Tanacetum, Parthenium, Griffonia Simplicifolia and Magnesium as Symptomatic andProphylactic Treatment for Headache in Paediatric Patients
Prospective Review of Early Psychosis Following Traumatic Brain Injury in a Tertiary Hospital in Suburban Community of South Western Nigeria
Investigation of Insulin Resistance and Vitamin E Deficiency in Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy: Five-Year Retrospective Study
Evaluation of Stress Biomarkers after Oral Administration of the Consciousness Energy Healing Treated Novel Herbomineral Formulation in Male Sprague Dawley Rats
The Neurological Manifestations as an Onset Symptom of Antiphospholipid Syndrome: Report of Two Cases
A Retrospective Analysis of Outcome following Neuronavigation Guided Trans-Nasal, Trans-Sphenoidal Microscopic Excision of Pituitary Tumors: Study at Khoula Hospital of Cases Operated Between 2009 and 2017.
Combination of Tanacethum Partenium, 5-Hydrossitriptophan (5-Http) and Magnesium in the Prophylaxis of Episodic Migraine without Aura (AURASTOP®) An Observational Study
Association between Blood Lead (BLL) Level Concentration and Tremor in highly exposed battery workers at manufacturing Industries of Lucknow city
Giant Intra-Ventricular Calcified Meningioma in Childhood Manifest as Movement Disorders : A Extremely Rare Presentation
Successful Treatment of a Patient with Generalized Anxiety Disorder Using Dual-Site Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
A Case of Bilateral Medial Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery Infarction Associated with Subclavian Steal Syndrome
Can the Aggravation of Pruritus be a Sign of Worsening Peripheral Neuropathy in Uremic Disease? A Clinical and Neurophysiological Study
Diffusion Tensor Tractography (DTT): An Objective Method of Determining Clinically-Relevant, Compressive, Spinal Cord Myelopathy