success of this enterprise depends on your participation. I look forward to see your contribution in the JMCT near future.
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry & Toxicology aims to publish studies which give an understanding relationship between molecular structure and biological activity or mode of action that specifies the area of Synthesis and Design of labeled ligands employed as pharmacological tools, molecular biological studies and biological evaluation of novel biologically active compounds and methodology. JMCT which includes organic synthesis; biological behavior; pharmacological activity; drug design; QSAR; molecular modeling; drug-receptor interactions; molecular aspects of drug metabolism; prodrug synthesis and drug targeting, it also deals with adverse effects of xenobiotics on the health of humans and animals, which understands the toxicity and direct impact on safety and risk assessment . All articles published by JMCT are easy to get access to everybody and provides benefits to author such as free PDFs, copyright policy, special discounts on Ommega publications.
Chemical Synthesis, Drug Action, Nucleic Acids, Drug Development, Pharmacodynamics, Antibacterial Agents, Toxicology, Pharmacognosy, Process chemistry, Drug Metabolism, Xenobiotic, Metabolism, Medical Chemistry, synthetic Organic Chemistry