
– I want in this testimonial to deeply thank OMMEGA publishers the fact of having received my works and having published them in a correct and accurate way.Having received this opportunity is very good and interesting for all scientists and researchers who, in one way or another, want to spread our knowledge to educate the population, and Ommega magazine in that sense won a gold medal for it. In this globalized world we need researchers that the truths or findings that we find in our searches and studies deserve to be published. Thanks Ommega again.
Georges El Hachem
Georges El Hachem

I really find your journal interesting, with updated topics discussing the standard of care in the Medical fields. I truly appreciated the quick replies all over our discussions, the high quality of the reviewer comments and finally the layout of the manuscript when transformed into PDF. I will honestly recommend the ‘International Journal of Cancer and Oncology’ to my colleagues especially that it is an international, peer review, open access, multidisciplinary journal.

I am sure that I’ll submit again, because working with you was a real pleasure.

Sincerely yours,

Georges El Hachem, MD.

Ravi Kant  Upadhyay
Ravi Kant Upadhyay

It gives me immense pleasure to acknowledge the cooperation received from an editorial team of Journal of Stem Cell & Regenerative Biology. Journal has a clear vision and wider scope publishes high impact articles from one of the important fields of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences as well. The quality of published articles is very high and competing with other international journals of repute. The overall production of articles like editing, language, and page set is of high quality. I wish entire editorial team very best for their nice efforts to make this journal more impactful and take it to new horizons of medical sciences.  I also hope that in near future many more authors will attract towards this journal for publication of their article due to wider publicity of this journal.

Benjamin Scherlag
Benjamin Scherlag
– I am writing to express my appreciation for the service accorded to me and my coauthors regarding our recent publications in “Letters in Health and Biological Sciences.” I have published articles in major journals for more than 5 decades in the field of cardiac arrhythmias. As a spin-off of our studies on the effects of electromagnetic fields on the heart, 3 years ago, my colleagues and I have radically shifted our focus to the study of bio-electromagnetism of plant and animal tissues and cells. Our present studies are aimed at providing the foundation for future investigations with important implications for human health and for developing new biological concepts. I would like to commend the editors for their prompt review and responses to our submissions particularly since the publications contained color figures and videos, which makes submissions too many other journals problematic.
Pereira  Vanda
Pereira Vanda
– I had an amazing experience with the ommega and journal of Analytical, Bioanalytical and Separation Techniques (JABST). The submission, review and publication process was simple, fast and effective. The team demonstrated a very professional service.
Eugene Stephane  Mananga
Eugene Stephane Mananga
– I thank the Editorial office of the Journal of Imaging Science (JIS) for inviting me to join the editorial board team and currently serving as an Associate Editor-in-Chief of the journal. JIS is an internationally open access peer reviewed journal dedicated to publishing high-quality research in area concerned with analogue chemical, electronic, digital and hybrid imaging systems. The editors and referees are very professional. Special thanks to Taylor Watson who is very helpful and do his best to assure rapid progress in the publication process. Response times are done promptly and in a professional manner. To those who are inspecting new incursion into the field of imaging science, I invigorate you to join a body of scientists who like to push their intuition and themselves to the boundaries by submitting findings to the Journal of Imaging Science.
Catherine Dawson Tobin
Catherine Dawson Tobin
– I submitted a Case Report to the Journal of Anesthesia and Surgery. They were very quick to respond to emails and once submitted I had peer reviewed comments back within days. They were at all times professional. The process was so FAST. I submitted March 16th, 2017. On March 23rd they asked for revisions. I sent revisions back March 29th and then we were accepted for publication April 3rd. I received a proof on April 3rd and made small edits, then it was published April 8th. The whole process was less than 2 weeks!!! I have had other experiences with other journals were it has taken 4 months! I recommend the Journal of Anesthesia and Surgery. They were wonderful!
Alessio Valente
Alessio Valente
– Dear colleagues, this is to recommend "Journal of Anesthesia and Surgery" to your attention for publication of your work. Staff kindness was absolute. Publication time was extremely short. Acknowledgment of your work is complete. The website is accessible and PDF form enjoyable and easy to read.
Suhasini  Pai
Suhasini Pai
– Submitting our article to the Journal of Stem Cell & Regenerative Biology was a great experience. The review process of the case report was efficient and meticulous. The communications were handled in a prompt and professional manner. The feedbacks and suggested editings have strengthened the content of the manuscript. We are honored to be featured in this journal.
Hussein Abdellatif
Hussein Abdellatif
– I would like to express my great experience with Ommega Publishers, Journal of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology. I was really impressed by their quick and accurate review process. I was kept informed at each step in the revision procedure. The staff is very cooperative and quickly responds to all inquiries. Well organized and accurate. Journal staff is taking great steps in promoting and dispersing latest and highly impacted research in the field of stem cells and regenerative medicine. Wish them best of success and sure will consider them to all of my colleagues.
Habib Md Reazaul Karim
Habib Md Reazaul Karim
– When it comes to write and publish an article in a good journal, it is always a difficult task for authors. The Journal of Anesthesia and Surgery, however made me feel and think differently. The editorial team, office and reviewers are very constructive which gave me a pleasant and friendly experience. I am sure the journal will shine more and more in future.
Mahmood-S Choudhery
Mahmood-S Choudhery
– It is a good experience to publish in the Journal of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology. The publication process in the journal of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology was quick and smooth. We were kept informed by the staff at each step. Further, the staff is very cooperative and quickly respond to all queries. They are well organized. I would recommend this journal to all my Colleagues.
Jyoti  Bhojwani
Jyoti Bhojwani
– Indeed so pleased and honored to be serving as a Reviewer on the editorial board of Journal of Stem Cell & Regenerative Biology (Ommega Publishers). Ommega has done a commendable job in launching great journals; including Journal of Stem Cell & Regenerative Biology, to promote, publish and consequently disperse newest information and breakthroughs in the field of Stem Cell Research. I wish them much success in continuing with this noble job and future endeavors.
Pesona Grace Lucksom
Pesona Grace Lucksom
– It has been a great pleasure and an honor to work with omega publishers and JGNB. JGNB gives regular updates about the world of gynecology and obstetrics. Only best and good articles are published in this journal which makes it even more valuable. Review of articles and publications are very swift. I have come across articles which can change the world of Obstetrics and Gynecology. I recommend this journal to all who want to stay updated so that reading becomes enjoyable and success becomes a habit.
Nageswara Rao Reddy
Nageswara Rao Reddy
– It is my great honor to be one of the editorial board members for the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry & Toxicology (JMCT), since it started and Journal of Gastrointestinal Disorders and Liver function (JGDLF). We have an excellent experience for submission of editorial Journal of Medicinal Chemistry & Toxicology (JMCT). The services like reviewing, publication, response times are done promptly and outstanding. I strongly recommend and encourage scientific fraternity publishing with OMMEGA Publishing Group.
Magisetty Obulesu
Magisetty Obulesu
– JNMS is a worth commending peer reviewed journal. It encourages authors with quality thought provocative insights through its strong editorial team. In addition, it completes the review and publication process just in 2 weeks. It is a wonderful experience to publish articles with this journal. Sincerely Yours, Obulesu
Rongbiao  Tang
Rongbiao Tang
– It is my great honor to service as an editor for the Journal of Imaging science(JIS). It is an internationally open access peer reviewed journal dedicated to publishing high-quality research in area of imaging science. Imaging techniques are essential to carry out the basic and clinical related research. The editors and referees are very professional. They will do their best to assure the progresses quickly and helpfully. This new journal seeks to be an impartial platform for quality research work par excellence. It is well worth your research results to publish in this journal. Rongbiao Tang, Department of radiology, School of medicine, Shanghai jiaotong university (SJTU), China.
Divakar Sharma
Divakar Sharma
– It is my great honor to be one of the editorial board members for the Journal of Analytical, Bioanalytical and Separation Techniques (JABST) since it started. Bioanalytical and separation techniques are crucial to analyzing the any basic and health related problems of the humanity. This journal is trying to be a platform for discussing the problems related to novel and advancement of technologies. It is a new journal, but is very promising, and the editors and managers are doing their best to satisfy the authors, making the progresses easier and faster. Open access journal will be the future of the technologies publication, since it can make everyone getting access to the full articles freely and use it to future research. Yet, the author need pay the reasonable publication fee.
pushpanathan Muthuirulan
pushpanathan Muthuirulan
– Its a Great Honor for me to be the editorial board member of Journal of Cellular Biology and Molecular Sciences. The journal has excellent peer-review process and holds promising future to have prompt publications of high quality research to share outstanding scientific discoveries to all researchers across the globe. My overall experience with the journal is excellent and I do really appreciate expert reviewers and eminent editors who works best for the journal. I wish the very best for future endeavors to get a great impact with the publication society. Thank you very much for the opportunity.
Chang-Er Chen
Chang-Er Chen
– it is my great honor to be one of the editors for the Journal of Environment and Health Science since it started. Environmental issues are continuously one of the most concerned issues in our planet, and the relevant Health is more directly related to human being but also to the ecosystem. This journal is trying to be a platform for discussing these concerns. It is a new journal, but is very promising, and the editors and managers are doing their best to satisfy the authors, making the progresses more easy and fast. Open access journal will be the future of the publication, since it can make everyone getting access to the full articles freely. Yet, the author need pay the publication fee, which is reasonable and it deserves.
Serafim Papadimitriou
Serafim Papadimitriou
– Our experience with Ommega Publishers and the Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Welfare was excellent. The review process was very quick and the reviewers comments very useful. Special thanks to the editorial assistant for her quick answers and overall help!
KenIchi  Ohtsubo
KenIchi Ohtsubo
– I am very grateful to the Journal of Diabetes & Obesity for our manuscript rapid review process and online publication was done on time. Journal of Diabetes & Obesity also provided 50 reprints which are very colorful and quality of the paper is very good for hard copies. I was very much impressed with hard copies, quick response and review process in a timely manner, so I recommend authors to submit papers in Journal of Diabetes and Obesity for fast and a quality publication as I experienced.
Amy Clements- Cortes
Amy Clements- Cortes
– My experience with Omega publications has been excellent. The editorial team is very professional and responds promptly to questions, offering assistance. Further, the timeline to publish is very short, the peer review process is of high standards and accepted manuscripts are not waiting in cue to be published, which is refreshing for authors.
Hikmet Jamil
Hikmet Jamil
– I start publishing articles since 1981 till today with so money journals. I learn a lot from these journals and their way to accept or reject articles, but the experience I got with the Journal of Letters in Health and Biological Sciences of Ommega Publishers is completely differ. They are very active in corresponding with author. The review process was very fast. In general I can say that the professionalism of the editorial board was very clear through the whole process, started with invitation to submit article to the day of acceptance of the article which it took two month. Definitely I will encourage my colleagues to consider publishing their future works with Ommega Publishers.
Jamshid  Ahmadi
Jamshid Ahmadi
– My experience with the Journal of Addiction and Dependence of Ommega Publishers is quite positive. This is a new and very productive journal. Its open access policy offers readers access to high quality articles in the field of addiction. The Journal of Addiction and Dependence comes from an established publisher whose commitment to publish the results of high quality work is guaranteed. The review process is fast. I am very grateful to the all members of editorial board. Good luck
Niraj Khatri  Sapkota
Niraj Khatri Sapkota
– It was a great challenging experience I felt while reviewing paper of authors submitted to Journal of Gastrointestinal disorders and liver function (JGDLF), though some authors do not have well presentation but the journal is amazingly trying its best to make the paper qualitatively outstanding by rigorous peer reviewing adjustment that filters and shape the paper with effective updated information. Niraj Khatri Sapkota- Chitwan Medical College affiliated to Tribhuvan university, Nepal
Amina chentouf
Amina chentouf
– We are very proud and grateful for the publication of our study. What we appreciated most about working with "International Journal of Neurology and Brain Disorders" is the professionalism of the editorial board. We hope that our work will bring a significant contribution to research.
Sridhar KN
Sridhar KN
– We had a good experience for submission to journal of stem cells and regenerative biology. We are really amazed with the rapid response, review and publication of manuscripts.
Nouman Alvi
Nouman Alvi
– Pleased to be working alongside Ommega. Pleasantly surprised with swift and prompt communications amongst other things.
Andreas Volk
Andreas Volk
– We had a very good experience with submitting our case Report.