Surgical removal of mandibular third molars with or without the use of cryotherapy. A single-blinded randomised controlled trial
Comparison of Antibacterial Effect of EndiActivator and Diode Laser on Root Canals Infected with Entrococcus Faecalis: An In Vitro Study
Evaluation of the Correlation between Tryptase Positive Mast Cells and Chronic Periodontitis using Immunohistochemistry
Adaptation of maxillary complete denture base plates cast from wax patterns fabricated using a three-dimensional printing (3DP) technique
Risk Factors for Postoperative Complications in Patients with Esophageal Cancer Receiving Perioperative Oral Management
An Investigation on Influence of Titaniananotubes on Mechanical Properties of Silica Micro-Filled Dental Composite
Periodontal Regenerative Therapy in Deep Intrabony Defects Associated with Maxillary Central Incisors Using Cortico-Cancellous Block Allograft with Chorion Membrane: A Case Report
Bacteriological Safety of Water Filters for Dental Units: Evalutation of the Filtration Action against S. Aureus and E. Coli
Implant-Supported Screw-Retained Vs Cemented Single Crown Fabricated By CAD / CAM Technology: A Clinical Case Report
The Impact of the Novel ENAM Mutation on the Development of Hypoplastic Type of Amelogenesis Imperfect
Evaluation of Lingual Arch form among Angle Class I, Class Iiand Class III Malocclusions in Chinese Orthodontic Patients
First Experience of Rotary Nickel Titanium Root Canal Instrumentation Performed by Undergraduate Students and General Dentists
The Relationship between the Lip Length and Smile Line in a Malaysian Population: A Cross-Sectional Study
Effectiveness of Probiotic Lactobacillus salivarius WB21 Tablets on Oral Malodor among Patients Attending Dental Institution in Mysuru City, India-An Open Label Pilot Trial
Severity of Chronic Periodontitis Associated with Two Major Risk Factors of Periodontal Disease in Makah City
Surface Area of the Prosthesis Support Polygon with Different Implant Configurations in Edentulous Maxillae