Ommega Publishers follows double blind peer review process, where the identity of both the referees and the author is concealed throughout the review process. Authors are requested to ensure that their manuscripts are prepared in a way that does not give away their identity. To help with this preparation please submit the title Page containing the Authors details and blinded manuscript with no author details as 2 separate files for more help please go through author guidelines.
Author can track their manuscript through our online manuscript tracking service. Author receives notifications throughout the peer review process.
Author writes an article describing his research and finding and submits manuscript for publication in our journal, which will be screened for multiple checks by in-house editorial team.
In house editorial team will check for plagiarism of the article. Generally we accept the article for publication, if the quality of article more than 85% genuine.
What if article is plagiarised?
Plagiarised manuscript is sent back to author with indicating the plagiarised lines and ask author to correct those lines/sentences and resubmit the article.
After plagiarism check submitted article is assigned to Journal’s Academic Editor according to his area of interest and expertise. Editor reads over the article to decide whether it’s a good fit for the journal. If it is, editor will send copies of article to a group of experts to evaluate the articles quality. Editor will perform the evaluation process according to journal criteria.
Editor accepts the article to review depending on his availability or may decline the invitation to review article, or Editor may also assign external reviewers.
Can author suggest Editor?
Yes, author can suggest Academic Editor for review of article. But this doesn’t guarantee that the suggested editor is assigned for the article.
In peer review process editor will assign reviewers who are working in the same research area. These experts are author’s peers having the same area of interest. Since they are making the decision of the article they are sometimes called referees. So peer reviewed articles are also called as refereed articles. Each reviewer evaluates the article by asking questions to judge the quality and significance of the research.
1. What are the questions raised by Reviewer?
7. Will author know who is reviewing the article?
Author is left with no clue who is reviewing the article. Reviewer identity is anonymous unless a reviewer indicates otherwise.
Reviewers will read the entire document before making the comments. Then make a recommendation to the editor either to accept the Article for publication or reject the article.
What if article is rejected?
Rejected article are returned to author.
Accepted article usually expect the author to make revisions.
Author is asked for article revision to make changes in the article with modifications or major changes in article with turnaround time of 45 days.
The revised manuscript is re-assigned to the same academic editor. Editor will decide if any additional inputs are needed in the revised manuscript.
All communication about the article decisions will be communicated to the corresponding author through online tracking system.
Editor makes final determination whether the article should be approved, rejected or revised. Even if reviewer recommends accepting the article, Editor-in-Chief is having the full rights to reject the article if he finds the article is not up to the quality/originality of the journal.
An author of rejected article may decide to seek advice on improving the article, and then submit it to other journal/same journal to go through the peer review process again.
Accepted date of the article will be the same date when the article is accepted, but not the published date.
After the final acceptance of article for publishing, article passes through a detail check to meet Ommega publishers’ article format and technical needs.
A galley proof of the article is sent to author; this will be the last chance to author to make corrections in manuscript. Author is advice to check carefully, because after this author will not be able to change or correct any errors in the manuscript.