Correlation of Socio-Economic Determinants to Initial Low Risk Substance Use, subsequent Opioid Use Disorder and negative prognostic treatment indicators.
A Proposal for a Comprehensive Opioid Education and Prevention Health Curriculum for Grades K-12 in Pennsylvania
‘Izingane zethu / Those are our children’: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Recovery from Whoonga
Abnormal Glycemic Control, Obesity, and Increased Infection Risk in Patients on Chronic Opioid Therapy
An experience with the Gaining Autonomy and Medication Management approach for users of drugs: creating autonomy
The school-level factors associated with internet addiction among adolescents: A Cross-Sectional study in Bangladesh
A pathway for families to cope with alcohol and drug problems: A case-control group for resilience of a Brazilian context
Three high doses of buprenorphine in the treatment of prolonged and severe opium dependence: a new access
Highdose of buprenorphine in the treatment of refractory major depression with severe suicidal tendencies
Comparison of electroconvulsive therapy, buprenorphine and methadone in the management of methamphetamine dependency and withdrawal craving
Synthetic Cannabis Overdose and Withdrawal in a Young Adult: A Case-Report and Commentary on Regulation
Physician Understanding and Treatment of Addiction: Have ‘Pseudoaddiction’ and ‘Self-medication’ led us astray?
Role of School Counselor in Mitigating Heroin Usage Amongst Adolescents: Implications for the School Counselor Profession
Application of Newman System Model as a Guiding Framework for Assessment and Prevention of Risk Factors Associated with Smoking in Jordanian Adolescents