Evaluating Methods of Rat Euthanasia on the Liver and Kidney of Wistar rats: Cervical dislocation, chloroform inhalation, diethyl ether inhalation and formalin inhalation.
Assessment of Anti-Ageing Potential of Consciousness Energy Healing Treated DMEM and HFF-1 Cells using Cellular Proliferation and Collagen Metabolism Assays
Delivery of Advanced Pediatric Surgical Care as a Model for Health Equity, Education, and Development: the First Separation of Conjoined Twins in Haiti
Magnitude of Pre-Lacteal Feeding Practice and Associated Factors among Mothers having Children Less than 2 Years of Age in Fitche Town, North Showa, Ethiopia
Survey the Prevalence of Pediculosis Capitis and its Associated Risk Factors among Girls’ Schools Students in Garmsar City, Semnan Province (Iran)
Replicate Imaging of a Unicellular Plant through a GlassBarrier Using Fine Iron Particles: Evidence for Electromagnetic Energy Transfer
Elimination of the Heavy Metals Toxicity and Diseases in Disruption of Extracellular Matrix (ECM) Proteins and Cell Adhesion Intelligent Nanomolecules Adjustment in Cancer Metastases Using Metalloenzymes and under Synchrotron Radiation
Significance of Aspirin on Blood Flow to Prevent Blood Clotting through Inclined Multi-Stenosed Artery
Importance of Strength Training of the Triceps Surae Muscles for Improvement of Walking Speed in Patients with Subacute Myelo-Optico-Neuropathy